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AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Double Complex

You wanted to be a kept man you'll want for nothing cause he's definitely not letting you leave. ( ̄∇ ̄")

AlicesWh0reH0use asked a question

Apuri de Deatta Kawaii Ko-chan wa Aidoru Deshita it hasn't been touched since 2022. ╥﹏╥ it's so good too

His mom or not she doesn't live in that building so yeah she should move her car

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Like I know what he meant....I know. But I can't help thinking about him running for his life as he mows him down with his car ive been reading to many action manga

Then get upset cause I know it will never be finished (/TДT)/ like trust me I've read plenty of stuff that waaaaay worse than this. This is tame in comparison she should just pick it back up and finish it it's fiiiiiiiine!

But I wish it wasn't multiple pages when I don't have the multiple pages tab clicked it works with mahwas but not so much for normal's like the black and white makes it harder to read? Idk

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Skip Beat

Doing this childish stuff just cause they are working with a different race... Like what the hell is going on? Aren't you guys supposed to be professionals

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Beasts of Desire


His hair would grow back out it looks so much better a little longer (/TДT)/ stop testing us with flashbacks and just give us the real thing cause his current cut looks really bad. ╥﹏╥

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of WindBreaker

Like I don't even care if he's just in highschool fucking kill him (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Profundis

"babe" pet name was so out of place I wish it was left out don't act like they are all of a sudden lovers after all the shit that's gone down. But looks like the main blonde is being pushed as hit #1 out of the 4 of them guess we'll see in the next season.

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of For Your Love

That was the first time he sucked him off? And if it was he should not have face fucked him that shit is uncomfortable as hell especially for a first timer lmfao

You don't say anything at all about what's happening you end the conversation and leave even if you think something is up never out people even to the people themselves. Don't give them a reason to have to deny their relationship just say it was nice to see you both see you at work and leave.

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of For Your Love

NOW HAVE A PROPER CONVERSATION BOTH OF YOU (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ You have been together for to damn long to still be acting like this! You're supposed to know how to communicate by now after being together and living together for so many years. ( ̄へ ̄)I have been with my partner for 8 years now if we still didn't know how to communicate with each other by this point then was was the point in our relationship this entire time!?

Everything about it makes me so freaking angry yet here I am still following the story. I just want to like it cause it's very well drawn/animated but I just hate rudius as a character. He's just as trash as his father and it bugs the shit out of me. ( ̄へ ̄)

People are saying there's a lighnovel for this, but I checked and it's at least not far in the English translation of it? Is there like a web novel version of it then? Or like a fan translation? I wanted to read further than the anime and manga but can't since the lightnovel isn't far in the English translation is there somewhere I can read it?

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Skip Beat

The style of the art didn't change some of the people all look the same? Like that new shitty blonde guy that thinks he's better than everyone else and Kyoko not look the same and I can't tell them apart at all. It's like they all suddenly got same face syndrome??? Idk how to explain it but I have no idea who most of the characters are now.

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Contradict

Nooooooo where is the rest why was this chapter so short (/TДT)/ this is one of my favs i need mooooooore!!

Season finale ╥﹏╥ see you all next season