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Bbibbiu July 12, 2021 6:56 pm


    Entitled bitch July 12, 2021 8:29 pm

    i hope

    NadiTuSev July 12, 2021 9:33 pm

    I asked this before,I was afraid of her ending with her brother because the cover pic with him I was grossed out , so when I asked they said yes she does end up with the crown prince

Bbibbiu May 19, 2021 4:40 pm

Y’all he’s been getting a character development ever since he the trip. But how can someone who had no love growing up, trauma love someone else without hurting them. Ik he hurt jooin in many ways but he thought it was what was right since everyone else didn’t mind. Honestly I prefer yahwi

    Yaoi on Ice May 19, 2021 4:44 pm

    Yeah thats the thing that SOME cain stans don't understand yeah its not an excuse to be a dck but at least try to understand yahwi.... (︶︿︶)=凸

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 4:53 pm

    Yep mhm! Let’s forgive yahwi!! The fact he raped, gaslighted, and manipulated jooin means nothing! He totally gets away with it because his childhood was such a boohoo sad story :’c. It isn’t as if he coulda left jooin alone until he was mentally stable, he isn’t the one in wrong here

    Yaoi on Ice May 19, 2021 5:03 pm
    Yep mhm! Let’s forgive yahwi!! The fact he raped, gaslighted, and manipulated jooin means nothing! He totally gets away with it because his childhood was such a boohoo sad story :’c. It isn’t as if he cou... ejiroustar

    Who said that we will forgive him THE ONLY thing we want is at least try to understand the guy cause like 50% fault is because of his FAMILY. Yeah he needs therapy actually not jooin.

    Bbibbiu May 19, 2021 5:16 pm
    Yep mhm! Let’s forgive yahwi!! The fact he raped, gaslighted, and manipulated jooin means nothing! He totally gets away with it because his childhood was such a boohoo sad story :’c. It isn’t as if he cou... ejiroustar

    I’m not saying to forget about what he did to jooin I know what he did was wrong. But I’m talking about that it’s not his fault he can’t give jooin what he wants. Jooin can decide if he wants to forgive yahwi for what he did but as far is it goes for yahwi he doesn’t understand what jooin wants. He know he wants love but yahwi doesn’t know how to love

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 5:23 pm
    Who said that we will forgive him THE ONLY thing we want is at least try to understand the guy cause like 50% fault is because of his FAMILY. Yeah he needs therapy actually not jooin. Yaoi on Ice

    Idk, I never said that either. The only this u need to understand is deez huge nutz. Did his family rape jooin? Nah.. Did his family gaslight jooin? Nah.. Did his family manipulated jooin? Nah.. Did his family tell him to do any of that shit to jooin? Hmm, nah.. Yahwi is at fault. It is 100% his fault. Nobody forced him or told him to do anything. He’s in control of his life and emotions so his family has nothing to do with this. All of these mfs need therapy, and a reality check.

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 5:29 pm
    I’m not saying to forget about what he did to jooin I know what he did was wrong. But I’m talking about that it’s not his fault he can’t give jooin what he wants. Jooin can decide if he wants to forgive... Bbibbiu

    If he doesn’t know how to love, why try. Why try to do something u don’t understand/can’t do. It’s all his fault. You have to be a insensitive dumbass to try and love someone when u don’t understand love yourself. Jooin is a dumbass too. Yahwi shouldn’t be forgiven whatsoever until a sincere apology is heard. They’re both stuck in the mud but none of them are trying to get out. They’re waiting for each other to pull them out oblivious to the fact that they’re both slowly sinking. They are lost causes.

    Bbibbiu May 19, 2021 5:34 pm
    If he doesn’t know how to love, why try. Why try to do something u don’t understand/can’t do. It’s all his fault. You have to be a insensitive dumbass to try and love someone when u don’t understand l... ejiroustar

    Yeah you do have a point but the only thing you’re wrong about is yahwi ended up loving jooin without realizing it. They both want something from each other but when they realize they can’t give each other what they want, is when they realize what they really need. Like yahwi just wants jooin next to him again but jooin still only wants true sincere love. And yahwi wants to give him that so he won’t lose him so he tried to but he can’t show it the way jooin wants.

