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empyrealempress October 16, 2023 4:45 pm

English translations are available on Renta here:

Up to chapter 7!

empyrealempress July 15, 2023 12:34 am

Over the past year I've tried steering away from high school yaoi/BL because I have been getting tired of those plots set in high school same old etc. Especially with the title "my high school romance" I was expecting something I wouldn't be finding interesting.

Surprisingly this was a fun read.

Loved Yujin and Seunghyun - their dynamic and growth. They were so chaotic as characters - Seunghyun has a flair for being both an idiot, overdramatic but loveable. Whilst Yujin is somewhat tired of his shit but cannot get enough of him. It was cute watching them build a relationship.

I even found it fun to read Yihyun's dramatic love triangle a term I use loosely because it seems like he didn't ask for any of these guys to be obsessed with him this much xD

    Sodook July 20, 2023 7:57 am

    For real, the art work and the dynamic hooked me in so badly now I wait for the next chapter craving for more

empyrealempress July 12, 2023 11:40 am

Initially when I started reading this I didn't know what to expect:

1) Seok x Kiwoon: Sad to say I didn't like this one from the go because I didn't like how pushy Seok was and clearly didn't respect boundaries. I felt he was way to forward with Kiwoon which was at times hilarious and awkward. But once the other characters came into play (the back story with Jaeha and Kiwoon's trauma from their relationship, the complications with Kiwoon x Hyun x Jaeha and Hyun looking out for Kiwoon whilst having his own motives, Seungha being the person who deserves the Oscar for being logical and being there for everyone, Seok seeing how off putting he was), I really ended up enjoying this season! It grew on me and I ended up routing for each individual character.

I loved seeing Kiwoon grow and accepting Seok's affections, him finally confronting Jaeha who wouldn't leave him alone because despite their past altercation Jaeha held onto Kiwoon's kindness - whilst Kiwoon put himself first and ended any form of friendship they had. I understood both viewpoints it was hard not to.

2) Hyun x Jaeha: I loved from the GET GO, it just had everything I wanted - rawness, it felt real, they were both a mess with 500 million misunderstandings because they just didn't talk and thought they were mind readers. Hyun was an ass with words and sounded like he hated Jaeha all the time (lol it was the opposite bless) and Jaeha just could not understand Hyun or his need to help him.

Jesus came in the form of Seungha, who really was Oprah Winfrey for them and helped them out a ton to talk and to help them understand each other. I loved seeing their progress, I already knew from the start Jaeha wasn't a bad person and must've had his own baggage to deal with (the abuse from his family) but still his relationship with Kiwoon wasn't healthy. It was based on sympathy and hurted the both of them. It took time but I'm glad we saw Jaeha grow and realis Hyun was the one who actually deeply cared about him the most out of everyone and sure he didn't always give the nice words Kiwoon always did "it'll be okay" but Hyun was realistic and was always pragmatic about Jaeha's situation. And I always very much appreciate someone like that because it shows they've thought about the situation past the surface level (which was what Jaeha x Kiwoon's friendship was). I was literally dying of cuteness overload once they got together and loved seeing Jaeha slowly learning to open up, accept intimacy, be comfortable around Hyun to finally express himself more and allow himself to love and fully leave his family behind.

Lowkey cried at the morning kisses they shared that initially was almost always initiated by Hyun but slowly Jaeha would ask for them and and initiate one himself (SO CUTE)

This is getting kinda long so to finish I love how this story shows the different perspectives, I can't truly be mad at any character to the point I hate them because I understand ALL viewpoints its so raw and real.

    glassera July 13, 2023 6:27 am

    I love this review bro. this right here is spontaneous.

    juuly July 17, 2023 6:47 am

    Oprah Winfrey for them LOLLLL i 10000000% agree

    Junesonata July 31, 2023 7:46 am

    You hate Seok from being pushy but loving Hyun x Jaeha from the get go??? Both are so toxic at first and disturbing.

    Sorry if my question sounds rude and annoying, I was just genuinely confused

empyrealempress April 13, 2021 2:34 am

I loved the dj and I find Sukuna and Megumi an interesting dynamic. Wanted to briefly chime in on the comments section. So in recent years, there's been a wave (mainly young people thanks to Twitter) who love playing moral olympics and have called practically any extremely popular ship in the book i.e. age gap ships (ereri, sukuna/megumi) pedophilia. I understand if a ship makes you uncomfortable, but you shape your online experience. So why seek out content you dislike? The picture is the first indication, second is the ship name in the description. Do you think by being nasty you're going to stop people when your time could be used elsewhere.

