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Reread the whole manga after this volume dropped (5/2/2024) and noticed everything truly does connect/expand from what happens in Chapter 1 alone. This mangaka knows how to write a story, I love it.

You know what’s going to happen, it’s implied from the beginning but the journey to the end is so intriguing. I like all of the “main cast” characters, their thoughts, emotions, personality and how they interact with each other because of who they are is such a wonderful mix of people to follow for a story. They aren’t perfect people and that’s completely fine, if anything it makes it more real. I highly recommend anyone thinking about reading this supernatural & psychological shoujo manga to give it a try!

Moowy asked a question

Hey guys, I just recently read a lot of “ How do We Relationship” aka Tsukiatte Agetemo Ii kana on this website and I loved it a lot. Now I have a craving for realistic/mature manga about queer people being in a relationship. This can be two guys, two girls, a non binary person and a boy/girl, or etc., just anything that deviates from the “normal” cishet relationship. Other series I’ve read that fall under this description would be
> My Broken Mariko
> Kakeochi Girl / Run away with Me, Girl

There’s a few queer autobiography manga I’ve read and enoughed but I would prefer manga that’s completely fictional but realistic in the way characters act

Damn I feel like I should have waited more chapters to be uploaded before reading this cuz the cliffhanger is too goodddddd

I wanna see everyone’s reactions