    Yaoi on Ice May 19, 2021 5:38 pm
    Idk, I never said that either. The only this u need to understand is deez huge nutz. Did his family rape jooin? Nah.. Did his family gaslight jooin? Nah.. Did his family manipulated jooin? Nah.. Did his family ... ejiroustar

    Are you saying that his family didn't do anything wrong at all like????????? I know his family didn't ordered him to do sht like that but to say that his family did nothing wrong??????? Do you know WHAT IS GOOD PARENTING IS?

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 5:46 pm
    Yeah you do have a point but the only thing you’re wrong about is yahwi ended up loving jooin without realizing it. They both want something from each other but when they realize they can’t give each other ... Bbibbiu

    Yahwi doesn’t love jooin. He doesn’t love him at all. If what he’s feeling is called love then I must be severely blind. Jooin doesn’t love him either. Think about it. If u love someone why not tell them how you feel instead of manipulating them? He’s getting jealous as if he’s done anything good to jooin, he’s got no right to feel any hostility towards cain - Yahwi’s case. If you love someone, why be so easy? Why are u allowing yourself to fall victim for someone who doesn’t know how to treat you right? Why not try and put some effort into your relationship?? Instead you run away and expect them to come after you and shower u with affection. He’s also got no right to do that. Loving someone means u give and take. Not run and expect. - Jooin’s case. Yahwi wants to posses jooin because he isn’t getting what he wants. Jooin wants yahwi to give him affection because he’s dense. I am 100% sure that if yahwi confesses jooin is gonna run and hide himself and act like he’s under pressure. They aren’t right for each other whatsoever.

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 5:48 pm
    Are you saying that his family didn't do anything wrong at all like????????? I know his family didn't ordered him to do sht like that but to say that his family did nothing wrong??????? Do you know WHAT IS GOOD... Yaoi on Ice

    Uh no the fuck I don’t? Do I act like a parent to you? Yahwi is a grown ass man now and his family has nothing to do with him anymore. If he wanted to do something he could and he chose to mentally hurt jooin. Childhood “trauma” ≠ right to do fucked up shit.

    Yaoi on Ice May 19, 2021 5:55 pm
    Uh no the fuck I don’t? Do I act like a parent to you? Yahwi is a grown ass man now and his family has nothing to do with him anymore. If he wanted to do something he could and he chose to mentally hurt jooin... ejiroustar

    thats why im asking you cause you sounded like you don't know this is why you should listen to your esp subject or mapeh subject or whatever subject it is. My point is he don't know how love works why do you think he's like that?????? cause his parents never showed him love you donut. Again My point is to not invalidate his traumatic past thats all and maybe if he had a good family he would be less dick right now. Yes He is a DICK i I DO know that

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 6:03 pm
    thats why im asking you cause you sounded like you don't know this is why you should listen to your esp subject or mapeh subject or whatever subject it is. My point is he don't know how love works why do you th... Yaoi on Ice

    Hm. So if I hit someone extremely hard for no reason and put them in the hospital, it’d be okay to blame my parents right? Cause I mean like one time my mom dropped me and my nose started to gush blood so I had to go to the hospital. It was a unpleasant experience tbh but if I do that and blame my parents I’d be off the hook right? Ya know, since my family is the reason I felt pain when I was little right? We’ve barely seen anything regarding his past. What “traumatic” past are u talking about? If he had a good family he’d turn out the same way because not only would his family be apart of it, others would be too. He even states that others treated him as a tool because they felt as if they deserved him. Disregarding that, your logic is flawed. Hurting an innocent person isn’t right because u had a traumatic past. If u can’t do something properly, don’t do it. His ego is terrible. That’s the reason he’s such a piece of shit.

    Yaoi on Ice May 19, 2021 6:17 pm
    Hm. So if I hit someone extremely hard for no reason and put them in the hospital, it’d be okay to blame my parents right? Cause I mean like one time my mom dropped me and my nose started to gush blood so I h... ejiroustar

    Did i say to blame your parents for everything the sht you done???? I'm talking about yahwi's situation hon. Cause clearly if you read this chap clearly he don't know love and that is the only thing I'm blaming his parents that they didn't show or make him feel that he is loved.

