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yuzuri created a topic of Ni Jiu

from this chapter I finally know that an alpha female has a D! also the alpha who marks and make a nest sounds hillarious

yuzuri created a topic of Omega Complex

just give up guys, there will be no wedding and baby scenes

yuzuri created a topic of Ni Jiu

the story in the novel doesn't end here, they will have an alpha baby girl and another pregnancy! (⌒▽⌒)

yuzuri created a topic of Instant Family

the gangster dad wants his son to be pure evil like him, he wants to fully control his son, and marrying him off to political/business partner. ML is not adopted, gangster dad's face looked exactly like ML when he was young

yuzuri created a topic of A Sunny Night Walk

sometimes the proportions look weird

yuzuri created a topic of Drunk in Love

the gaslighting is top notch, kudos to the author, it's making me sick to my stomach reading this but I can't stop