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sunday August 13, 2019 4:27 pm

looking for a seme that has a personality like hiro-omi from kyoukai no kanata ehhehe

sunday August 9, 2019 5:35 pm

can someone suggest me any yaoi with sort if like big seme?? like daddy bod seme you know?? huge seme but like kind and stuff or a list containing yaoi like this plss

sunday August 9, 2019 12:20 pm

is mrm down or is it just me?????

sunday August 9, 2019 10:05 am

is the reading button equivalent to a bookmark button meaning that if i put reading on a certain manga and then when it updates i will get notification right?

    Dragomira August 9, 2019 10:13 am

    It isn't exactly equivalent to a bookmark; you have to remember yourself which chapter you should be reading next. It'll just pop up with a number of images of the covers of the comics that have received an update, each of these representing a link, which upon being clicked on will direct you to the comic's main page from where you can choose which chapter to read.

    Only once a day, mangago *might* (sometimes, it just doesn't) give you a notification if the manga/manhwa/manhua/webtoon has been updated.

    Sometimes, you'll receive no notifications even if there's been an update on a comic you've marked as "reading" or "already read" and sometimes, you'll receive a notification for what appears to be ... no reason. :)))

    sunday August 9, 2019 11:46 am
    It isn't exactly equivalent to a bookmark; you have to remember yourself which chapter you should be reading next. It'll just pop up with a number of images of the covers of the comics that have received an upd... Dragomira

    ahh thankss ive been using this site for a long time but i still hast get the hang of some stuff yet lololo

    Dragomira August 9, 2019 12:33 pm
    ahh thankss ive been using this site for a long time but i still hast get the hang of some stuff yet lololo sunday

    You're welcome! I honestly think I've been using this site WAY TOO MUCH. :')) I'd almost wish I didn't know what I was doing but... yeah, someday I'll stop using this site as frequently as I do now, lol. My gap year is about to come to an end and OOH BOI, have I been reading way too much BL?? the answer is YES, I HAVE. (⊙…⊙ )

    The fact that you still haven't gotten the hang of it yet just implies that you actually have a life and responsibilities to tend to - which is great!

    sunday August 9, 2019 5:38 pm
    You're welcome! I honestly think I've been using this site WAY TOO MUCH. :')) I'd almost wish I didn't know what I was doing but... yeah, someday I'll stop using this site as frequently as I do now, lol. My gap... Dragomira

    hahhahahahha yeahh whenever i have free time i could stay on this site for hours without moving but im sooo jealous that you could do this shitt all dayy

sunday August 4, 2019 7:21 pm

I'm just so frustrated.I don't understand why people are so fucking homophobic.Why people regard homosexuality as immoral.Something that is against the nature.ANIMALS BEEN GAY!! I don't know why they think gay people is only gay because of lust.Why they don't think that gay people ARE just like everyone else.Who crave love and affection.Who need someone to hug them and tell them it's going to be okay.Whos going to protect them from the cruelty of the world .Why does it bother them so much that someone need all that but in a person who is the same gender as them."Because of my religion" YOUR RELIGION DIDNT ASK YOU TO BE SO GODDAMN HATEFUL,LET PEOPLE FUCKING LIVE.Im just hurt that we are treated like we're abnormal when we are literally just the same...

    Mero August 4, 2019 7:35 pm

    I think you should do your best to stand up to these people and educate them. If they come at you with the Bible or Quran, when people were gon stone a woman to death Jesus said that only those who are sinless should go ahead and throw a stone. No one has the right to stone you when they themselves lie, steal, gossip, fornicate, cheat etc. Tell it to their face. If someone comes at you with "homosexuality is a sin" then you hit them back with "So is lying(or whatever else) and yet here we are". Walk with head up high for those like you who are scared for their lives. Don't let people talk shit at you without serving them truth back. You are not abnormal. You're good the way you are.

    Also, for the future, people who are more educated/progressive are more open minded. In university no one can give anyone shit for their sexual orientation without getting glares from passerbys. Same thing in modern cities. Find an environment that feels welcoming to you. You shouldn't need to have to hide yourself. Try to go to one of those places to find your peaceful life.

    ReiyzaChan<3 August 4, 2019 7:55 pm

    That's what I ask too but nobody answers at it to me. And honestly.... if you think a bit realisticaly than that's how it started all! Before humans started living, only animals and plants were. And of course they fu*ked like the gays, so I really don't know then why all of the people mostly(of course not all of them!!!) think that now it all is the worst???!! Just when I pass by some people and hear them talking about it that how disgusting it is, I just have to run away to not to punch them!! Lbgt people are the same as us!!! They need love, care, friends and trusting!!! What? should they just keep quit about it and don't say a thing to their friends about it or what?? If they do, that's the problem, if they don't, than that's, and their friens will say what a friend they are, but honestly,... if you really need friends and you realy wanna be a good one, than just listen carefully to them and accept how they are and don't ever judge them! That's it!!!! And the most that you can ever do if you're a lbgt, that you ignore what others say and trust that who you exectly know that you can trust!

    T-T August 4, 2019 8:21 pm

    I watched this documentary on these religious homophobic people and it’s impossible to get through to them and they brainwashed their young kids to thinking that gays or anyone that supports them are gonna burn in hell I honestly think it’s best to leave these people alone

    sunday August 5, 2019 1:23 am
    I think you should do your best to stand up to these people and educate them. If they come at you with the Bible or Quran, when people were gon stone a woman to death Jesus said that only those who are sinless ... Mero

    Thank you,it's really hard to reason with people who think that their religion is absolute and just never question anything and accept thing as it is.As a matter of fact I'm currently studying in college where i'm surrounded with people who keep vilifying the community (hence my frustrations) even though they know nothing about it.But i'm praying that this will change over time.

    sunday August 5, 2019 1:24 am
    That's what I ask too but nobody answers at it to me. And honestly.... if you think a bit realisticaly than that's how it started all! Before humans started living, only animals and plants were. And of course... ReiyzaChan<3

    Yeah,it's hard to live when even your closest friend refuse to understand you!!!

    sunday August 5, 2019 1:25 am
    I watched this documentary on these religious homophobic people and it’s impossible to get through to them and they brainwashed their young kids to thinking that gays or anyone that supports them are gonna bu... T-T

    As someone who grew up in such household I can say that things like these has been drilledin our mind since adolescent.Thank god I didn't become so deluded though.

sunday July 29, 2019 4:11 pm

can someone tell me if this is just an illustration or an actual manga?

sunday July 25, 2019 5:35 pm

3 dudes hanging out and drinking and then guy A is sad cause he just broke up with his gf and then he went to the toilet and then guy B and guy C found sex toy and video where the gf peg guy A basically guy A is a bottom and thenguy B n C fuck Guy A

sunday May 10, 2019 3:43 pm

any other 18 year old malaysiaan???

sunday December 28, 2018 2:26 am

does anyone know the name of the japanese movie where theres two guys in a relationship but the other one dresses like a woman i guess he is trans but im not sure and together they raise a daughter despite people scrutiny

    Neney December 28, 2018 6:49 am

    I forgot the title too but I remember the main actor was Ikuta Toma. You can search him in google and surely you can find that movie

    sunday December 28, 2018 2:08 pm
    I forgot the title too but I remember the main actor was Ikuta Toma. You can search him in google and surely you can find that movie Neney

    omg thank you so much

sunday December 17, 2018 12:56 pm

does anyone know this bl manhwa that contain the word 'cranes' or 'crane' in the title??

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