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disneynerd37 like question

I saw a film on TV where a woman donated her organs, to be precise her eyes, and the person who underwent the eye transplant fell in love with the husband of the deceased woman, he felt the same feelings as the deceased woman because he had her eyes, now I was wondering, there is a manga with the same plot, a person after receiving the donor's organ falls in love with the deceased's partner. I don't care about the genre.

disneynerd37 like question

idk how to describe it other than something beautiful like wwmap or secret lady type gorgeous

disneynerd37 like question

I saw a film on TV where a woman donated her organs, to be precise her eyes, and the person who underwent the eye transplant fell in love with the husband of the deceased woman, he felt the same feelings as the deceased woman because he had her eyes, now I was wondering, there is a manga with the same plot, a person after receiving the donor's organ falls in love with the deceased's partner. I don't care about the genre.

disneynerd37 like question

idk how to describe it other than something beautiful like wwmap or secret lady type gorgeous

disneynerd37 asked a question

I forgot the title of this manhwa. Plz help! It’s a straight romance in a world where there’s a popular VR dating app. The FL got broken up with by her handsome boyfriend and decided to give this VR dating thing a try.

She meets a guy wearing a unicorn avatar there, who has a great body and she fell in love. They did a face reveal blahblahblah then she found out that he’s inexperienced in the romance department. (▰˘◡˘▰)

disneynerd37 asked a question

So I was at Walmart with my mother, but we went our separate ways to shop. I was done looking for my items and was going to meet up with my mom to get them checked out together. She then called and asked me to get a carton of eggs. When I met up with her, she was already in front of the line getting her items checked out. So I went up and gave the cashier four more items. This is when an old lady behind me groaned and said “so rude”. I just ignored her bc it’s whatever.

However, she kept complaining so I asked her what her problem was. She said that I was cutting in line to which I responded and explained that I was paying with my mother and it’s just a few items. She went on to say that it’s still cutting in line and that my mom already paid (my mom didn’t finish paying yet) so this transaction was done.

At this point, I got really annoyed because it’s nine in the freaking morning and I don’t have the patience to talk semantics with some lunatic in the middle of a freaking Walmart. I began arguing, reminding her that it’s just a Walmart line and how she’s the rude one for complaining about something so simple. It got to the point where I asked the cashier if she was alright with it, but she just gave me a meek smile (which in hindsight was not wise of me to make her get in the middle of the argument since she was just doing her job) and didn’t say anything.

As I walked away from the check out counter, I was still arguing with the lady. She yelled out something which I couldn’t quite catch, but in the heat of the moment I just retorted with “She’s so fucking rude ugh!” lol I was so irritated but now I wonder if i was in the wrong…

I bet the cashier agreed with her or was saying something to calm her down bc I saw them talking after I left. There was also a couple behind the old lady, but they didn’t say anything during this whole ordeal. Maybe now they think badly about Asian people Not to make everything about race - it’s just that everyone was White in this situation except me and my mom. Usually I don’t say anything, but would get really frustrated afterwards, knowing I let some stranger step all over me. So this time, even though I was flustered, I made sure I spoke up.
Perhaps subconsciously at the time, I didn’t want them to think Asian people were weak and that she could talk to me however she wanted just because we were different.

I tried finding some Reddit posts about similar situations to calm myself down, but couldn’t find any… ╥﹏╥