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naNana created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

as much as i want to see taehyuk and un's past life together, i am bothered to the fact that un is a child who has no one all his life and have never felt any affection. I can't help but think for taehyuk as a father figure for un if this wasn't a romance, hed probably think about taehyuk as a father figure since he had no one who can guide him like one. taehyuk taking care of un seems like what a parent would do.. i wonder how they became mate...

naNana created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

its so sad to see un not knowing what to do since he was born because no one was there for him and it saddens me more to see un smiling not knowing a thing about the villagers scheme..

naNana created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

CANT WAIT to see mr jeong getting jealous about how many people could finally see how pretty seonwoo is, will he act possessively? (β‰§βˆ€β‰¦)

naNana created a topic of Home Five

why you gotta do me like this i thought it finally got licensed

naNana asked a question

my memory is blurry so this isn't exactly accurate but i believe the fl's swordmanship is really good and somewhat became a warhero or was really idolized by many including the ml (she did save him back then), though they thought she was a guy. she had something like a team (not so sure but i think were 3 excluding her and that they're bandits). she's a noble who'll have an arranged marriage with the ml (i believe he's blonde not so sure) who'll soon had a suspicions towards her identity. She did reveal her identity to her team though, and she would then recruit them to as their guards?

it had a scene where the fl was ambushed at night inside their room where she would then finished them off in a sec then ml came in, she would act like nothing happened.

another scene is when fl bought a sword then ml came, she hid but the ml chases her and almost caught her

naNana asked a question

any straight romance recommendations? it's been days since ive read somthin good... it's like there's nothing good anymore even tho ive only read so little... pls recommend me ur favs, preferably not well-known cause ive most likely read them already.

naNana created a topic of Mr. 100% Perfect

oh suk-yun, you're very much loved by woo-in pls do know that

naNana created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

i really love it when couples imagine their kid looking like their significant other, its so cutee β™‘β™‘

naNana asked a question

any reco for academically smart but is financially unstable x rich (doesn't really have to be but just someone whos set for life) and carefree? a hint of angst would be nice

seohyun's pov finally!!! hes so cute and inlove, where can i get one? anyway, they're moving faster that i expected and im loving it

naNana created a topic of The Man Next Door

this dynamic is soooo good, looking forward to this (ΰΉ‘β€’γ…‚β€’)و✧

naNana created a topic of Our Sunny Days

what does he mean with "uh oh, not this again.." ΰ² _ΰ² 

naNana created a topic of Waterside Night

everytime i reread this manhwa i never fail to cry. euihyun deserves everything, he has suffer too much already. i better see euihyun smiling with euiyoung in season 3 or imma throw hands. also, taeju better pull his shit up together and do things right cause this pregnancy is just not it. yea, a baby is cute, but not right now, it's way too messy and euihyun is not even close to being ready, i love him so much. HE DESERVE THE WHOLE WORLD TOT

naNana created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

i saw a mature version for ch.95, will someone upload it here? twas so steamyy

hoping that its not a love triangle but considering its from bakdam it probably will... but anywayss, im on Cheong's

i just read this from webtoon and immediately went here to say that gibaek looks so much like taekyung from love or hate. they're literally from the same artist so tell my why didn't i recognize the art style at all