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 6:25 pm
    Did i say to blame your parents for everything the sht you done???? I'm talking about yahwi's situation hon. Cause clearly if you read this chap clearly he don't know love and that is the only thing I'm blaming... Yaoi on Ice

    You didn’t have to say it. I’m going by your logic. Yahwi is a rich boy with money, looks, and popularity, he’s just lacking personality. That’s why he can’t love. I’ve also been wondering about this for a while but where does it state that his parents have anything to do with his “traumatic past”? Or are u just blaming them bc they’re related to him? How can u blame the doer’s parents and not the one who did it? Are u trying to justify yahwis actions? Pin the blame on someone else?? Or is it possible that you’re just in denial because u prefer Yahwi over Cain?

    Yaoi on Ice May 19, 2021 6:28 pm
    Hm. So if I hit someone extremely hard for no reason and put them in the hospital, it’d be okay to blame my parents right? Cause I mean like one time my mom dropped me and my nose started to gush blood so I h... ejiroustar

    I DO agree on the 2 last sentence you said yes My point was if his parents taught him or made him feel like he is love then think about it analyze it would it make a big difference if he knew love was? cause i think it would make a big difference

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 6:37 pm
    I DO agree on the 2 last sentence you said yes My point was if his parents taught him or made him feel like he is love then think about it analyze it would it make a big difference if he knew love was? cause i ... Yaoi on Ice

    Then you think, I can’t stop u from doing that. Just ya know, keep the thoughts, especially if their unreasonable and dumb to yourself. It makes the world a better place and I am working towards that’s. Or maybe just don’t think again, it isn’t working out really well.

    Yaoi on Ice May 19, 2021 7:24 pm
    You didn’t have to say it. I’m going by your logic. Yahwi is a rich boy with money, looks, and popularity, he’s just lacking personality. That’s why he can’t love. I’ve also been wondering about thi... ejiroustar

    Are you stupid? Read the manhwa again how can i even argue with someone who did not read the manhwa properly I CALLED IT A TRAUMATIC PAST LIKE LOOK At the last panel where yahwi said "I never want to go back on how was it before" it showed a picture of him when he's a child you fck head read the manhwa properly!

    Yaoi on Ice May 19, 2021 7:31 pm

    I'm not making an excuse for what he did I'm just telling that they should not invalidate someone's traumatic past THATS ALL and then you showed up and said sht like his family did not matter on whats he is doing like hell nah i just had to defend him in that part of course his family are in a fault here too you fck. And if you try to really read and understand properly maybe the world would be a better place not really but okay.

    Yaoi on Ice May 19, 2021 7:38 pm
    You didn’t have to say it. I’m going by your logic. Yahwi is a rich boy with money, looks, and popularity, he’s just lacking personality. That’s why he can’t love. I’ve also been wondering about thi... ejiroustar

    he was a child back then of course his parents has to do with his traumatic past like hmm like you know how it works in manhwa a rich boy who have almost anything but dont have a nice parents/family.

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 7:39 pm
    I'm not making an excuse for what he did I'm just telling that they should not invalidate someone's traumatic past THATS ALL and then you showed up and said sht like his family did not matter on whats he is doi... Yaoi on Ice

    If what yahwi has is a “traumatic past” and I’m invalidating it, so be it. I will indeed invalidate his past because he’s a asshole. Idk I’d yer so hung up on his past bc your parents don’t love u either but it’s fine ig. I tried, I really tried to make u understand but nahh. I read the chapter and all I got from it was “I am a dumbass”. Literally. Sucks to suck though ig

    Yaoi on Ice May 19, 2021 7:53 pm
    If what yahwi has is a “traumatic past” and I’m invalidating it, so be it. I will indeed invalidate his past because he’s a asshole. Idk I’d yer so hung up on his past bc your parents don’t love u e... ejiroustar

    Okay fine go ahead invalidate someone's traumatic past thats a good thing to do bye. Hope you regret invalidating his past after this manhwa is complete~~~

    bishounensupremacy May 19, 2021 8:03 pm
    Okay fine go ahead invalidate someone's traumatic past thats a good thing to do bye. Hope you regret invalidating his past after this manhwa is complete~~~ Yaoi on Ice

    his trauma is a reason as to why he's an asshole, it doesn't justify him being an asshole. do you think we should forgive everyone who treats others like shit just bc they have a sob story? it's partially his parents fault for raising him like that but everything he did is fully his responsibility.

