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naNana created a topic of My Wife Whom I Loved Dearly

i literally started reading this thinking i wouldn't cry cuz its been so long since the last time i did. But here i am, bawling from this one fucking shot. fuck this. And fuck cancer

naNana asked a question

anybody have any hwa/ga reco thats new but aint one of those mass produced?

naNana created a topic of The Coast of The Waves

ive been looking for this since weeks ago and couldn't find it anywhere. i had no clue that its an omegaverse, beta x alpha at that. beta topping is a bit unique, too bad the plot went downhill

still would want to read it properly... i hope there'll be an official translation soon

naNana asked a question

any reco for straight historical smut?

naNana created a topic of Jinx
naNana created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

i really love how this mahwa really focuses on the gaming plot i need more like this TOT

naNana created a topic of The Man At Night

why the fuck did the plot escalated real fast TOT came here solely for the amazing art style, didn't expect the season finale to get that fucked up..


naNana created a topic of Smyrna & Capri


naNana asked a question

planned on reading lost in the cloud for the longest time already, somehow, id always find an excuse to prolong it kinda wanna read it now, but again, its currently on a break right? is now a bad time to read it or nah... should i just wait till the new season comes back? if yes, might as well drop ur recos here ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

naNana asked a question

hello!! is there a reason why nii-chan by harada is not available here? well its here but i cant open it

naNana created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

from all the traumas built up from reading all kinds of manhwas, i was quite anxious how the story would actually turn out since many series started up with this weird gaps and all, and even went to the point of excusing those because they were supposedly nonhuman... this one's different though. the author really made it possible for us readers to not feel uncomfy at all!!!!! i love them so much TOT

just to clarify about the topic i wrote here before, i was just being conscious since few panels from season 1 showed foolproof that they were clearly mate eversince...

I really love un and taehyuk sm, theyre such a cutiepatootie, my pookiesss aaahh hahahah

naNana created a topic of Chiguha Kuna Kisu


naNana created a topic of Maison

bruh, i fr had hopes for this manhwa since this kind of trauma do actually happen irl, but then i saw a spoiler from here about what will happen to the next few chapters... ill deffo drop this

i don't usually like reading anything related to modeling or celebrities, but this one is an exception they're so cute!!!! also bingus

naNana asked a question

i just found out what netkama is, any recommendations? '◡'

naNana created a topic of Can't Think Straight

was about to comment abt his redemption arc starting when the hugging, kissing, and smooching panels appeared but then he proceeds to do that to sleeping garam— well have fun denying those feelings

naNana created a topic of Can't Think Straight

was about to comment abt his redemption arc starting when the hugging, kissing, and smooching panels appeared but then he proceeds to do that to sleeping haram—