Lastly, let's talk about the hypocrisy of age-gap couples according to your 'Megumi is a teen and Sukuna is thousands of year old argument': Inuyasha x Kagome, Nanami x Tomoe (kamisama kiss), Hana x Vivi (Hana to Akuma), Edward x Bella (Twilight), Stefan x Damon x Elena (Vampire Diaries/actually all ships on the show lol). All ships are huge age gap ships same age gap as Megumi and Sukuna. So why are these praised and Megumi and Sukuna seen as pedophilia? Don't tell me I'm lying I was literally part of Vampire Diaries twitter everyone loves those ships NO ONE brings up the age gap, not even the general public because this human x demon concept is used in all types of fiction in media. The only difference is they are het ships and Megumi/Sukuna is a m/m ship (which btw does not look good if you're bringing down the only m/m ship).

    IceAndFlames_ April 23, 2021 1:48 am


empyrealempress September 13, 2020 12:43 am

So I'm VERY LATE on the BJ Alex train but I've heard of this by reputation also omg it's the most rated manga on here? However I have seen some pictures of the manhwa off twitter which is what reminded me I was supposed to read this and the guy with the black hair looked/acted rude AF.

So is it worth reading? Or am I in for a sadistic man who treats his partner like shit cause errr there's too many of those.

    berrycute September 13, 2020 12:48 am

    It’s very good babe !!! He’s mean at first but then he realized he’s in love and opens his little heart

    meranda September 13, 2020 12:51 am

    NO READ IT IT’S SO WORTH IT you will come to love him so much just like the rest of us, trust me

    Hana September 13, 2020 12:59 am

    Its definitely worth it. He's rude at the start since he doesn't want any trouble but later he become super nice!

    Daisuke Kambe's Kondom September 13, 2020 8:54 am

    Read it, trust me.

empyrealempress September 12, 2020 11:07 pm

This latest update is so soft! I'm glad Yu yang's father cut off the snakes in his family and finally came around. I just want a happy ending for Huan Wen cause boy he's had such a journey, I have hope him and Yuan will eventually end up together (in the slowest of burns).

FYI there will be extras and side stories don't worry y'all.

empyrealempress August 30, 2020 7:04 pm

Ngl I started this just for the art and stayed for the adorableness of the main couple, didn't expect to like this one so much. I love Sua's straightforwardness of his feelings!! It reminds me of Seheon from Jazz for Two. Sua's so cute and deserves the best things in life my baby went through so much and had a one-sided crush/love for 6 years before it got reciprocated I would not survive through that LOL.

I just love the main couple so much communication is key my friends I love how they communicate openly (sex isn't the answer to your problems). Sua and Jung really balance each other out. Sua is confident and vibrant, expresses his love/affection for Jung easily because he doesn't want to be hidden. He probably is the type to do the first thing on his mind location doesn't matter LOLOL. Whilst Jung is more serious and mature he kinda brings Sua down to reality with his forward-thinking. He's scared (internalised homophobia poor baby :( ) and only got the confidence to be himself because of Sua. I love that they are growing TOGETHER.

I love how Yoon is so supportive (thank god he's not a love rival) wish there was more of him.

I was surprised Hyun did return Jung's feelings but tbh even if Jung was made aware I don't think they would have worked out. Jung was scared shitless of his sexuality and Hyun would be the type of person who would bring him down and make things worse. Jung liked him because he was 'nice' but in reality Hyun's sort of an asshole lol. Hyun was clueless and notices his feelings late he needed someone who was straight forward with him (Yoon). Ngl Hyun only became tolerable after he started dating Yoon.

Anyways I love the fact we have ACTUAL gay characters and actual discussions of coming out because the entertainment industry is brutal.

empyrealempress August 27, 2020 3:45 pm

I'm just at a loss at some of these comments?? Have y'all not experienced the loss of a loved one in your life? Especially someone who was your best friend first? It's hard to get over! Things get easier over time but it's always going to be hard and eating away at you. The hate Mafuyu is getting is so unwarranted.

1) "Uenoyama is a replacement for Yuki" - LOL no he's not you're allowed to have loved more than one person. Mafuyu is still grieving and their relationship is at its early stages. Any good boyfriend and relationship would be one supporting and acknowledging the trauma you went through. I.e Your dead ex shouldn't be a forbidden topic you're allowed to think about him.

2) "Mafuyu is selfish and should say what is on his mind more" - Wouldn't it be a perfect world if we ALL could do that? Mafuyu has come a long way but have you realised he's slowly opening up more compared to his previous relationship (from what we've seen). He's learning from his past mistakes and some people just aren't good with words. It's not a bad thing also he's still learning to communicate better!! (remember the brief argument he had with Uenoyama and wouldn't let him leave because it could've been their last conversation?)