    Yaoi on Ice May 19, 2021 9:08 pm
    his trauma is a reason as to why he's an asshole, it doesn't justify him being an asshole. do you think we should forgive everyone who treats others like shit just bc they have a sob story? it's partially his p... bishounensupremacy

    This is actually my point. Thank u.

    bishounensupremacy May 19, 2021 9:19 pm
    This is actually my point. Thank u. Yaoi on Ice

    is it? you're welcome lol
    i actually think this manhwa isn't worth analyzing at all cause the characterisation is shitty but i get what you mean, trying to understand the reasons behind a character's actions isn't the same as justifying it. fuck yahwi though

    Yaoi on Ice May 19, 2021 9:23 pm
    his trauma is a reason as to why he's an asshole, it doesn't justify him being an asshole. do you think we should forgive everyone who treats others like shit just bc they have a sob story? it's partially his p... bishounensupremacy

    I completely agree with that. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ ps i do not condone the things he did to jooin nor i think we should forgive everyone who has traumatic past. I just think its odd to invalidate someones traumatic past especially the ones who is trying to change like yahwi (kinda).

    bishounensupremacy May 19, 2021 9:32 pm
    I completely agree with that. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ ps i do not condone the things he did to jooin nor i think we should forgive everyone who has traumatic past. I just think its odd to invalidate someones trauma... Yaoi on Ice

    aah i agree with some of that but even if he becomes a saint i don't think rape is something that can be forgiven or forgotton. the way their relationship is going it's gonna be pretty hard to move on from all that toxic shit so i think it's better for them to just part ways. also yahwi blaming jooin and saying he's the inconsistent one doesn't really sound like he's trying to change, it sounds more like self victimizing. i have a burning hatred for the character so his redemption arc isn't really gonna be satisfying for me but i respect your opinion lol

    ejiroustar May 19, 2021 9:41 pm
    Okay fine go ahead invalidate someone's traumatic past thats a good thing to do bye. Hope you regret invalidating his past after this manhwa is complete~~~ Yaoi on Ice

    I mean I won’t. I’ve gotta strong spirit and I don’t really expect anything from it anyways thanks for understanding me and trauma invalidating ass tho

    Yaoi on Ice May 19, 2021 10:03 pm
    aah i agree with some of that but even if he becomes a saint i don't think rape is something that can be forgiven or forgotton. the way their relationship is going it's gonna be pretty hard to move on from all ... bishounensupremacy

    yeah i also think its not gonna be so satisfying cause the author made yahwi looked so bad if he is the end game thats gonna be a problem. Also i do not like jooin that much either its not his fault i know but I expected so much on jooin like i thought he is gonna be like dojun(the uke from bj alex) who is more independent ╥﹏╥ but yeah its okay.

    Yaoi on Ice May 19, 2021 10:14 pm
    I mean I won’t. I’ve gotta strong spirit and I don’t really expect anything from it anyways thanks for understanding me and trauma invalidating ass tho ejiroustar

    I don't understand you at all lol but okay sure.
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    CoffeeJelly May 19, 2021 10:18 pm
    he was a child back then of course his parents has to do with his traumatic past like hmm like you know how it works in manhwa a rich boy who have almost anything but dont have a nice parents/family. Yaoi on Ice

    This argument has nothing to do with me but Yawhi's parents are dead? I don't think they influenced him.

    Yaoi on Ice May 19, 2021 10:30 pm
    This argument has nothing to do with me but Yawhi's parents are dead? I don't think they influenced him. CoffeeJelly

    wait what

    Yaoi on Ice May 19, 2021 10:35 pm
    This argument has nothing to do with me but Yawhi's parents are dead? I don't think they influenced him. CoffeeJelly


    Yaoi on Ice May 19, 2021 10:40 pm

    Oh he's parents died in car crash. Okay i will be changing all the things i said bad for his parents now everything i said is for the grandpa or some relative who treated him bad. I'm the one who needs to read it more carefully lol im dumb.

    CoffeeJelly May 19, 2021 11:13 pm
    OH FCK OKAY IM DUMB Yaoi on Ice


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