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Both parents really suck. The emperor was mentioned to suck from the beginning which I "understand", but what about the 3 princes they are able to learn swordsmanship but are neglected by both parents.

Also if the emperor only has eyes for the empress wouldn't you think the children created from their love would also be highly favored??

I also see the point where the emperor is "sadden" because when it is time for a heir to take the thrown it's a last man standing wins type of deal. However, it just rubs me the wrong way where the empress is so in love with his behavior and he "doesn't mean to be cruel" that she stands back and giggles when he finally gives the princess some type of acknowledgement.

I did read a spoiler where the empress tries to save the princess by giving half of her heart to her. But, personally if you wish for the child to live healthy and happy... wouldn't you also want to interact with them frequently (especially the princes)???

Enough ranting from me I'm just annoyed ╥﹏╥