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I can’t believe this series is 4 years old… been here since it started ☠

✿ Childe simp ✿ created a topic of Gokurakugai

IM GONN cry I love this series I def recommend getting the physical copy of it

✿ Childe simp ✿ created a topic of Hot and Cold

I would take the 60 months of payment any day

if anyone has the novel link I’ll appreciate it very much

Yk I’m kinda happy saiki didn’t get paired up with anyone I feel like it would’ve kinda ruined the series tbh plus war ships

✿ Childe simp ✿ created a topic of PASSION

Bro the Raws nah Tay is getting his ass fucked like to tomorrow

✿ Childe simp ✿ answered question about valentines day
I did but ain’t even like the girl ☠️ She always vented and tI felt bad so I said yeah but lord she was such a bitch and gaslighther she always made herself the victim but I felt bad for her ass so I did some charity work.
✿ Childe simp ✿ followed a goer

Breathing eating,reading and sleeping
I'm not a picky reader, but I am a massive fan of isekai. Like I sacrifice all my free time to isekai and manhwa. I like most genres and will read it if I find it good or bad because that's the way I entertain myself. Oh also im reading and already read are the same list for me. I put things that 100% are done or i really love in the already read. Im reading is just eveything else. So yes i read a lot. The reading list is theonesi deem ok and already read are the ones i really love or are just super unique

01 02,2024

Gonna crawl inside the authors body and actually give Minho a good ending where he actually becomes free he deserves way better. And translator ate with those notes the people bitching about it just can’t seem to understand we shouldn’t glorify and accept rape even in fictional stories! So yeah people can be upset and state their opinion and feelings on it.

I can’t believe I was reading this in public IN 7TH GRADE… back in 2020

✿ Childe simp ✿ created a topic of My Suha


✿ Childe simp ✿ asked a question

What’s with some people justifying rape as a way of punishment in BL. No matter how of an ass the ex was rape is never a way to punish them, why not maybe make them go to jail? Why rape! “But he was a stalker” make him face actual consequences like getting arrested getting a restraining order from the male lead. Why rape, how is rape even going to make them learn from their terrible acts?