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;;Butterfly's experience ( All 0 )

;;Butterfly's answer ( All 4 )

about eat food
hotdogs, KETCHUP, sriracha*not hot sauce, I love hot sauce, but just sriracha* (some sushi, just some), strawberry syrup, sausages. Im not super picky and love trying new things but just those things....sorry but imma barf on u   reply
19 05,2021
I tried, I made the hair close to mine (except the white ;-; I wish I had that) A person who lives among the stars and grants peoples wishes when they see the shooting star. man I can tell a whole story   reply
30 04,2021
;-; this was literally 1 year ago... I used to minimize my (incognito tabs) when I left my room because no one would touch my laptop, it had school stuff open. But my mom decided to look and saw 2 looking tabs on the taskbar and clicked it......she found me watching a edit for a Thai BL that I watched and it was the kissing scene. Plus she found my......   1 reply
19 04,2021
I can see a story coming out of this.... '-'   reply
19 04,2021

;;Butterfly's question ( All 1 )

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20 01,2021

People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

i love my girlfeidn

2 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

havent been together for over a year yet still see each other regularly. This shi not for the weak

3 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

currently in one, its been 5-6 months, I dont think honeymoon phases exist bc this girl makes me feel like this all the time

17 hours