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Orange Juice June 8, 2024 9:26 pm

Both parents really suck. The emperor was mentioned to suck from the beginning which I "understand", but what about the 3 princes they are able to learn swordsmanship but are neglected by both parents.

Also if the emperor only has eyes for the empress wouldn't you think the children created from their love would also be highly favored??

I also see the point where the emperor is "sadden" because when it is time for a heir to take the thrown it's a last man standing wins type of deal. However, it just rubs me the wrong way where the empress is so in love with his behavior and he "doesn't mean to be cruel" that she stands back and giggles when he finally gives the princess some type of acknowledgement.

I did read a spoiler where the empress tries to save the princess by giving half of her heart to her. But, personally if you wish for the child to live healthy and happy... wouldn't you also want to interact with them frequently (especially the princes)???

Enough ranting from me I'm just annoyed ╥﹏╥

    Mika-chan June 8, 2024 10:59 pm

    reading this made me annoyed lowkey lolz

    - I could understand the hate for the emperor but the hate for the empress is just reaching atp. u could already tell that the empress was a caring and responsible mother at the first few chapters so idk what u yapping about her sucking. we havent had a chapter ab the brothers so u cant just automatically assume that they were neglected.

    - I do agree but generally in manhwas the men favors their wives more than their children, it even happens aswell irl

    - whats with the empress hate? ofcourse she is inlove with him because the emperor treats her differently from the rest, we could see this in the chapters where they r both seen that both of them r very inlove with each other, she is trying her best to make her husband be more affectionate to their children and i think ure looking pass that which is very annoying.

    - what do u even mean by this… and why do u hate the empress much more than the emperor lmao… ur closeted misogyny is showing

    Orange Juice June 9, 2024 1:41 am

    If I was misogynistic I would have approached my "hatred" towards the empress in a completely different light.

    My "hatred" for the empress is annoyance. Since you compared this story to others I shall do the same. When both parents are present in stories and the dad is being distant and not caring for his children the wife usually holds them accountable because they know it's wrong and don't allow them to wiggle through the loopholes.

    I'm saying that it "bothers" me in this story that the approache is "Kumbaya." And the side characters have to basically drag him to see that he needs to actually acknowledge her. I'm expressing that there should be "force" behind his new actions not a "well he'll do better maybe/hopefully."

    You are correct that there isn't a chapter where the princes are interacting with their father, but you're also contradicting yourself by saying "he's the type where he prefers his wife out of everyone else".

    So wouldn't anyone automatically/naturally ASSUME he is distant with the princes like he originally was with the princess before her talents/ cuteness came to light.

    That's what I consider annoying but who knows; I'm just a "closeted misogynistic" who isn't allowed to voice my frustration/annoyance which was stated at the bottom.

    yk.fumikan June 10, 2024 9:35 am
    If I was misogynistic I would have approached my "hatred" towards the empress in a completely different light.My "hatred" for the empress is annoyance. Since you compared this story to others I shall do the sam... Orange Juice

    oh but arent u alr doing that by favoring the emperor more? im just ASSUMING that bcs u talk more crap ab her than their NEGLECTFUL emperor right?

    i dont see why ur point is annoying? is this some kind of joke? u already said that the wife holds them accountable for their actions so whats annoying about that

    u cant just force someone to be affectionate especially someone coming from a generation who has to kill his brothers to success to the throne. u have to acknowledge that the empress herself isnt enough to completely change his behavior and the way he acts.

    i am not contradicting myself at all. just because he favors his wife more than his children doesnt mean he sees them as disposables.

    u r probably forgetting that in his family, sons are favored more than daughters. meaning his relationship w his sons r more likely healthier than his relationship with his daughter.

    yeah you are… u r also very close minded

    yk.fumikan June 10, 2024 9:42 am
    oh but arent u alr doing that by favoring the emperor more? im just ASSUMING that bcs u talk more crap ab her than their NEGLECTFUL emperor right?i dont see why ur point is annoying? is this some kind of joke? ... yk.fumikan

    apologies for the 2nd paragraph, i got confused. but ur comparison doesnt make sense either, because the empress already does that? we can see this when she said it was heartless of him to say that isabelle is useless, aswell as making him hug isabelle to get them to be closer and a lot more examples r shown but u are looking pass that and looking at the bigger picture. and ur bigger picture is emperor neglectful and bad, empress enabler and doesnt care just super inlove w emperor.

    Orange Juice June 10, 2024 2:17 pm
    oh but arent u alr doing that by favoring the emperor more? im just ASSUMING that bcs u talk more crap ab her than their NEGLECTFUL emperor right?i dont see why ur point is annoying? is this some kind of joke? ... yk.fumikan

    I already acknowledged your 3rd paragraph in my first post so not going into depth again. However, your 5th paragraph is also an assumption. Which is nothing wrong with that as a whole, but
    that could be right or wrong. The possibility he has good relationship with them or doesn't. We've haven't directly seen it. It's a strong 50/50.

    Never said that it's all on the empress I specifically said empress/side characters to give him a "push with "force"." Although, the empress to hold him a bit more accountable as she is their mother and he is their father. Which there's nothing wrong with saying that. As you just said her making him hold the princess and another example that her words hold a lot of power making him leave the room and knock again to be respectful. So she does carry some tact behind her words and actions towards the emperor which is powerful and can be a big steping stool to improvement of his ideology. As you also just said being in a society where women are considered ants and men are the all mighty lions aka kings of the jungle/society.(I don't know if that was a good metaphor or not to use). But he views her more than that and her opinions he does take into account.

    My reasonings is yes you cannot force an unaffectionate person to become affectionate. The emperor and his traumatic upbringing takes a large chunk of his personality. However, is it wrong to wish his partner to help give them a leap to fix his absolute shitty personality towards the princess.( Or people in general as his way with words are something else....) As it's been proven that she can as well as the side characters talking about the princess's accomplishment. It's up to him entirely to whether or not he acts on those pushes which he has and also has done stuff on his own accounts. Everyone in my opinion can add on to that to make his once abomination of a personality/actions to become better. But it's entirely up to him if he ignores it or not.

    Is that so wrong to want or to hope for in the next foreseeable future (chapters). If so I have nothing else to add on too because its my opinion. As you're opinion you view me as women hating misogynistic who blames the empress for every little thing the emperor sucks at when it comes to his affection with the princess (and others) and atp it's whatever. We both have different view points and it can be left at that.

    yk.fumikan June 10, 2024 2:50 pm
    I already acknowledged your 3rd paragraph in my first post so not going into depth again. However, your 5th paragraph is also an assumption. Which is nothing wrong with that as a whole, butthat could be right o... Orange Juice

    yeah i see how u would view it as 50/50 but for me, i think its more of like an 70/30 as, as mentioned by the story and me, men r more favored than daughters.

    i understand what u mean, what i dont understand is how u dont acknowledge her doing what u mentioned already. this isnt some cliche manhwa where the fl says “change ur bad behavior for me pls

    Orange Juice June 10, 2024 4:52 pm
    yeah i see how u would view it as 50/50 but for me, i think its more of like an 70/30 as, as mentioned by the story and me, men r more favored than daughters. i understand what u mean, what i dont understand is... yk.fumikan

    I did acknowledge it to a certain degree. I'm just saying/said that to me compared to others the push isn't as strong as ~ I ~ would like. Which is a perfectly fine statement and there are 50+ chapters to witness the growth.

    We both have different view points and it can be left at that. (Add on) Your's are stronger beliefs. While mine were left opened "rhetorical" questions/statements that were a release of frustration/annoyance that got read in too far.

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