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loveia created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

yall manhwa readers gonna be mad disappointed next chapter lolol

loveia created a topic of How Far Are You Okay With?


loveia created a topic of Sketch


loveia created a topic of The best luck of my life

can someone remind me what the rumors were?? im too lazy to search :3

loveia created a topic of Obsidian Bride

pink diamond is literally the it girl of this manhwa holy shit everything is ab her

loveia created a topic of Killer Peter

they’re both fine asf holy hell pls one chance pls

loveia created a topic of Fxxking My Ex's New Lover

lolol their faces in these panels

they really are the most ordinary couple lol i wouldnt be shocked if this was a true story

loveia created a topic of Can You Operate on love?

this is a clear example of why communication is key in a relationship

loveia created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

atleast cirrus immediately apologized for what he did and talked about his feelings and anxiety

loveia created a topic of Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun

omg this wonky timeline is messing w my brain

loveia created a topic of Killer Peter

their faces are covered yet they look fine asf??? im curious as to what the one with glasses looks like & their leader

loveia created a topic of Revelation Of Youth

let me beat up that fugly kid whos hurting yohan

yohans face at the last panel omg

loveia created a topic of Here U Are

wow i must be stupid how did i only now findout the Lin Xiang that YuYang had a crush on was from “Guang Xiang” i’m only now making that connection after rereading lol

loveia created a topic of Foul's Start

lol imagine this ends up similar to tale of the yellow dragon

loveia created a topic of Please Draw me, Love!

how the fuck is that the ending?

loveia created a topic of Genius Archer’s Streaming

i love their friendship omgg

loveia created a topic of Codename Anastasia

immediately no. thank u next!

read spoilers and i’m disgusted lmao, poor mc i would’ve just kms if i was him..

does anyone know what novel chapter orv is at rn?