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bri's experience ( All 0 )

bri's answer ( All 7 )

i got it... the first saturday right after the first week of 6th grade. i had two older sisters so i already knew what it was and i handled it well. i didnt rlly freak out at all LMAO   reply
13 10,2020
.. uhm. i think it was either v from bts listening to bop by dababy on vlive or him singing jealous by nick jonas and fly me to the moon. pls i love him so much for no explicable reason.   reply
10 09,2020
stupid bitch i dont even need a third word.   reply
15 08,2020
chile n e ways... thats enough for today   reply
12 08,2020
definitely natsu or jellal from fairy tail. mainly because that was my first anime. and now i simp for both tops in bj alex and taesung in charry blossoms after winter. thank you.   reply
03 08,2020

bri's question ( All 0 )