3) "Uenoyama deserves better I feel bad for him" - If you feel bad for anyone it should be Mafuyu?? He literally lost the love of his life, best friend, the person who he confided in and the last conversation they had was a fight. He's traumatised, guilty, locked his emotions away, kept away from all previous connections to Yuki (Hiiragi), he was alone.

Seriously Uenoyama understands what Mafuyu is going through and understands when he got into a relationship with him that Yuki will play a big part in their lives. He understands Mafuyu is still grieving rightfully so and is there for him (ahem he's the perfect boyfriend).

//Anyways Given is about moving on from one relationship to a new one and dealing with that loss. It's a huge part of the manga do you expect him to get over Yuki after a few chapters? Yuki's presence is always going to be in the manga. I'm glad the author is addressing this realistically (which y'all seem to be mad about) instead of the unrealistic I'm over him and everything is sunshine and rainbows in my new relationship.

    maychan August 27, 2020 9:22 pm

    nice! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ you took what I was thinking and put it into words. good job! thank you for saying it ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Otakuuuu ARMy August 28, 2020 3:22 am

    After reading that, I felt a huge burden leave my shoulders lol. Thank you for putting it into words!

    beminus5 August 30, 2020 12:59 am

    The entire manga in a nutshell. But I think the comments show how people are being triggered. It's easy to personalize things like this but the author is showing us the importance of growing through healing as well as healing through growing.

empyrealempress August 23, 2020 1:34 pm

Look at Naruse still being professional to that criminal, yet Yanagi has the audacity to still invite him over for drinks. He also has the audacity to start shit in front of a child.

When Ichika beats you up you sit and take it cause you're in the wrong. I don't want him to get blamed again so I'll do the beating on behalf of Ichika.

empyrealempress August 23, 2020 1:22 am

So the last few chapters have been hectic and you know what? It takes two to tango instead blame being shifted to one side. Naruse shouldn't have to disclose intimate details full-on but when mr roofie was clearly expressing an interest he shouldn't have led him on. However, Naruse still didn't deserve to be taken advantage of a guy purposely trying to roofie him (tbh electric chair and jail on sight for that guy). Asumi ain't innocent I did feel bad for him tbh BUT what he did to Naruse was terrible "oh but he was showing him what would've happened" he didn't show shit except he was a 10-year-old throwing a tantrum. Asumi has grown on me, in the beginning, he did some messed up shit and in the real world as an employee, he should've been fired. Slowly but surely he has grown on me but these last few chapters oh boy you're not my fave human right now. I think more than anything they need to address this it can't be swept under the rug idk they really need relationship counselling of some sort or an intervention.

Anyways my main point when I catch Naruse and Asumi on the streets it's on sight! How dare you make the most loved character, emmy award winning, the perfection that is Ichika?? That cutie is the only reason I'm sticking around but these grown men fighting in their own is causing him to act out they are both dumb for this, kids pick up on stuff fast. Also who hit Ichika they're next on my hit list.

    Saphfire August 23, 2020 5:16 am

    I mostly agree except I didn't see Naruse leading Yanagi on. Yanagi knew, he still wanted to touch him anyway. Leading someone on would be more like flirting with them, making them think they have a chance then rejecting them, in my opinion.

    Amelia August 23, 2020 9:04 am

    In rape there is really no " takes two to tango instead blame being shifted to one side". And acting naive is nothing in comparison to rape. nothing. And lol he didn't lead Yanagi on....

    empyrealempress August 23, 2020 1:17 pm
    I mostly agree except I didn't see Naruse leading Yanagi on. Yanagi knew, he still wanted to touch him anyway. Leading someone on would be more like flirting with them, making them think they have a chance then... Saphfire

    Hm you have a point, tbh regardless of what people are mad about Yanagi is a creep and a lost cause for forcing himself on his boss/mentor. I hope he's fired cause he shouldn't be getting away with that shit.

    empyrealempress August 23, 2020 1:20 pm
    In rape there is really no " takes two to tango instead blame being shifted to one side". And acting naive is nothing in comparison to rape. nothing. And lol he didn't lead Yanagi on.... Amelia

    I was referring to the miscommunication not the rape. The rape is 100% Asumi's fault and I doubt the author will make him address it or apologise which is disappointing. He's been forceful from the beginning and none of it has been addressed disappointed but not surprised.

    Amelia August 23, 2020 3:04 pm
    I was referring to the miscommunication not the rape. The rape is 100% Asumi's fault and I doubt the author will make him address it or apologise which is disappointing. He's been forceful from the beginning an... empyrealempress

    Yes I'm sad that the rape thing is always sweet under rag like that... It's really disappointing.

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