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DrAdmirable's experience ( All 1 )

I was shopping in the mall with one of my friends and went into a comic store. This store has a bit of manga for sale but I couldn't find any that I immediately wanted. I knew they sold Ten Count from my last time there so I decided for the hell of it to purchase the first 2 chapters! I'm really happy that I did. Had to walk around the mall for ano......   1 reply
13 07,2020

DrAdmirable's answer ( All 2 )

Photographer takes a photo of a mafia man. At one point, jumps off the roof to escape said mafia man. Still gets captured and clapped tho.   3 reply
07 06,2021

DrAdmirable's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did touched grass

i want to lay down in it every time

54 minutes
did touched grass

I'm one w the nature

1 hours
did chat about anything

i genuinely talk tm both irl&online since i was younger like i js dont stfu for example i’ve answered sm of these thingies for wat…

4 hours