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Mai July 8, 2021 8:38 pm

This was the first Villainess story I ever read! Yes, there are way better but this wasn't horrible. In all honesty I think the translations, choppy images, ruined it slightly. The plot was really thought out but I totally think there should've been some changes. But still it's easily one of the best base plots! Just needed some better execution on some parts to make it feel more thorough. And it needed better pacing/realse. The author gave us far too many 'major' plot points and turns so something would be super exciting then super boring which was a bad rollercoaster.

Mai June 3, 2021 12:05 pm

I genuinely used to dislike Jenette but she is a good character. As time goes on I realize she isn't to blame. Yes, if Jenette wasn't as naive then she probably would've been help but honestly she is just 14. The poor girl has been feeling alone her whole life. At least Athy had a relationship with Claude and her maids for a while. Neither of them were in ideal situations but I still believe Jenette isn't to blame. Athy is keeping her in the dark. If Jenette actually knew what was happening then perhaps it would be different. All she wants is a family and love.

    maychan June 3, 2021 8:38 pm

    Jennette has a father that gives her anything she wants, duke, and a brother that was by her side from childhood and takes care of her really good! and she had a lot of money to live with, unlike our MC that suffers discrimination.
    has for her age, she does not act like 14 years old, she acts like 9 years old girl and even then she have no common sense of this age either.

    Mai June 3, 2021 10:41 pm
    Jennette has a father that gives her anything she wants, duke, and a brother that was by her side from childhood and takes care of her really good! and she had a lot of money to live with, unlike our MC that su... maychan

    Have you literally not seen her backstory? She knew that the dukes house wasn't her real family. She knew that the princess and king were her real family. Obviously it seems that the people in the duke house didn't care for Jenette as much as she felt that way. Regardless she just always wanted to be happy with Athy. She even helped Athy when she could've just left her to die by Claude.

    maychan June 4, 2021 12:14 am
    Have you literally not seen her backstory? She knew that the dukes house wasn't her real family. She knew that the princess and king were her real family. Obviously it seems that the people in the duke house di... Mai

    so what if she knows? blood does not make you family, again common sense really. even people that have zero blood relation can still be your family if you see them that way. I doubt they didn't care, especially the bro - it shows many times that he did care for her, took care of her, and was there for her.
    but nooo he is not family cause...blood. okay whatever.
    the problem with her character is not the fact she wants family or not, the problem is that her character is BORING! never change, saying the same thing over and over and over and doing nothing about it will not make her a good character, she mostly very shallow and her backstory is the most shit filler I saw. she feel like a filler, think dumb like 9 years logic filler. her way her thinking work is not like 14 years at all, not only about family but about common stuff! she so dumb in the most unnormal way and give nothing to the plot other then :
    whine, be a filler, give filler chapters, be a pain in the ass.
    I ask you what did she give to the plot other than bring fillers chapters? or being the side kick friend that is just there and useless.
    that is a big problem with her character.
    when did she ever help Athy? Athy never really needed her help in the first place actually. and from what I remember, when she know Athy and her father have a fight and Athy suffering she was busy showing off how much fun she had with Athy father! yeas that what a good friend do, making her friend feel worse! so she is not even a good friend either ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Mai June 5, 2021 2:06 am
    so what if she knows? blood does not make you family, again common sense really. even people that have zero blood relation can still be your family if you see them that way. I doubt they didn't care, especially... maychan

