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AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Profundis

And this is why I said I didn't trust him ....they all suck man (/TДT)/

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Neck and Neck

He does...a twin in fact lol. Why do I get the feeling we will end up with a "I saw him with another guy" but it was really the twin moment.

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Dreadful Night

Is the killer gonna show up cause they fucking? You know the textbook horror shit

Is seriously always finding a way to intrude on what sato is always.

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Broke the god damn bead frame. I'm curious how sane sane he is right now since his condition was so bad. Like when this is over is he gonna get mad at him? Cause I hope he doesn't but I'm worried.

I'm dropping this one for now. I'm just over the pass shit, but since the story is still running I can't just rush through it I'm going chapter by chapter lol. So let's put this one on hold for a bit then I can just speed read through this part in the future, cause by this point we're spending more time building up the relationship between him and his past boyfriend and not the current one he's gonna end up with. Like I know he's supposed to be a reincarnation, but he doesn't remember and they have different experiences so they aren't the same person so all the focus on this last relationship makes no sense to me. So see you in the future.

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Jesus yeah let's skip the conversation cause it's not like a talk is in order or anything. After this dumb shit is over Ho-in better crawl on his hands and knees and beg his friend for forgiveness tho I 10000% don't think he deserves to be forgiven. ( ̄へ ̄)since the only thing this motherfucker knows how to do is think with his dick.

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Yona and Chang-il

No it's not that he's turning you down cause he thinks your dirty bby ╥﹏╥ ur traumatized for one thing and he doesn't need favors to take care of you cause he loves you. Just let him treat you right cause God knows you need it after all the shit you went through.



AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Jinx

To do a job but when you mention I need a break I don't listen anyway so what's the point?????? That's the part I'm most pissed about??? Like he's a piece of shit I'm not expecting him to change until he hits rock bottom like his shoulder finally giving out cause that seems to be where this is heading (he's definitely gonna blame Dan for it) and once he's not in the spotlight anymore maybe he will change. BUT HE KEEPS TELLING YOU YOU NEED A BREAK YOU NEED TO REST YOURE GONNA FUCK UP YOUR SHOULDER AND YOU DON'T LISTEN SO WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHUT UP AND DO YOUR JOB YOU WONT LET HIM!!!!! Like I don't even care about the attitude Dan expecting him to change is stupid I'm not shocked by the out burts he's never greatful for anything this is nothing new. But don't tell someone to keep their head down and do their job when you the patient aren't gonna listen anyway. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Who the hell knows the other girls are non-existent buy this point and they have been living in her house for who knows how long now even though it was only supposed to be for a certain period of time but it feels like it's been years. I've gotten to the point where I'm just scrolling through to see if any progress happens instead of acting reading it. Seems like her judging period is going to last as long as his trial dating period with ruka cause if you remember they are still supposed to be trial dating right? Even though he hasn't seen her in what feels like years now? And then theres mami who what? Likes him again I guess? Cause she has popped up more than ruka lately. And the either one that barely exists that I'm questioning why they even added 4 girls in the first place. This story is going nowhere ( ̄へ ̄)

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ you know the old saying "He who falls first loses" and he was smitten to him when he only knew him as a character in a game. All he did was make the situation more real buy finding him IRL. Lol he's already fucked lol

Between this one and the other one that's complete???

Cause I started first with the anime and now I'm reading ahead....does the mom sign to her daughter? It bothers me so much that she doesn't in the anime so I need to know cause she's always been deaf. ( ̄へ ̄)

Ya-chan is definitely better than Kashima *eye roll* because it's not toxic at all to yell constantly at the one you're supposed to be in love with. Like toono looked sick he tried so freaking hard only to get yelled at for doing his best. Kashima x toono forever man at least he doesn't treat him like he's a problem. ( ̄へ ̄)

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Profundis

But because all the others suck I'm like what's the catch? When is the other show gonna drop? When is it gonna come out that he sucks just as much as the others? Like don't get me wrong I don't want it I hope he's a good guy. But stories like these give me trust issues of every guy that shows up lol I end up protective over the MC and am like "Who the fuck are you?! You gonna hurt him too?" Lol

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Believe My Sign

Is it a act? Or not? Cause yeah he said if he keeps this up he might tell him where the shelter is BUT he calls him cute in his head... Which he doesn't have to hide since no one can read his thoughts? So is it both? And why does it matter if he tells him they are already going to the shelter sooooo..... ( ̄へ ̄)

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Lucky Paradise

HO-IN DONT FUCKING SAY YOU DO CAUSE IF YOU DID WE WOULDN'T BE IN THIS FUCKING MESS IN THE GOD DAMN FIRST PLACE!!!!! AND WHY ONLY THE ANGER AT ONE PERSON!!! Seriously this whole situation makes me so angry you were willing to break your friends god damn neck over this fucking guy that you don't trust in the motherfuckin first place?!? You weren't willing to hear him out when he tried to talk to you but you're all fine and dandy having a calm conversation with the person that put you in this situation in the fucking first place. I hate people like Ho-in he's the type of person that only comes around when they don't have a partner, but the moment they are in a relationship they ghost you. Fuck people like that who make their relationship their entire world. I would end this fucking friendship so God damn fast.

The person in the last panel finds out about her cosplay? Cause I feel like that's where this is going. Awe Gojo it's ok she likes you too. ╥﹏╥

THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH FOR CLEANING THESE UP FOR US!!!!! ╥﹏╥ you don't know how much it's appreciated really!!! <3333