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People like Zankoku Na Kami Ga Shihai Suru also like (265)


ten April 30, 2024 6:31 pm

i regret reading manga this good (good as in complex story-telling.. anything else is just a straight fucked up mess) whilst studying for an exam because then i force myself to rush through it and once i get to the end i think about how i should’ve taken my time instead of reading it all in a night

ten April 28, 2024 9:26 pm

as someone who’s going to study at cambridge this fall.. the alevel and exam talk kept making me feel guilty about not studying rn for my alevels and reading manga instead as an escape lmao

ten April 28, 2024 5:53 pm

ngl this is the kind of story that induces light second-hand trauma just from reading it. it’s like reading the accounts of a real, tortuous experience

ten April 28, 2024 5:47 pm

this manga really withstood the test of time

hlo April 20, 2024 1:24 pm

this shit made me a different person. disturbing and can and will affect you mentally.

Ernie March 26, 2024 10:48 am

It’s honestly a masterpiece I need to get my hand on physical copies. Yes it’s a hard read, yes it’s uncomfortable but it’s worth it. Do not skip chapters and do not rush to the end !! You will miss the story every chapters is worth your time.

marvels March 6, 2024 8:12 am

I binged half this book about 5 years ago but dropped it after i had a nightmare of greg lol. And Now i reread it.
Last 15 chapters i skipped them and jumped to the last three chaps. bcs tbh, it got boring and Ian was pissing me off.

The ending was good ig, im glad Jeremy kinda healed and is living normally in a good place. (that’s what i got from reading the last part of the final chap..)

the only characters i liked was Jeremy, and Marjoire and william. But i hated everyone else… Ian was not a good person period, maybe he “cared” for Jeremy but their whole relationship was toxic asf and weird... He was forceful and annoying and clingy. and he SA’d Jeremy.. I don’t ship.

Maybe someday I’ll come back and read the 15 chaps i skipped.

Side note: Jeremy lowkey looks like Timothee in Call me by your name lol.

edit: i unliked my comment by mistake smh

Yuchan January 28, 2024 6:42 pm

I just read this again and it's just straight pain all 86 chapters. The resolution is non existent not a satisfying end for what we went through. It's a good exploration but closer to torture porn than a good story.

sapphics lover January 29, 2024 9:23 pm

how does it end?

Messi is the GOAT January 25, 2024 10:37 am

Yeah uh, i cried and i mostly never cry to mangas. So it's just that good

hanalulu January 20, 2024 6:20 am

I discover this manga because of TIKTOK, yes, and its a weird feeling when you realized its 20 years old but (leaving some things aside) it aged very well and its a great read.

Sure, its heavy and made uncomfortable many times but that's what I want from a story. To make me feel.
I love Jeremy and I think the ending was the best for him, he'll live with the trauma but that does not define him anymore. I would love to read about his healing but its a happy ending for me.
I also love how the author developed the relationship with Ian.
Ian, its a weird case. He did gave Jeremy a hard time and probably give him more trauma but he is not a professional, he was also struggling with everything, so yeah he did what he could. He's neither good or bad, just like real life, he could've done a lot of things differently? Sure, but he was also a teenager whose life do a 360° from day to night. He is not Jeremy's savior and I'm glad the author made that clear but he try to be there for Jeremy and I think Jeremy did know that too and he thanks Ian for it. I wouldn't go as far as saying they love each other but they do -find- each other. I think that's the word and I like how they are able to sit beside each other and chill and be comfortable. I like that.

For the other characters... William, Valentine and Queen Marjorie are the best. Marjorie, at first I was like "oh great another unstable teenager "and yes lol but she is also a great friend and a caring person, who tries to live her life her way and in the best way she can and I think its the few who love and accept Jeremy as he is. I like that they ended up as friends.
Nadia....I hate her. She was great and I like her with Ian but when they break up after the cheating, she tried to be some sort of villain and it was so cringy to me and yeah its sucks to be cheated on but girl, she was not like that and have no reason to chase Ian like she did, considering she already had a bad experience. Also she made everything about herself at some point that was so ? When Jeremy told her his story, her reaction was so disappointing and it that moment I was like ooooh this bitch and after that the whole "give Ian back to me" like Ian told you, he does not want you, Jeremy has nothing to do with it. Ugh. She was a disappointing character.
I hate Sandra too. Yes, she was unstable and did not meant to cause some trauma onto her son but that's the key word "some" because I believe she knew and choose not to say anything. She only care about herself and how she reacted to the secretary is my proof. She love the piece of shit pedofile and being love by him more than she loved Jeremy and everyone babied her was so cringy, not, she needed professional help. Jeremy needed to be from her too.

Overall 5 stars, 10/10. I highly recommend it.

HappyPsycho January 11, 2024 10:41 am

This is one of the only stories that I can reread multiple times and not get tired of it. On my 5th reread right now <3

Aki May 21, 2024 5:50 pm

YOU REREAD THIS? holy shit I couldn’t even finish it I dropped it around the chapter where he found out his mother knew all along what the step dad did to him maybe i should pick it up again tho im not ready for it mentally :’)

HappyPsycho May 21, 2024 6:22 pm
YOU REREAD THIS? holy shit I couldn’t even finish it I dropped it around the chapter where he found out his mother knew all along what the step dad did to him maybe i should pick it up again tho im not ready ... Aki

I just really like the drama lol and the main characters. I see him as a flawed person and I pity him. But yeah, I’m not a fan of the mother

Aki May 21, 2024 8:05 pm

Omg same i really liked his character too!!! I will definitely pick it up again (๑•ㅂ•)و✧