    Have you not seen how manipulative the Duke is?? He literally just uses her as a tool to get into the imperial family. He doesn't love her whatsoever. He couldn't care less about her actually. All he ever did was give her a life of luxury. If you believe that money buys happiness then you're extremely mistaken. Athy grew up with money and she isn't happy? So Jenette has to be? That's double standards. Jenette believed that she would grow up and marry Isekial. And guess what? He falls in love with Athy. Literally left her to dust. She didn't resent Athy at all. She could've schemed against Athy with the duke but no, she always stayed by her side and tried to make Athy happy. So she is Shallow for never resenting Athy? Never hating her despite craving to be in her place?? She genuinely just wanted to get loved truly by them. She was so happy to spend time with them together and she always thought of Athy as a sister who she genuinely cared about. You can't blame her for being repetitive when she was always in the dark. She's been nothing but manipulated left and right by the duke family and then got abandoned by the man she loved. Athy never told Jenette anything. She doesn't know. All she knows is that something bad is happening. Please inform me of what she can do. Ask her father? No, she knows he is using her. Asking Athy? No, she won't tell her anything. Digging around? No, she literally has no access to do that. She is in a position where she can't sneak around because it'll only get her in trouble. Why can't they both be happy?? Just because Jenette is immature? Tell me how well you'd handle everything in her position. Yeah, she probably shouldn't of bragged about meeting Claude but she was so happy because she believed to be finally reunited with her real family. She just wants to be happy with them. All the things Jenette has done were absolutely none of her fault. She had no idea she was doing those things. How could she? Athy always covered up the truth. Look at things from Jenettes perspective instead of staying hooked up on Athys. They both deserve happiness. Being immature doesn't mean she is any less deserving of a happy ending. She really just wants to be friends with Athy. Jenette isn't trying to steal Athys position whatsoever.

    maychan June 5, 2021 9:39 am
    Have you not seen how manipulative the Duke is?? He literally just uses her as a tool to get into the imperial family. He doesn't love her whatsoever. He couldn't care less about her actually. All he ever did w... Mai

    okay you just bs all over the place so I put in points:
    1. say what you want, but Isekial did care for her like a sister! but noooo he isn't family, he is air! okay smartass XD and so what if he did in love with Athy? he never saw her in romantic light from the first place, but as a sister! has for money, dude are you for real?!! since when Athy EVER HAD money?!! are you dumb or what? did you forgot Athy was an abandoned princess?!! by the way, not everyone will end the way you want to in life! Isekial does not have to do what she wants or fall in love with her cause she wanted too, sometimes people will not see you the way you want them too, it's not the end of the world! stop acting like a brat!
    2." She could've schemed against Athy with the duke but no" - no buddy, she is not smart enough for that or have enough personality.
    3. " tried to make Athy happy" - how did she try? what action she ever did to do that other then be a filler character? I ask you for real, what ACTION did she ever did for her other then to try to steal her dad or only think about herself only? if she really cared she would have shut up in those moments Athy and her dad had a fight, but nope she does not care at all.
    4. she is not "only" Shallow, she is empty from personality! and that is the problem! don't expect me to care for a character with zero personality. what her personality again: being naive, being dumb, being nice - that's it! that all her "personality" sorry this could not be called personality. go look for how to build a character's personality.
    5. "hating her despite craving to be in her place" again she does not hate anyone cause she has zero personality. she gives NOTHING and yeas at least hating her shows her that she is human, but nope. even that she does not have. to not hate someone does not make you good, if just make you boring.
    6. manipulated MY ASS! she is too dumb to even get anything around her, like I said she even worse than the logic of a 9 years old child. and even a child has more common sense and logic then her! don't act like she could never know anything or get when people use her, she can but she too dumb and naive in such a dumb way for that. and by that she hurting Athy and everyone!
    and by the way, Athy does not have to tell her State secrets, in particular, not about her father's situation which is supposed to remain secret!!! it's fucking dumb to even expect Athy to do this shit just to stay "friend" with this bitch that does not give a damn about her at all. Athy actually told everything almost apart from her father situation so don't like Athy did something wrong! who is she to demand to know EVERYTHING about the kingdom?!!! a real friend will trust her and not force her to talk about things she can't talk about! but again she isn't a real friend to Athy anyway sooo.. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    7. what she can do: first of all don't trust strangers that give candy - the guy at their house. yeas it's not that hard and don't talk to creepy people. she can look for a job, learn new skills or things she can work, learn what her hobbies is, buy a business when she has enough money, MOVE OUT, THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS SHE CAN DO YET SHE JUST SIT AND DO NOTHING! letting the Duke do all the work and follow all his orders like a dumb doll she is.
    8. probably shouldn't of bragged about meeting Claude - geez you think? and don't try to make excuses for her!! it annoying! I know you try your best to justify her and her useless existence in this story, but it does not work here. again cause she do more harm and no god for anyone.
    8. "She just wants to be happy with them," I ask you again WHAT DOES SHE DO TO BE HAPPY? other then to sit all day and trust creepy people that if she had any logic, would know they are bad from a first glance. even a doll have more personality than her, again why should I care if she happy or not?? she only follows what people order her to do, and no most 14 years old do not do that!

