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Miju add 1 photos to HOT
Miju add 1 photos to awwww~~

I love how straight forward this is lol

Miju add 1 photos to awwww~~
Miju created a topic of The Time When We Were Young

Petition for han byeol to be the male lead

Miju created a topic of How to Protect My Male Lead

Who's that veiled lady? She altered the ending by swapping the holy sword, does that mean she's also reincarnated?

Miju add 1 photos to HOT
Miju created a topic of The Bondservant

I just want him to go back kill his step family, hold the power and then formally ask for hand in marriage. Then after marrying her hold that brother in prison for gambling crimes, torture him to death. And live happily ever after with Sioana

Miju add 1 photos to awwww~~
Miju created a topic of Absolute Threshold

Art? Good. Story? Good. Smut? Good.
Male lead? HOT
Just what i need!

Miju created a topic of Saturday's Master

Lmao after crying for like 10 chapters he's like hm it wasn't that much of a big deal.
Bruh i was dying here!
But good thing there's a positive development now i can enjoy it without feeling guilty

Miju created a topic of Crash On Paradise

Lmao she's so funny. I know she can be annoying and nonchalant but she's a child by heart. Also she's different from those reincarnated strong smart women, i find her cute. JUST WAITING FOR THEM TO FALL IN LOVE!!

Miju add 1 photos to Damnn
Miju add 1 photos to Damnn

I get that he's slowly falling in love with this side of her personality maybe it's just that his gaze and expressions have softened alot to the point he feels like a different person now

Miju created a topic of Saturday's Master

And aggressive seme with his painful kinks and a traumatising, scared uke just don't go well together.
I'm tired of waiting for this arc to finish, it's unbearable to watch uke cry, pleading for him to stop in EVERY chapter.
At least a bit of groveling must have been nice but all he's doing is forcing himself on him until he beg and fall unconscious. It's not enjoyable anymore

When did this genre jump from thriller, mystery, horror to comedy light romance all of a sudden lmao?