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ensorcelled. created a topic of Half of Me

get you a man who takes charge

I would definitely be as much of an overthinker as he is, like yeah some of these misunderstanding bits are exaggerated but i do think i wouldn't be any better if i was in their situation. I could go on and on about how these characters should just voice out their concern instead of mulling over it on their own but i think i'll be as bad lol but wow i hope we get past this misunderstanding soon

ensorcelled. created a topic of Willow love story

what is with most omegaverse stories gradually exaggerating the size difference between the characters... like yul wasn't that tiny in comparison to reok as far as i remember?? oh well anyhow where is the bby????

ensorcelled. created a topic of Sunshine Shower

we've had quite a few frustrating semes but this one is a different breed like come on are you missing a few screws???

ensorcelled. created a topic of Jinx

seems like the perfect asshat to take down an equally commendable asshat.

but seriously, kim dan deserves a happy ending so much but nothing is going his way at all. atp im here just to witness how authornim will fix all these mess dan is in... they better give him a nice ending

ensorcelled. created a topic of Macguffin

this chapter is so interesting. like it portrayed the complexity of sooha's emotions (mental state) well??? even as a reader im a little confused if they're already making progress with resolving their issues or am i just awaiting another can of worms to explode all over the place. i hope the author doesn't rush it but also dont drag the resolution to uke's internal turmoils

ensorcelled. created a topic of Kouguu no Omega

all this talk about the age gap make it seem like the story wasn't much, but wow thank god i decided to read it instead of worrying over the comments. the story and characters were done so well~ the pacing was okay too, very good 12 chaptered story with a plot that was executed well. i wish there was an extra with them as married couple with babies too but well

ensorcelled. created a topic of Cry Me a River

i hope the author continues to develop mieum's character as someone who is capable of being rational about the revelations that will come. i know there will be some emotional turmoil when things start to unravel but i really need an uke that won't drown amidst all this just so seme can save them. i hope jitae and mieum can work it through together somehow

ensorcelled. created a topic of Profundis

i know what happens with mc and gloves guy wasn't the most wholesome but if my memory serves me right it's probably the least agonizing sex mc ever had with anyone from the guys.... maybe it the emotional turmoil he was going through when they did it but yeah

ensorcelled. created a topic of Perfect Buddy

why can't we all have a baek youngchan of our own???

ensorcelled. created a topic of High Pulse

they're kids so young so dumb so unnecessarily emotional idk why do we have to go through this pls

they're so sillyyyy i wonder how they'll realize they like each other later esp mc havsjgaha

ensorcelled. created a topic of Jinx

most annoying thing about this update is that there isn't any our sunny days update to get rid of this anger in me

ensorcelled. created a topic of Jinx

congratulations jaekyung has reached a new level of low!!!! I HOPE THIS DUMBFUCK LOSE THE MATCH BADDDDDD. HUMILIATED. SUSTAIN AN INJURY. END THE MATCH WITH A K.O. hell idk go down in history as a pathetic fighter idc

ensorcelled. created a topic of Written in the stars

it's so upsetting how they have to go through all this :(((( but i dont get why some ppl reading this don't seem to understand why yoosung acts the way he does? i actually think the story is giving us enough scenes to empathize with him??? he's clearly not happy with his situation and it's obviously not as easy as "step up and leave" because of the typical ~high society~ demands he has to live up to? it's definitely not an easy read but the story isn't terrible??? idk i even find it heartbreaking that his mother has to put up with making yoosung's life miserable when she doesn't seem to want to do that to him, she just doesn't have a choice as well... it's only going to be complicated from here but i dont think the characters are acting out of nowhere, like we're given enough context to go by on why they act like they do????

ensorcelled. created a topic of Believe My Sign

it's good that these two always find a place and time to indulge in sexy time in between their zombie combat journey.

ensorcelled. created a topic of Chiguhagu na Kiss

the cute coupley drawings at the end makes me sickkkkkk they're so cute me when

help us out here and try to be more direct about this whole living situation. idk i know it's good(?) to let lyle act on his own but he's overthinking so much and can't even verbalize any of his concerns which is frustrating but okay baby steps... but ash babe pls just put it out there that yall can live together????

but it's even more crazy that this actually happens in real life. just some randos who get so creepy like this so quickly

ensorcelled. created a topic of Jinx

it's kinda funny how even his softer side is still dickwad-y but oh well baby steps (idk if this counts since he's not even sober) i truly hope dan can get his happy ever after whatever that looks like