    Mai June 6, 2021 8:00 pm
    okay you just bs all over the place so I put in points:1. say what you want, but Isekial did care for her like a sister! but noooo he isn't family, he is air! okay smartass XD and so what if he did in love with... maychan

    Mai June 6, 2021 8:21 pm
    okay you just bs all over the place so I put in points:1. say what you want, but Isekial did care for her like a sister! but noooo he isn't family, he is air! okay smartass XD and so what if he did in love with... maychan

    Did you receive my response?? For me I didn't send it but hopefully you got it cause I spent like an hour on it and I refuse to retype that.

    maychan June 6, 2021 8:57 pm
    Did you receive my response?? For me I didn't send it but hopefully you got it cause I spent like an hour on it and I refuse to retype that. Mai

    no 0-0 your response is empty so I guess you didn't have anything to say

    Mai June 6, 2021 9:08 pm
    no 0-0 your response is empty so I guess you didn't have anything to say maychan

    Fuck that. I literally typed up like for a whole hour and that shit didn't send. LMAOO I'm so mad.

    abistarcrafter June 6, 2021 9:29 pm
    Fuck that. I literally typed up like for a whole hour and that shit didn't send. LMAOO I'm so mad. Mai

    god damn, this whole argument was fucking entertaining. I'm on maychan's side, but I applaud you for the effort mrs.mai! I don't want to get myself into trouble so imma leave, bye y'all! (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Mai June 6, 2021 9:36 pm
    god damn, this whole argument was fucking entertaining. I'm on maychan's side, but I applaud you for the effort mrs.mai! I don't want to get myself into trouble so imma leave, bye y'all! (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 abistarcrafter

    I'm gonna retype it. Give me like 3 more hours. Lmfaooo

    Mars June 7, 2021 5:31 pm
    I'm gonna retype it. Give me like 3 more hours. Lmfaooo Mai

    lolol I’m on your (Mai) side but honestly I don’t think you can change their mind. Once their mind are made up on hating Jeanette, they will keep on hating and coming up with every excuse they have to keep on hating. You’ll just be spending your time talking to a freaking wall. Good luck.

    Mai June 8, 2021 1:35 am
    lolol I’m on your (Mai) side but honestly I don’t think you can change their mind. Once their mind are made up on hating Jeanette, they will keep on hating and coming up with every excuse they have to keep ... Mars

    Ahh thank you! I still wanna try though. I believe my next argument will be super good. I just gotta get my remotiveation to type it. Last time I spent an hour on it then it got deleted so I'm not too thrilled about it.

Mai June 2, 2021 9:38 am

She is gonna save his majesty and go back with her awesome magic! Ahaha

Mai June 1, 2021 12:51 am

Honestly this annoys me so much. The side characters are really rubbing me the wrong way. The whole family is trash. Honestly it's so extreme. The treatment seems far too extreme just so we pity the main character. It's really obvious they made the characters so stupid and rude just to make FL shine more. And FL is genuinely really rude. I get the whole wanting to discipline people or putting them in their place but right now it's really overboard and aggressive. I sorta understand her motives though.

    Simp June 1, 2021 3:30 am

    Shes just super tired of reliving the same life for like the 8th time(idk) You would be too if it kept happening no matter how much you change. Shes jot diciplining them, shes more like getting rid of any further nuisance.

    Mai June 1, 2021 3:43 am
    Shes just super tired of reliving the same life for like the 8th time(idk) You would be too if it kept happening no matter how much you change. Shes jot diciplining them, shes more like getting rid of any furth... Simp

