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aiii created a topic of Jinx

the issue isnt with the porn the issue is the brainless plot so far. What 'character development' thats mfing porn development LAMDOAF like you dont just call dan enjoying the sex "Character development" , the way he like jaekyung like lets bfr theres NOTHING likeable abt him aside for his FACE that's the issue. The "character development" itself for doc dan makes no sense but instead makes him look like a fool instead.

Again, reading this for the porn and i have no hope for plot becus this is just the worst storytelling, its very marysue (jaekyung) where apparently he has not a THING to be liked for aside from his dick and face and everything he does is the BARE minimum but still makes doc dan go "oh no what will i do >< (blush) i cant do this (gets slapped or kickinged or smth) oh its my fault TT im sowwy!" , so dont come saying there's "character development" , nobody is going anytwhere, nothing is making sense, there are no feels evoked here, its just horny development lmao