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❀'s manga / #EXCHANGED RINGS(42)

Kekkonshimasho Yamomesan

Ongoing | Yorunorate | 2019 released

genius seme falls in love with plain uke. they are 39 uke and 29 seme. he goes to live at uke's traditional japanese house where uke lives alone. just happens it used to be a guest house so uke can accommodate seme renting there. seme very quickly whips out a ring and proposes. uke can't get ring off so kinda just lives with it lol. at first he's hesitant cuz he was married before and wife left him cuz he was bad at sex and too much of a pushover. seme starts acting weird all of a sudden and feels like author just wanted to create some conflict. he leave to america for a month or something to work on an app to help him understand uke......when he comes back uke is like you didn't need that, just ask me to understand me...... and they live happily ever after basically having sex too lol.

Into It

Complete | 옹심, Ongsim | 2019 released

this story was fine, but i'm left hating the uke a bit and feeling like some important shit never got resolved. so backstory is not explained well, but basically they met once in high school and spent an afternoon together and then promised to meet up again next day. but seme doesn't show up cuz he gets into an accident and uke hates him then cuz he had fallen in love with seme the day honestly. and uke really remembered seme cuz he's been a child actor forever and it was hard for him to get friends and open up. uke moved away after that day and they couldn't meet again. now like 10 years later, they are staring opposite each other in a gay film. seme knows it's uke but uke doesn't know it's seme. seme tries super hard to get close to uke but uke has a shit personality and is super cold and unwilling to listen to anyone except himself........ eventually he does open up to seme and they get together, however uke never lets seme explain why he never fucking showed up that day when they were in high school. why the fuck does the author never let uke know the explanation about seme's car accident that ruined his high school swimming career?? huge deal that uke never learns this important part of seme's honestly next arc after they're together is about uke and this nasty director he's a fan of. cuz uke never listens to anyone except himself, he refuses to believe the rumours saying this director is trash. seme tries to warn him again and again but uke just keeps siding with the director. seme eventually gets tired of this shit and breaks up with uke cuz he needs a break. then uke fucking goes out with the director again to the director's fucking home and the director secretly films a video of them where he pushes uke down. uke flees but next morning the director had leaked an edited version of the video. uke tries to fucking suicide cuz he used to be a drug and alcohol addict and still smokes and gets back into his sleeping pills seme goes to see him in the hospital and uke is all playing the victim like what are you doing here i don't deserve you just let me die and annoying. then he just leaves for some alone time but somehow the director's wife is contacted and she leaks the real version of the video and everyone finds out the director is vile and shit. seme and uke get together again cuz seme says he wants to be together even though uke keeps putting himself down. they adopt a dog and i guess happily ever after. UKE NEEDED TO SUFFER MORE AND GROW MORE AND BEG ON HIS KNEES FOR SEME TO FORGIVE HIM. UKE IS SO FUCKING ANNOYING AND DUMB. HE SERIOUSLY DOES NOT DESERVE SEME IN HIS CURRENT STATE CUZ HE NEEDS PERSONAL GROWTH.


Complete | Leepado | 2000 released

really loved the plot pacing and characters in this one. uke was just a little dumb about rejecting seme despite having feelings, but he got over it quick. nothing dragged on too much. maybe a little too much sex, but overall better than 99% of manhwa i've read lol. the side stories is another couple from the story, and that's really great too. so they're a boyband with 7 members. seme only listens to uke cuz he is attracted to uke and uke helped him not get in trouble before. now they've debuted and uke kinda is his keeper or idk the word. but they ask uke to look out to make sure seme isn't hooking up and getting into trouble. and somehow one drunken night uke is the one who can't hold back and comes onto seme??? seme is kinda drunk and doesn't remember well, but memories slowly come back and he's sure uke came onto him and they fucked. afterwards they kinda have a fuck buddy relationship with some rules uke made cuz seme really pissed him off and hurt him with how often he was forcing uke to have sex. and seme didn't want to lose uke, so he readily agreed to the rules. so they keep going and seme thinks it's obvious they ilke each other and they act like they're dating, just no kissing per the rules. he wants to show uke he's serious about dating but uke is like afraid to ruin the group if they date for real. some turmoil about dating and he just hurts himself by insisting they do fuck buddies only. in the end seme gets him to come around and they exchange rings and get together for real. awesome that the story didn't end with them getting together. we see the band coming to accept their relationship slowly and their boss giving them their own dorm and stuff like that. 8 years after their debut, they disband and move to scotland to marry and be together! honestly really cute, but the uke is a little meh weak. extra stories about two other band members who like each other. uke is older by 4 years and always took care of seme. uke has some trauma from the past where a guy who liked him got his career ruined for being discovered as gay and then hung himself. uke can't really get past that and didn't have relationships. now some years after the group disbanded he's still singing solo and seme came back from military to act and model. they meet up and seme starts getting jealous cuz uke now has a gf. but the gf knows uke doesn't really like her and she proposes breaking up after. uke is torturing himself about hurting the ppl who like him and won't accept that seme likes him cuz he doesn't want something to happen to seme.......that bad uke logic of pushing away the seme despite obviously mutual feelings. anyway he gets over it after a week or so and they start dating. really great they don't have sex right away and seme respects uke a lot. uke starts getting impatient actually lol.