    Yeah I get that but again, I've read plenty manwhas where fls have reincarnated or time traveled and none of them act like this. The siblings act like trash and have absolutely no sense of any basic mortality. The author didn't give them common sense just so the FL looks extremely wise and sophisticated. If they perhaps made the other characters more appealing or smart I feel like it would bring a more natural light to fl instead of her enemies being super stupid. It's sorta like the Author forces us to side with FL due to the stupidity of the other characters. And the FL herself gets aggressive or edgy over every thing. She is constantly so tense. I understand it's to make the plot seem as realistic as possible but for me it just draws me away from her more and makes the whole story seem so tense and awkward. She is always on edge and ready to snap constantly which isn't enjoyable for me. I could understand the first few chapters but it doesn't seem to be going away and it's unpleasant if Fl is constantly raging or upset. Having a main character in the state of ready to snap isn't fun and she needs to chill out. I thought she said she wouldn't care anymore but there she is getting worked up over everything. She hasn't thought about escaping the family or anything thus far. She is just sitting there not changing her surroundings. I believe changing her surroundings is better than trying to change every single bad person around you.

    Simp June 1, 2021 4:39 am
    Yeah I get that but again, I've read plenty manwhas where fls have reincarnated or time traveled and none of them act like this. The siblings act like trash and have absolutely no sense of any basic mortality. ... Mai

    Are we reading the same thing-
    To me the main character is practically dead inside, like nothing seems to affect her anymore. I dont think shes particularly angry, or on the edge of going crazy. More like going eoth the flow of her decisive decisions. She obv has a plan yk
    And she already tried escaping her family, all of her lives are her trying to get rid of them one way or another. And this time around, she just decided to get rid of them by taking away the title.

    Mai June 1, 2021 6:10 am
    Are we reading the same thing-To me the main character is practically dead inside, like nothing seems to affect her anymore. I dont think shes particularly angry, or on the edge of going crazy. More like going ... Simp

    For me it just feels as if she is sick of them. Regardless though I still stand by my opinion and I don't like the story.

    pinkdrink June 1, 2021 7:39 am
    Yeah I get that but again, I've read plenty manwhas where fls have reincarnated or time traveled and none of them act like this. The siblings act like trash and have absolutely no sense of any basic mortality. ... Mai

    Most manhwa's with abusive family's use the route of forgiveness or redemption so it's not surprising this isn't what you're used to. It's not just about acting like trash. These people murdered her, abused her, and neglected her OVER AND OVER. They never considered her feelings but that's just the cherry on the iceberg (yes i said that on purpose leave me be). In her first life her brother pushed her down the stairs and didn't reach out to help. In her second life, she trusted christian and it led to her demise. In her 3rd and 4th life, her father experimented on her (to transfer her powers to her brother) using Margot's blood. The pain became so unbearable that she killed herself. In her 5th life, Axion (ML) saved her but she died bc of some schemes from the Berzet's elders. idk how she died in her 6th so i'm skipping that. In her 7th life she snapped and killed the Innodeans and then killed herself (whilst smiling). She had been so focused on getting revenge that once she got didn't feel that great. It did at first but that feeling quickly faded. She's not trying to change her surrounding. She's not trying to escape her family..i mean why would she. Leaving them without any money or anything isn't going to get her anywhere. She has no money, no friends, and if she leaves she also has no status. What's leaving going to do for her? nothing. She's trying to find a way to die (rn) bc she doesn't want to continue living in this endless loop. Running away isn't going to solve her problems...she's tried that and it didn't work out for her (aka her second and fifth life). It's not that these characters lack common sense bc it's apparent that they have it...but they hate the FL. The step sister isn't dumb nor does she lack common sense. She begins to suck up to the FL as soon as she realizes that the power dynamics have changed. She knew exactly what she was doing before whenever she caused the FL problems. The father hates her bc he blames her for the death of his first wife. That's why he doesn't want anything good for her. The brother harbors the same feelings towards the FL that the father has. It's not that they lack common sense but rather that they're filled with hatred. I've said this before but the reason that the author isn't trying to make them more appealing is bc this story does not focus on forgiveness. Death is the only ending for the villainess is a perfect example. Penelope has an abusive family who murdered her multiple times...but they're made out to be more appealing as the story progresses (with Derrick being the exception). That's because it ended with Penelope forgiving them. It wouldn't make sense to have her forgive shitty people so they were made more appealing. "The way to protect the female lead's older brother" is another example (same author). That manhwa doesn't focus on forgiveness). Roxanne exacts her revenge on her family for what they did to her little brother. However the characters who stood by her side (such as Jeremy) were not included in the revenge. The point is that this isn't the author using them to make the FL's just bc of the direction the story is headed. She's not being aggressive or edgy but she's just numb. This is someone who has killed themselves multiple times and been killed multiple times. She feels numb to everything bc her last life caused her to snap. The way she's acting is 100% normal. It's not "edgy" at all. She's in genuine pain. In this chapter she didn't hesitate to harm herself. She has no sense of self preservation. This isn't "edginess"....this is someone who has been in pain to the point that they feel numb. It's not "fun" bc the main character is someone who is mentally unstable. You can't "chill out" if you're mentally unstable...and let's be real...who wouldn't be unstable if they'd gone through what she has. Mental illness doesn't just go away that quickly. It's fine if you don't like MC's who are mentally unstable but don't blame the author's writing or say that it should go away bc it's "not fun" or they need to "chill out".

