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AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Then dooooont ugh I'm so over their shit by now. Kill yourself then I seriously don't even care anymore! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ OF HE STILL DOESN'T TRUST YOU AFTER HE CHOSE TO STAY WITH YOU YOU SHOULDN'T BE TOGETHER IN THE FUCKING FIRST PLACE!!!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ IF YOU GET CHEATED ON OR HURT SO BADLY THAT ITS GOING TO KEEP SHOWING UP IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP AFTER YOU WORKED ON THE ISSUE THEN JUST BREAK UP! But I guess they didn't work on shit cause they went to a fucking fortune teller instead of just going to mother fucking couples therapy!? Like what is this alternate medicine bullshit?! And watch it be that he has to bottom for him and THAT will save their relationship or some dumb shit like that. Kill this story....let it die.... fucking murder it cause FUCK is it painful to watch something that was good die like this. Completely crashed and burn. Someone else should write the friends story cause I don't trust the author with it considering the trash that is the never ending side story.

He keeps acting like this relationship doesn't matter. And here look if that's just how he is than fine, but then you need to find a partner that matches that energy cause if not the other is just gonna think they don't matter. That's why he's not bringing up the transfer cause he thinks you don't care anyway. ( ̄へ ̄)

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of The Mating Season

I need to ask cause I don't see a tag.

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Like why even act like you care if your just going to back out in the end anyway? He didn't ask for your help? You choose to help him so why go back on your word you piece of shit. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ and his shitty parents too no wonder he has trust issues.

Drawn is so exciting I was on the edge of my seat reading it in the light novels. This might be the one series where I'm gonna buy the light novels and the manga lol


His knight in shining armor. I'm glad he escaped and came straight to get him since he was spiraling alone for apparently half a month. Fuck everyone else you don't need them.

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Beasts of Desire

Sir I saw that blush on your face before you decided to pimp him out ( ̄へ ̄)

He didn't have to sleep with with him multiple times to use him as a reference for his story lol you just gotta realize you do like him. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of For Your Love

If you never express how much you like your partner of course they will get anxious. I'm not super touchy feely either and I never have been, but my partner is and tho I won't always show him affection when he asks cause I just can't I'll still do it sometimes cause I know it's important to show them I care even if I'm bad at showing it.

Show up in crossing the line lol I was like why do they look familiar... Ch23

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Yona and Chang-il

I'm gonna drop this one for now and come back when it's finished (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ chapter to chapter it's just depressing and I can't even speed read through it cause I'm all caught up so I think I'll come back when it's done and then I'll be able to speed through the bad parts cause it's killing my spirit. ╥﹏╥

Actually I suspected he was the one that did it and just didn't remember beautifully executed.

They both said it thank God...I was like admit it since you started fucking cause who sleeps with someone for cheap rent there's gotta be feelings there lmfao. Now who this blonde fuck coming to mess up everyone's day?

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Jinx

Uk3yyo!!!!!! (/TДT)/ I've been dying to find out what Happens in this manga! Appreciate you so much!

Considering how he's been thinking this whole time and how he really have to spell shit out for him to understand, but the other is also sensitive and will probably end up devastated by this question. Luckily this issue is a easy fix just ask him out say the words and he just has to say yes.... though no clue if the space case will... (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

(/TДT)/ thank you so much you are appreciated.

AlicesWh0reH0use created a topic of Contradict

Of course there's a misunderstanding ╥﹏╥ you guys keep constantly having those you need to sit down and have a proper conversation! (/TДT)/

Always feel so short (/TДT)/ why is this story so good ugh. Thanks for always uploading for us akuma appreciate everything you do!