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Layla's feed

Clichéd, unoriginal shit show! The mc is pathetic wannabe solo levelling type and the plot is even worse.

His power is so on your face "borrowed"! And he doesn't even use his power cleverly. Every fight is just painful for the reader!

And this guy is actually 35, since he reincarnated! The author actually put in a scene where the mc kisses a minor girl supposedly for paralyzing her! (⊙…⊙ ) what a cheap ass tactic for the author's to showcase his preference for underage girls! And this old man mc pretends he's an actual teenager! He is too told even for the guildmaster of the Nightwalkers!

And again another Japanese villain for a Korean manhwa! No surprise! But srsly, this plotline is getting absolutely overused

Bullshit manga!