The Third Ending

Complete | Chobom | 2019 released

LOVE THIS ONE!!!!!!! Really sweet and gut wrenching first season and a great second season. told from seme's perspective! seme is hot and slightly self-centred lol. uke is cute and a bit kuudere except when he's with seme and everything shows on his face. basically they went to same middle school and high school. uke always liked seme cuz seme was popular and handsome. one time he ate uke's cookies and uke liked him even more. uke transferred in high school and confessed before he left. gave some cookies too. seme was in a bad mood after some rude bitch tried to rile him up and took it out on uke. so since then, for 10 years, seme would have dreams of that day and have a bad day whenver he had the dream. one day he sees uke working in a bakery and is encouraged by his friend to make peace with uke over that so he will stop his guilty conscience. he starts acting friendly with uke and pretends not to remember their past. uke is cold at first but still attracted to seme, so easily gets close and friendly. then seme kisses uke while drunk and uke thinks they like each other. but seme says no and rejects uke again. now uke is really upset and tries to break off all contact with seme. seme thinks for a while and realizes he is sad without uke and tries to win uke bad. uke is like stonewalling him and so hard to watch these parts! but uke can't take it anymore one day and can't stomach standing seme up, so he goes to meet seme and seme confesses everything and uke sees seme really likes him for real and they start dating. they move in together fast after that and seme wants to have sex. uke does too but thinks seme doesn't so he tries to hold it in and starts acting a bit distant. seme gets hurt by it and in the end they talk it out and have sex. super rough on uke for his first time......... i honestly felt like it was almost rapey but i guess that's just the korean style. after that there's drama with a new guy working at uke's bakery. he is gay and kinda into uke. uke totally doesn't realize cuz he's only got eyes for seme. seme shows off their relationship to the dude and eventually the dude's contract is up and he leaves. last drama is with seme feeling insecure cuz suddenly uke is acting cold out in public again. it's cuz uke doesn't want bad rumours to start about seme but seme thought uke doesn't like him anymore. there's a big buildup to a scene of seme crying cuz he's so anxious uke is gonna leave him. and he mistakes uke's sister's bf/fiance as uke's new man lol. anyway again they talk it out. uke says he wants to be with seme forever and last longer than seme's previous relationships which only lasted 1-2 years each. then seme goes to get couple rings for them and tadah that's the end!! really sweet and well wrapped up i think.

Safari Game

Complete | Hyeol-aeg | 2019 released
2023-04-05 01:58 marked

seme is a leopard shapeshifter. they meet in serengeti while uke there to take wildlife photos. he wants to take photo of the leopard he sees. seme approaches uke in human form and somehow they go back to uke's hotel room and fuck. then uke falls in love with seme........ and seme feels the same i guess????? feelings are unrealistically fast. we have some slight bestiality sex of the leopard frotting against uke's ass and then cumming. then seme reveals the truth to uke later while they have human sex and uke's cool with it. just more sex in extras. also shows them having a baby together in uke's dream lol.

The Tiger Who Swallowed The Moon

Complete | Nabit,Luper | 2019 released

uke is a half-vampire who protected seme as a child and took him out of an orphanage cuz seme has a special pure blood idk. some parts not well explained. uke wanted to use seme's blood for the head of the vampire family, to heal his illness. also not clear why uke goes into heat every full moon when this doesn't happen to the other half vamp or any full vamps. also why does uke just randomly have healing abilities by having "intimate contact" lol basically, now seme is an adult and family head's illness is getting worse. uke sets up a hit and run with his manservant. but family head is angry about it and refuses to take seme's blood this way so uke goes to heal him again. then uke decides to keep seme close in case he needs the blood. seme is happy cuz he's always liked uke since he was a kid. and he remembers uke coming to him when he was 20 and fucking him one night lol wtf. apparently uke was in heat and came to seme........ makes no fucking sense. there's also another vampire who wants seme dead to become head of family. but this is such a non issue later on, he becomes romantically involved with seme's childhood friend who liked seme before. they are the second couple and it's w/e. basically vamp is into human stuff and stays with seme's friend observing human life and it becomes more somehow..... back to main stuff, uke and seme start an agreement where uke will let seme do whatever he wants with his body as long as seme provides blood regularly for the family head. this is going okay for a while but then seme starts getting weak cuz too much blood is being drawn, fucking 3 times a week wtf........ and uke's healing abilities start to not work cuz he's weak and doesn't have much blood. uke gets worried and tells family head to stop the blood drawing for a while. family head is cool with it basically, but his illness isn't healed completely. now uke's manservant goes rogue and hits seme with the car on his own cuz he doesn't like that uke is favouring seme over the family head and saying to not draw blood for a while. uke is freaked out and needs to save seme's life but can't for some reason idk his healing powers still don't work? basically the only solution is to turn seme into a vampire and the full vampire does it at the behest of seme's childhood friend. after that seme wakes up and is angry thinking uke tried to kill him again despite them being all sweet and saying they will stay together as long as seme lives. uke pleads and begs seme to understand and listen it wasn't him. seme comes around but now he has a problem where he needs blood and he keeps drinking from uke every night for months and uke can't handle it anymore cuz he's not healing as fast. then the manservant fucking comes again this time kidnapping seme's friend to get to seme. seme goes to save friend and manservant tells him to shoot his friend. but somehow manservant shoots himself.......idk what happened. and then full vamp tells seme to drink the manservant's blood to satisfy his bloodlust so he will stop drinking from uke. seme does and it works as expected. he quits his day job, which was a shooting olympian, and goes away with uke. they get 'married' i guess and 3 years later seme is back modelling in the human world with uke as his manager and company ceo.


