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Kastev July 23, 2021 7:55 pm

omg when they removed that floorboard to find the dead mommy cat and its kittens I felt such a huge pang in my heart. I wasn't expecting a light-hearted harem manga to actually make my heart hurt.

It hits close to home as I've been taking care of several stray cats & kittens from my neighborhood who have likely been abused. 2 of them are very friendly, but the other 4 of them are so scared of human contact that they run if you get within 30 feet of them. And we also have 5 raccoons and 2 skunks that live in the area and will tear our deck up at night if you forget to bring the cat food in.

Kastev February 23, 2021 7:46 pm

I'm assuming that this is taking place in East Germany as the entire manga revolves around the upper 1% while you can see how communism has affected the lower classes, as despite having fake country names, this is quite obviously meant to resemble the Cold War that our own world suffered through for almost 50 years and I very much appreciate the actual realistic approach this manga takes with how the West and East acted. The Cold War was full of espionage and covert actions as any large scale noticeable actions would cause WW3 so since this manga revolves around spies, there are an infinite number of ways this can go.

I'm very interested to see where the author is going to take this as he's obviously done a good job so far of not taking sides on which ideology is right or wrong, though I'm worried as to how dark this can potentially get with how Yuri has been brainwashed into embracing that SS mentality of suppressing people who disagree with the government and how this will eventually interact with Lloyd and Yor.

    Hattiert February 26, 2021 4:48 pm

    I was so happy to see your post. I agree 100%. This chapter especially hurt because of the suppression, arrest and conviction of free speech. It makes me kinda sick. This man did stage something. It makes him look like the bad guy. However, what he staged actually happens. What his family is going through is horrific government run BS. It’s a start, but SSS guy seems to be opening his eyes to government oppression.

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