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Mogant created a topic of Backlight
Mogant created a topic of Secret Inside My Head

Excuse me??? Right after you just rearranged his insides??

Mogant created a topic of Even If You Don't Love Me

Can the dentist PLEASE leave jiwook alone
He's finally recovering

Mogant created a topic of Paper Flower

"seal this chamber so that I never see his face again"
-next chapter "I want to see his stupid face"

Fking idiot

Mogant created a topic of The Man At Night
Mogant created a topic of The Alpha's Circumstances

It's crazy getting the POV of the trashy cheating bf

Ain't no way his parents sent grown adults to fuck their 13 year old

Literally no one in this story is likeable

Mogant created a topic of Jackpot!

Actually no you have no right to cry after what you put seme through fking idiot loser

I was not expecting the other top to be into 3p lmao

Mogant created a topic of No Moral

Didn't they break up or am I missing something

Mogant created a topic of Yours to Claim

This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen
I'm not even rooting for yahwhi anymore
Not because I dislike him but I just think Jooin is a fucking idiot

Mogant created a topic of Solo For Two

He wanted a safety net with Karel and then when Karel went to prison for SAYSA'S crime, he just fucks off to do ballet
Like why did he even stay that day when he had the opportunity to run
I get karels reactions to him in present time at least

Mogant created a topic of Heal, Heal, Heal!

Like why get back together if you're going to treat him that way
Just break up and move on

Mogant add manga to list Want to read

In the year 20XX.Despite the fact that the citizens are monitored by IC chips, making the identifica...

  • Author: Genta Genda
  • Genres: Horror / Mystery / Seinen
Mogant created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Look ML you're funny as hell but you gotta stop touching MC in his sleep

Mogant created a topic of Yours to Claim

At this point I hope noone ends up together

Mogant created a topic of Jackpot!

Unsatisfying ending
Unsatisfying journey
No character development
I wishhhhhh top would tell bottom to fuck off

Mogant created a topic of Bound

What is even going on anymore