Complete | stone octopus | 2000 released

really cute and funny story. got a bit dragging in the middle when seme kept refusing uke cuz he's shy... but all good in the end and now the extras are bomb too. uke is a knight and turned into stone by medusa. seme an elf takes him home cuz the town wanted to get rid of his stone body. seme takes care of uke and talks to him and uke starts to enjoy being at seme's place. one night seme masturbates and some cum gets on uke. uke turns into a human the next morning and turns out an elf's semen has the ability to temporarily change uke back. they go on a journey to medusa's cave to get her to change uke back permanently. she says she will if they can bring back something precious to poseidon cuz she hates him for cursing her. so they go on a quest to poseidon with these 2 other girls helping. along the way, they get closer and uke wants to get closer with seme but seme keeps pushing him away. turns out seme is an elf and lives way longer than humans so he didn't want to see uke die eventually if they stayed together. but uke almost dies during this quest and seme is like i want to marry you anyway. so they get married when they come back lol. now they are having sex for first time in extras. they saved themselves for marriage lol. THEY BOTH TOP LIKE NO BIG DEAL LOL OMG


Complete | Jung Seokchan | 2019 released

in a world where omegas rule and alphas drool lol. this was pretty sweet. idk why the uke omega kept getting more and more feminine in the drawings though...... seme 25/26 and uke 30? at least 5 yr age gap. seme is a student and working as freelance journalist. he gets help from a sunbae to get into exclusive club for rich ppl so he can write an article about some chaebol news. he meets uke there and they fuck. after that seme totally falls in love with uke fast and keeps meeting him through coincidences and they keep fucking. there's a criminal after seme after seme wrote an expose article on him killing cats, so seme moves into uke's house. but then seme's sunbae decides to write an article about uke and seme. fuck that guy honestly. word gets to uke's grandma and she stops the article but wants them to break up. uke is also annoyed seme caused him this trouble cuz his grandma made him take a leave from work. after that grandma keeps pushing him to do an arranged marriage. but he gets back with uke cuz both realize they love each other for real now. uke also gets pregnant with their makeup sex. he keeps not telling seme and considers abortion but in the end keeps the baby. they get acceptance from parents and then have the child in the extras. it's a girl and it's implied they will soon have a second child. cute and fine, but nothing spectacular. got bit boring in the end. puppy seme is great though.

Bad Contact

Complete | Soui | 2019 released
2023-07-19 17:14 marked

i kinda hated seme at first. uke is also sorta annoying and the story makes him change feelings from the dude he liked for 10 years to seme so fast........... i always hate this sorta plot. but the extras are cute so i guess i forgive it a little..... basically seme is new guy in school. he becomes fast friend's with uke's childhood friend, who is also uke's crush. seme mistakes uke for a bully and hates uke. they clear up that misunderstanding but seme is still standoff-ish to uke. uke for some reason decides to try super hard to befriend seme. they do become friends and uke realizes he likes seme now instead of his childhood friend. seme somehow realizes he also likes uke now. seme tries to run away from these feelings but uke knows how he feels and makes him be open about it and uke confesses back. in extras we see them in uni now and still together, living together. seme prepares a ring for uke, but uke thought he was sneaking around with another partner. anyway, in the end seme comes clean about it and they're cool.

Shinyuu to Kodzukuri Suru Koto ni Narimashita.

Ongoing | SEKIHARA Mitsumame | 2020 released
2023-11-04 14:57 marked

mpreg possible through meds. don't really like the girly body art in this. seme and uke are friends from uni. seme is from rich family and heir to the company. uke working as his secretary. seme doesn't want an arranged marriage just to have a child. but his mom and grandma are pressuring him so much. uke says he is willing to make a child with seme using the new medicine. so uke starts the medicine and every night has side effect where he gets super horny. he and seme fuck every night to relieve these symptoms. he moves in with seme for convenience. they fall in love through fucking i guess..... they have a bit of issues with getting pregnant, but uke really wants it even though other alternatives are proposed like seme adopting one of his sister's newborn twins. so uke keeps taking medicine even after that and even through sickness cuz he knows it won't work if he stops. and finally they find out his sickness is side effect of pregnancy and they are happy. seme proposes to uke and ofc uke says yes. they get a girl. and we see 5 years later the girl wants a sibling and they consider going through the process again.