    Mai June 1, 2021 8:42 am
    Most manhwa's with abusive family's use the route of forgiveness or redemption so it's not surprising this isn't what you're used to. It's not just about acting like trash. These people murdered her, abused her... pinkdrink

    Thanks for the explanation. I was unaware of a lot of those things because I was only about 8 chapters in. I appreciate it. Regardless this story really isn't for me.

    somnia June 1, 2021 9:20 am
    Yeah I get that but again, I've read plenty manwhas where fls have reincarnated or time traveled and none of them act like this. The siblings act like trash and have absolutely no sense of any basic mortality. ... Mai

    Honestly, I kinda get your point. I also think the author made her family a bit too dumb. They feel like the equivalent of the Dursely family lmao. These guys made her stay in this enviroment for 7 or so lives, making her hope again and again that they'll grow to love her, so they should at least be portrayed to be a bit more calculative and manipulative. Right now they don't even feel like a threat and I'm kinda annoyed waiting for them to jump out of a corner to stab mc in the back somehow- and of course fail at it.
    Gotta say though, we haven't had an insight on all of her past lives yet, who knows what she lived through and what made her into what she is now? Maybe she already tried to run away from it all? If that was the case it's highly likely that she was hunted down by whoever- because in the end she still has these coveted powers- to either be killed or brought back home for whatever purposes.
    And I can't even begin to imagine how I'd turn out after living and dying over and over again. Her being so on-edge and uncaring for her own well-being is pretty reasonable imo. I think of it as the result of the trauma that comes along with being constantly betrayed, hurt and killed by people she trusted. But anyhow, I feel like her attitude will lighten up more in the future.

    Mai June 1, 2021 9:40 am
    Honestly, I kinda get your point. I also think the author made her family a bit too dumb. They feel like the equivalent of the Dursely family lmao. These guys made her stay in this enviroment for 7 or so lives,... somnia

    See this is what I mean! Her family is supposed to the source of all this trauma and pain for her but they all seem incredibly stupid. The sister seems like a whiny little baby who cries about everything and seeks protection from her father and brother. The brother seems like a bastard who doesn't do much good either. The father just seems plain abusive. None of them have any real depth so it's a mystery how our apparently "wise" fl never realized things sooner. And I'm positive you don't just realize and change completely overnight.

    somnia June 1, 2021 12:30 pm
    See this is what I mean! Her family is supposed to the source of all this trauma and pain for her but they all seem incredibly stupid. The sister seems like a whiny little baby who cries about everything and se... Mai

    To give you the benefit of the doubt again- she ain't wise at all. Homegirl used to be a naive and abused little girl, who was starved for affection. And she didn't get all stoic and extreme out of nowhere, she just reached her breaking point- remember the whole spiel about her literally going on a rampage in her last life? Her current personality is what was left after she, you could say, vented out her despair. She gives up on giving a fuck about her family and just wants to find a way to stop the time shananigans. I also have my doubts about how she held out being yeeted off and exploited over 7 times, but we don't even have any info on how most of her reruns played out.
    But yea, the way the story is set up there's just no way mc wouldn't be op and lowkey edgy at this point, that takes away from the enjoyment for some people. If you're not into power fantasy you're not gonna get much out of this, at least for the foreseeable future.

