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Thank god she ends up with arsian cuz duke sefra is hot as hell future arsian is gonna look so hot too i can see it but duke javelin tho………………. thank the stars she doesn’t end up with petro lol

I think the translation is ok as long as its readable and we understand the chapter overall. So that you for your hard work. For those who keeps on complaining pls know Japanese is HARD to master and understand so pls understand the translator situation. If you don’t like it don’t read it. Its that simple.

Anyways spoiler for anyone that is feeling anxious and sick and spiralling reading this ;

Their misunderstanding got resolved and they got together at chapter 9. The reason why kana says he wants to spend with aoi is cuz he thought he is gonna be with naho FOREVER. And if naho were to go away he would chase after him and he likes aoi as a friend but loves naho.

Shes so real (shes tryna set them up and kinda being a cupid in my eyes)

The d!ck so real and explicit im getting embarrassed like i dont know where to look

Im fukin crying bro im so touched as hell STOP MAKING ME SAD AND MISERABLE GODDAMMIT

Idk who needs to hear this but for me, as long as the story is readable and understandable it doesn’t mean its a bad translation. And we are so quick to shit on and judge other people’s hard work translating just because we didn’t do it. Do you think translating is easy? If you have time to complain why dont you go and do it instead. As long as its comprehensible it should be ok. They are not getting paid and you are not paying a dime either. If you don’t like it, just zip it. Im not saying the same for bots and aggregator websites tho, they suck as hell.

And for that i would like to thank yuito and nina for their hard work. Thank you so much, youre not annoying at all and i hope your life prospers with good things only.

Mob mc harem pls i need one so bad the mc funny as hell I laughed my ass off internally when i read the money was not refunded to him xD

This story is like a coke to me its so bad for my mental health (makes me stressed and angry) but i keep coming back to it idk why

The comments are hilarious tho made me cackled lol

This is kinda stressing me out sorry but i just want this series to end at this point

I hate that i have to wait so long for another chapter i love aegis and tilly so much

This is my definitely my go to read when i wanna read a funny omegaverse like i dont get all the hate? Just stop taking things too seriously and enjoy things as it is and remember that we are reading all these things for FREE. Lets all be grateful for the little things (like wow this made me chuckle) and move on.

Yasss taegu is seoin’s rival kiss yeongwoon nowwwww

Only the last couple story is cute the others…….. are better left forgotten

Idk abt yall but all i can think of is r.i.p to his butth0le like idk how he can withstand all that rough s3x and STILL wants to continue doing it just reading it is traumatising enough

Someone shoot me too idk why the hell am i still reading this everytime it updates

The comment said it was beta x alpha but its not i got scammed eventho it was a good story

Damn we’re going to hell asked a question

Anyone knows any bl recommendations where its beta x alpha?

Ive read oblivious mr. B and i wanted to read more of that kind ┗( T﹏T )┛