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Cherio created a topic of Canis

I can't imagine how painful nobu's life has been through, and what's actually sad is that there are also alot of kids who went through such horrible experience irl. If only they were in the hands of a good orphanage, their life could have been filled with joy, laughing without worries. 10/10 (was crying).

Cherio created a topic of Cure Blood

While i was reading, i was praying that this story, like any other vampxhuman tropes have those "I'll turn you into a vampire so that we can be together forever" will also have in this story. Well, even tho it doesn't have that common "turn u into a vampire" moments, it is still beautiful seeing that sometimes when you can't help something, what's left for you to do is to accept. Death is also beautiful in some stories.

Sorry that was some heavy stuff going on but i just can't bro like "put that dick in my asshole or we'll die" is so dumb

So real tho like i wanna have rat homies too

Cherio created a topic of Wagon


Cherio created a topic of Sheep's Mask

In the end, that Sargent is still gonna kill himself.

Cherio followed a goer

 Yaoi-Hard addickt 
 beefy guys fan  haha

➽ My mind is a mess all the time,
this profile is a devastating proof✦

"Style is a reflection of it attitude
& ur personality" づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


25 days

The second hand embarrassment is way too strong argh (not hate they are so cute)

Cherio created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

That's fucking rain cum X(

Cherio created a topic of Ou-sama to Puppy Love

It's my first time reading omegaverse with actual birthing scene. Kinda cool

Cherio created a topic of Jinx

"You have made my life like shit. I am leaving this hell of a place. I hope you're dick fall off."

Cherio created a topic of Be Around Me

Someone update this please

As a fellow flower lover, i need to find flower lover that loves and cherish me too

Cherio created a topic of Killing Stalking

I hope someone steals your car.

Cherio followed a list