    Cora June 1, 2021 2:59 pm
    Yeah I get that but again, I've read plenty manwhas where fls have reincarnated or time traveled and none of them act like this. The siblings act like trash and have absolutely no sense of any basic mortality. ... Mai

    didnt she reveal that the reason she's investigating and walking around doing her own thing in this time line is because she wants to permanently find a way to die?

    pinkdrink June 1, 2021 3:10 pm
    didnt she reveal that the reason she's investigating and walking around doing her own thing in this time line is because she wants to permanently find a way to die? Cora

    yep she did.

Mai May 31, 2021 6:50 pm

I haven't read much but this already seems like a huge drag. The art is pretty I guess but the story is extremely stereotypical. I noticed that pretty much the side characters only existence is to make the female lead and male lead look good. They genuinely don't do anything else. And the female lead acts really dumb.

Mai May 31, 2021 10:40 am

I LOVE THIS. Who's the Ml?!

    Hotdads May 31, 2021 9:06 pm

    i feel like theres no ml

Mai May 31, 2021 8:28 am

Someone please correct me.

Chloe basically asked the Mage guy to give her the ability to transform into a man?? Or like some god and they gave her that power but it was only because Chloe wanted to be a man for Blair and prayed for it every night? And Chloe basically can only use her power for a short amout of time or she gets extremely sick? And in the original novel Chloe never became a man?? Or?? I feel like I'm missing something. Someone please explain.

    Dion's wife May 31, 2021 8:35 am

    Chloe is a man. But he use some magic to make his growth stop to looks like a girl. The family already have son(s) so if Chloe appear as a man, he will be harmed because of succession fight. In the og novel, Chloe doesn't have any reasons to change into a man again because when he's a girl no one can really harm him. But rn because of Blair, he changed into a man to impress her and because he loves her.

    Correct me if I'm wrong and sorry if its hard to understand

    Mai May 31, 2021 8:53 am
    Chloe is a man. But he use some magic to make his growth stop to looks like a girl. The family already have son(s) so if Chloe appear as a man, he will be harmed because of succession fight. In the og novel, Ch... Dion's wife

    Thank you!! I totally understand. :D Also stan Dion.

Mai May 31, 2021 8:15 am

Dude, I literally don't cry. I have NEVER cried while reading a manwha. But when Blair got kicked out I literally started sobbing.

Mai May 30, 2021 9:08 pm

I hate only everyone seeing how hot the characters are. Roxanne is SUCH an amazing mc. She isn't your typical Villainess. She is literally ready to do everything and harm anyone for what she wants. She isn't like the other FL's that are "Oh I'm a Villainess on the outside but I'm actually soft and sweet!" She is willing to do whatever she must for her own goals and I love that about her. She doesn't try to act like she is all pure and innocent either. She really embraces her Villainess self.

    pixachu~ May 31, 2021 12:17 pm

    Before read this, i've read something like "He's villain!" but I DON'T SEE anything evil from the character.

    He's just the second-lead who being rejected, i wonder who's the one is stupid. "The-original-author." or The real author xD

    Then here, i read this, i really feel like reading the Villainess's pov. This author also really good how to draw and make this dark and deeper, matching well with the story.

    Mai May 31, 2021 6:52 pm
    Before read this, i've read something like "He's villain!" but I DON'T SEE anything evil from the character.He's just the second-lead who being rejected, i wonder who's the one is stupid. "The-original-author."... pixachu~

    Alright! It's called "He's Villain!"

    WeebNum1 June 1, 2021 2:15 am

    Just like Melissa from "Beware of the Villainess" (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Merie June 1, 2021 5:50 am

    Is the spoiler about the story in the future or the story so far??

    Mai June 1, 2021 6:09 am
    Is the spoiler about the story in the future or the story so far?? Merie

    This is about what's currently happening.

    Merie June 1, 2021 6:41 am
    This is about what's currently happening. Mai

    Thank you! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Mai May 30, 2021 7:07 am

Dude, I was SO excited for this. But honestly this is really iffy. The thing is.. he literally acts like a dog. I don't mind shy boys or the tough ones but this ML is far too extreme on both ends and it just feels weird. Especially on the whole acting like a dog. I don't see how she falls for him while he acts like a literal dog.

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