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aiii add 1 photos to omfg

Honestly pls KYS succesfully next time FL. all that sob and snot and tears from a fucking groomer and abusive mom. Go cry a fucking river, her acting like she's the victim all along disgusts me so much.

YEAH FUCKING TELL THAT RAPIST, KICK HIS BALLS FOR GOOD MEASURE (HOPEFULLY IN THE FUTURE IM MANIFESTING SO HARD) how disgusting saying all that was his love while even in his dreams he's raping him and doesn't give a single fuck Abt what he wants. U clearly don't even have basic respect for the one you love oh fuck off with that balloney fr

aiii add 1 photos to inspi

oh boy girlie needs to be worried for herself LMAO ( ̄∇ ̄")...... side note tho does anyone know other mangas/manhwas w similar vibes such as this one? i love reading unnerving "love" stories , some recs wud be awesome!!

not them having a nonchalant asf conversation as arrows shoot at them...they're so power couple omfg

aiii created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I get so ridiculously happy when I see this being updated man I can't with them they're TOO ADORABLE, NOT NEUTAA BEING ALL "omg that's such a creep" WHEN THE CREEP JISTAR IS REFERRING IS LITERALLY HIM KSJELSHSKHDD

also big willy huh .....when will we be getting photo evidence....KYWAHH

aiii created a topic of Jinx

good job!!! SPRAY THAT BITCH MORE!! you shouldve aimed the spray at his dick as a matter of fact!!

aiii created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

what a breath of fresh air from the other bl 'romance' manhwa ~ finally some real romance that isnt fetished to death lmao, babies u both are so cute!! TT i feel so bad for jistar though , being stalked honestly traumatises you so bad that you start feeling paranoid abt everything and everyone, that feeling of unease never really goes away.... hope they get to bond more irl too and jistar can stop feeling anxious all the time!!

aiii answered question about get to know you
honestly i think jaekyung looks fucking ugly, visually, genuinely. But hey maybe its the ugly ass personality that makes my brain think he LOOKS hideous too lmao, but i never really found him even visually appealing
aiii created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

oh man the authors note.... TK def slept with the second top during the seven year period huh....cant wait for more angst yahhhhh!!!!

aiii add 1 photos to inspi
aiii add 1 photos to inspi
aiii created a topic of Jinx

the issue isnt with the porn the issue is the brainless plot so far. What 'character development' thats mfing porn development LAMDOAF like you dont just call dan enjoying the sex "Character development" , the way he like jaekyung like lets bfr theres NOTHING likeable abt him aside for his FACE that's the issue. The "character development" itself for doc dan makes no sense but instead makes him look like a fool instead.

Again, reading this for the porn and i have no hope for plot becus this is just the worst storytelling, its very marysue (jaekyung) where apparently he has not a THING to be liked for aside from his dick and face and everything he does is the BARE minimum but still makes doc dan go "oh no what will i do >< (blush) i cant do this (gets slapped or kickinged or smth) oh its my fault TT im sowwy!" , so dont come saying there's "character development" , nobody is going anytwhere, nothing is making sense, there are no feels evoked here, its just horny development lmao

aiii created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

we're getting a trreat.....its a full chp of intense fucking omf and he uses his dragon powers to do some tentacle binding shit + some urethral sounding it seems? poor guy made to squirt two times and top's dick expands even more inside of him via shape shifting(?) help I FEEL BAD BUT GODDAMN....ITS HOT

sobs each chapter takes a million years to be updated but its fine...haha...definitey not my fav manhwa cus of my liking on tego (its not fine im having a withdrawal this is my 8th time rereading this...)

aiii created a topic of Jinx

reading just for the porn pls just fuck atp i dont wanna read anything else LMAO, like im really used to reading toxic bl shit but this doesnt even make me feel anything but annoyed in a bad way cus usually id be annoyed but still wanna see seme suffer, regret etc all that shit but yeah for this i just really dont care abt either of them cus they have a shit developement (not even the toxicity issue, its just straight up brainless) so all im looking forward is the porn i have no expectations or hopes for the plot and story LOL

aiii created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

this is why they say love changes people jeong is so head over heels that he's even agreed himself that he became a decent human being lately LMAO...boyfriend effect is so real here TT my favourite couple ever they compliment each other in such unexpected hearth throbbing ways man...

aiii created a topic of Dark Fall

i keep seeing "so disgusted" "i dont wanna read" from so many people but why are yall still actively catching up on the chapters lmfao, lets bfr this is meant to be 80% porn and 20% and the plot isnt THAT engaging either we barely had any of it, so if u find it disgusting...and dont wanna read....bro its been 44 chps i think its time yall take a hint that this is just how it is its not a romance yaoi LMAO