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Toni November 2, 2023 1:26 pm

Re reading, but still feels like the first time hahaha, love this manga.

Toni October 7, 2023 4:32 am

This got me irked; a woman who judged a person without hearing them out is totally not the right person for you! Moreover, who are they to say to just change his way of life when they know nothing of it, They have forgotten how nice and protective he is with them.

Toni September 17, 2023 3:39 am

Where are the chapters?

Toni September 17, 2023 3:13 am

Raws anyone?

Toni September 4, 2023 8:28 am

re reading, ah that poignant feeling!

Toni September 4, 2023 8:01 am


Toni July 29, 2023 1:19 pm

She’s an excellent knight but a terrible mother.

    B00 July 30, 2023 7:27 am

    RIGHT like she doesn't even care for him?! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    plinky25 August 5, 2023 10:39 am

    That is true and disappointing but it shouldn’t be expected for every woman to be a good mother. She didn’t plan or wish to be one, it just ended up happening. It also makes sense how she’s not motherly due to the fact that she was never raised with familial love.

Toni July 25, 2023 9:32 am

This is the best chapter so far, grinning ear to ear hahaha

Toni July 14, 2021 3:54 am

I wonder when did the Grand Duke first laid eyes on the MC, he seems to know him prior to the incident.

Toni June 26, 2021 1:41 pm

I should have not read the 2nd story.

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