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mj00 answered question about turn into a guy
If ur that willing to cut off a decade old friendship over a nosejob, you were never her friend to begin with..
mj00 answered question about question
(T)he(I)r beau(T)iful (S)mile ofc
mj00 answered question about your opinions
True Beauty...Yaongyi really dragged the story for far too long
mj00 answered question about question
work out and calorie deficit ig... cut sugary foods and junk food...stay hydrated and take ur multivitamins
mj00 answered question about porn and masturbation
One time my doctor saw me reading a bl on my ipad and she deadass said hey I've read that too....the silence in the room was loud...very loud
mj00 answered question about question
i love my boobs... they've gotten me free drinks/ discounted stuff
mj00 answered question about anime ships
just use vaseline and a lip scrub
mj00 answered question about question
u most definitely cannot separate the art from the artist...wdym u willingly listen to an abuser's music
mj00 answered question about question
Life is not a need to compare your achievements with others who are the same age or younger than you...
mj00 answered question about tired of anime and manga
Yes and No...I do read newer stuff but only the first few chapters and then i just let them rot in my Want To Read list...
mj00 answered question about try to progress in life
Burn the building down...why they in my business
mj00 answered question about question
when i was 5, i swallowed a coin... fortunately i shit it out
mj00 answered question about question
up until i was 10, my dumbass thought sex was just 2 ppl intensely holding hands and then become pregnant.
mj00 answered question about stay at home for several days
bro deadass, i saw this one reel about a pregnant woman and all these men were calling her a WHORE FOR POSTING WHILE PREGNANT...LIKE HUHHHH
mj00 answered question about question
yea and majority of them are red flags too when it comes to dating
mj00 answered question about listen to music
imagine calling yourself Mr.Worldwide but only do tours in the US
mj00 answered question about question
invest in it and with the investment money, im putting all my friends AND myself into therapy.
mj00 answered question about being single
ppl that dont wear socks with ik those grippers stank baddd
mj00 answered question about go bald
life is so ass i understand why britney went bald in the early 2000s
mj00 answered question about question
yea I've had surgery on my uterus and couldn't walk for a few hours due the anaesthesia and had a catheter on