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Layla's feed

I've like read some parts of the novel, so my opinions may completely differ from everyone else.

I'm a woman myself but I find it extremely hard to sympathise with the female mc in many of the cases.

In the previous life they had, the ml was a typical non-communicative type. You know, the beautiful, the silent & the angry type. Our female mc knew this fully. She was the one who became obssessed with him & jumped into a marriage with him, when he proposed.

What was she expecting? For him to suddenly change(⊙…⊙ ) She willingly volunteered to be his guide & his wife. No she's not a minor. She was a fully consenting adult. But he wasn't showing emotions as she expected or affections like she expected, she shouted "foul!" ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Wth! The ml was very obviously a broken person with so many personality problems & if she truly loved him, she should've communicated better or handled things better. Or just avoided the fuck out of this psychotic ml. But she had romantic airy dreams!

She could've divorced the ml anytime! She stays! And then, blames him for staying. She eventually dies while guiding him, he had lost control during of the dungeon raids. When he finally comes back to consciousness, he notices his wife melted & burned to death in his arms. His grief consumes him, his power goes out of control again & eventually burns him. And this is how they die, in flames!

And the funny thing is, he never asked her to sacrifice herself. She did it all on her own! And she blames him after she reincarnated for dying for him. She was even told to stay back by other hunters as her husband was burning himself to death in their previous life. She stubbornly refused & went to him. You can't blame someone else for how much you love them!

This manga is basically about a petulant, self-righteous reincarnation of the mc, where she pretends to be a young teenage girl. It is just so repugnant & repulsive to me #-.-). The whole manga is literally about that!

And no I'm not supporting the ml. Anyone reading this manga can tell he's a bit broken. Broken things are broken for a reason. He's a bit psychotic even. Obsessive also. And for some reason, our female mc blamed everything on this ml. Like it doesn't take 2 to tango? She's oblivious as fuck & takes no blame for their marriage. I hate her so much because of this. I have seen some of my family members getting divorced & I've also witnessed both sides blaming the other side fully. Its disgusting! Marriage always fails because both parties failed! Not one!

Her pretense doesn't end here. This will go on for some time. He will keep trying to find his wife. And she will keep pretending to be a young teenage Noble girl (⊙…⊙ )

At this point, I just wanted a beautiful & strong guide to come save this stupid ml. Broken people like him, once they're in with someone, they never come out. That's not the case for emotionally well-adjusted ppl. like our mc. There will be many male espers vying for the attention of our female mc just fyi #-.-)

The whole manga is just about a woman teaching a lesson to a man for not giving her the attention she wanted.

And I say this, because there will be many stories which will emerge later on, where they had shared so much intimacies & moments in their previous life, but the female mc will be oblivious to all of them. You will not find a more desperate ml clinging to the female mc in both lives. I just feel sorry for the ml.
