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gasping November 6, 2020 12:44 pm

im 18 this year and having exams which determine my university life in my country and i just freaking messed up my math but im so numbed bc i alr had 5 papers back to back the whole week

and im losing motivation to study for the rest.. i just need this to be over asap.. like i can't even cry bc im so numb and desensitised ~ anyways thanks for reading have a nice day/night im sure ill find a way to get over this soon

    kitsune November 6, 2020 12:49 pm

    Relax dear..... Just forget it and study for the other subjects..... (♡˙︶˙♡)if you want to cry then cry.. You'll feel better

    loveuoc November 6, 2020 12:59 pm

    Hey. I completely understand that feeling but now u must focus on the rest of subjects. U have spent years of study. U shouldn't let one paper let u down. Please don't worry much about the maths paper. Who knows, miracle do happen! So cheer up, stay motivated and also take care of your health, rest when you need to, alright! Good luck!

    manifesting miracles November 7, 2020 4:11 am
    Relax dear..... Just forget it and study for the other subjects..... (♡˙︶˙♡)if you want to cry then cry.. You'll feel better kitsune

    yes thank u!! i feel a lot better now after a good sleep

    manifesting miracles November 7, 2020 4:12 am
    Hey. I completely understand that feeling but now u must focus on the rest of subjects. U have spent years of study. U shouldn't let one paper let u down. Please don't worry much about the maths paper. Who know... loveuoc

    thank you for the kind words!! i'll get it together!

gasping November 5, 2020 12:20 pm

at what age did yall lose your virginity?

gasping November 1, 2020 8:46 am

looking for mangas/manhwas with reverse harem!!! i like the idea of a girl being desired by many people

preferable a strong female lead pls , no more of those boys liking weak girls

gasping November 1, 2020 8:40 am

do these work?

gasping October 28, 2020 8:15 am

would just like to say how i absolutely adore this website? not only it provides me with so much good content but also the the community?? i love seeing strangers helping each other out and giving advice about literally everything else other than mangas THIS IS SO WHOLESOME I LOVE IT stay like this everyone!! ok have fun reading

chickenduckbeijing October 28, 2020 7:22 am

i have huge exams coming up that can determine my future but i suck at studying and hate how half my life is based on grades

    vinnie October 28, 2020 7:34 am

    It gets better, trust me

    starss October 28, 2020 7:35 am

    ah shit this some sad mood relatable stuff

    coco October 28, 2020 7:39 am

    First, best of luck for your exam.. I dont really have any good tips for studying because i dont really like studying too

    Madness October 28, 2020 7:46 am

    I literally stopped caring about my grades. I'm a college student and my career path requires that I have a degree in my major (or related field) and originally I was going to transfer to another school to major in a more specific major that would help me be better prepared for field work.
    What ended up happening was I could never reach the gpa I needed to transfer so I gave up on transfering. Then at a lower gpa I could switch my major to a slightly better major but guess what? Same thing happened.
    At that point I thought "My career already accepts my major why am I trying to change it?" Then I went even further and stopped caring about my grades. As long as I pass the class I will still get my degree and no employers care about your gpa in college so why should I? I made up my mind and said fuck it to stress! (even though I still definitely have stress)
    Welcome to my sad failure of a life in school.
    On the other hand my career is going great. I have a job in my field which is giving me far more experience than school ever would. It took 2 years of persistence to get this job but I got it and I love it.

    Dekopan October 28, 2020 7:56 am

    You've probably heard this a million times but you just need to do it. Get rid of any distractions and just focus on whatever subject it is you need to study for. If you need to take a break every 10 minutes then so be it. You just need to sit down and get through all the material you need to in order to pass your exam. Read whatever textbook you have, write notes, watch youtube videos; as long as you think it will help you learn and get ready. If it's a subject like math or physics then do a ton of practice questions until you 100%understand how to solve a problem. If its something like biology then you should definitelt try pracrice questions too, but textbooks dont really have answer keys for a lot of those questions (at least in my experience). One thing that worked for me was that I'd read the material and then try to reiterate it as if I was answering a question on a test. Basically you just want to be able to repeat what youre trying to learn in your own words. Feel free to message me if you have any questions or want some more tips!

    TLDR; You just need to go for it, studying sucks but you have to just force yourself sometimes. Do a ton of practice questions until youre able to answer them without help/references

    Shortchescak October 28, 2020 8:06 am

    Please study just a little bit. I don't think it's a good idea to go "fuck school" but you also shouldn't stress yourself out. Personally, I have a short attention span towards things I'm not interested in. I'll be very focused for about half an hour but then give up. If you're similar to me, I'd say burn up that short little span of time where you can really be focused, take a break to completely clear your mind of the subject and then repeat. It doesn't work great but it's the best I can give you.

    chickenduckbeijing October 28, 2020 8:09 am

    thank you so much everyone!!! i feel better now knowing there are ppl who feel the same way

    i will take your advice :)

    BeeHive October 28, 2020 8:19 am

    Here how i usally do it if you lack in quality then improve your quantity to made it up meaning start studying long before the exam so even if we sucks at memorizing or calculations we still have many hours to practice and improve. Also with many hours to spare we can try other studying methods since sometimes its not that we are dumb or hopeless we just havent found the best way to study yet that suit us the most.

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