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❀'s manga / #drama(35)


Complete | Fujoking | 2000 released
2021-04-20 17:47 marked

seriously one of the best manhwa i've ever read. solid plot throughout and a real tearjerker. uke has amnesia and i would have liked if he gained his memories back but i guess that's not realistic. so uke and seme used to date in high school and were super sweet, both running away from their rich families. one day they decide to escape for a date and set up a time, but uke never shows up. seme waits and is then super sad and angry, wanting to get revenge on uke abandoning him. but uke got into an accident that day and lost his memories, it's implied his older brother had a hand in causing it by pushing him and giving him a concussion or something earlier. anyway 10 years later or so, they meet again as part of seme's revenge to take over uke's family company. he pretends to get close to uke under false identity and makes it seem like uke was the one who trapped him and not the other way around. uke starts falling in love for real. seme also gets his feelings back and doesn't want revenge anymore. so he protects uke during the company takeover and at this time founds out about uke's amnesia and accident. so now he knows uke didn't abandon him that day and only didn't come cuz of accident. he goes to confess everything about their past and why he did what he did. uke doesn't remember past, but forgives him for the current stuff i guess. pretty easily lol. and that's basically it. they are just together then. signs of uke getting some smarts back, but no memories :/. super hot sex scenes, long and various interesting positions...

I'm Yours, Blood and Soul

Complete | GyaGa | 2000 released
2021-04-21 21:11 marked

vampire and demon prince. they kinda get together after vampire gets bound to demon and can only drink his blood. demon starts liking him back cuz he can spend eternity and the vampire doesn't have some human problems? anyway at this time some murderer is killing people and making it look like a vampire is doing it. a detective is suspecting the vampire but ofc not him cuz ppl he drinks from just disappear. anyway murderer turns out to be detective's close young friend who he was having a relationship with. i really don't like how the story focused on their romance like wtf i don't need to sympathize with the bitch who's hurting our mc. afterwards the demon takes care of the murderer guy and he confesses. but the detective is not satisfied until he hurts the vampire cuz he suspects he's a vampire, a monster. so he kidnaps and tortures him. demon steps in to help and save the day again. detective dies. vampire dies and comes back to life. and then in the side story we see more of the shitty murderer guy and now another demon is in love with him? like wtf that part is so messed up. but other than that nice story. just hated the side couples.

Cocoon of the Heart

Complete | RosyStarling | 2000 released

the complexity and depth and seriousness in this manhua is literally like nothing i've ever seen before, and for that i have to say it's BEST, though the story was seriously disturbing to me at times due to rape, suicide attempts, and tons of self-harm and depression. there's no way this retelling does it any justice, but it's a masterpiece in its own way. i would say it veers on the side of babying mentally ill characters, always portraying them as in the right and deserving of help. but i think that's the message of this manhua. to bring attention to depression and mental illness and telling us that we need to treasure those people as well. even when people sink to their darkest moments, they can be saved. good art too, a definite plus! so basically seme hates uke cuz he thinks uke's sister and his dad were having an affair and that's why they both died in a car accident together. honestly it's never revealed clearly why they were together that day, but it seems it was not because they were romantically together. i suspect the author changed plots midway. the focus seems to initially be a hate to love relationship, but somewhere in the middle the author went into full mental illness stuff... so seme and uke have to start living in a dorm with 2 other people. seme super hostile to uke, but uke kinda dead and just taking it cuz he's so depressed and has no feelings, all drugged up too. first big event is a school trip and they are rooming together. seme gets super angry and attempts to rape uke. seme pulls back but uke is like i'm used to it and implies that he sells his body to this doctor guy. uke then says it's ok if seme wants to do it cuz he doesn't care either way? at this point seme already has some unhealthy obsession with uke that's turning from hate to desire, so he does fuck uke. then he takes off uke's wet clothes and sees uke's self harm scars all up and down both arms. uke is so upset and this is where the story turns to mental health. for some reason after this happens uke is like completely broken and he can't go to school anymore. the issue i have with this story is that so much focus is given to the mental health awareness that big plot points in the story aren't given enough attention. like things just suddenly happen and you only realize later like what that's it? it was a major plot point but they aren't going to talk about it anymore? and major events are kinda just glossed over.... after uke stops coming to school seme goes to find uke. finds out uke is somehow connected to his past as the boy who called him one time or many times as a child. confusing here and it should have been a big deal that the author just glossed. author also shows them both realizing this fact, but they never get together and actually discuss them finding out their past connection. seems weird we would not see them discuss it, but we do see them acknowledge it later so i guess they spoke about it more off screen?! just didn't feel like enough was communicated about their past reveal. anyway, while this was unravelling, seme found uke at his childhood rundown house and brought him to a new apartment that seme started renting cuz he's the son of a rich family. he brought uke there and promised to heal uke from his trauma and stuff. but honestly kind of weird cuz uke seemed relatively okay, just dead inside before. the rape thing might have set him off even more but idk. another confusing point cuz uke was not so bad but i guess he was hiding it. there's some serious drama about uke's old doctor being an ex-bf of uke's dead sister. and the doctor being obsessed with the dead sis and kidnapping uke to dress him up as her and pretending to live domestic life with him as her replacement. then seme comes to the rescue and the doctor tries to jump off the balcony but seme saves him. thank god never see him again. then we see uke opening up to seme some more after that and seme going to talk to doctors to get help for uke. once uke feels a bit better he goes to the hospital himself and starts a new round of medications. after this the next big drama is seme's family. cuz seme's mom is already kinda mental from way back due to various factors in an unhappy marriage and then the dad died and she just was upset everywhere idk. i guess it's hard to pinpoint the exact causes of mental illness. so seme brings uke to family spring break gathering and family doesn't know uke's identity so it's okay. but some time later the mom randomly shows up at their apartment. seme is out but uke sits with the mom in silence and waiting. uke knows some shit about to go down and mom saw the hickeys on uke's neck. seme comes back and uke's mom goes crazy seeing them act domestic and stabs for uke but hits seme. seme goes into hospital unconscious for like a week. during this time uke decides to just up and leave?!?!? like ofc we've seen a lot of good mental development from him during this time, but such a weird real life choice. to leave your partner after he is stabbed. but i think the author wanted to show the uke be independent and not always just relying on seme so ok makes sense in the story... so this apparently all happened during their first year of uni, though uke was a bit older and held back cuz of his sister's death and stuff for 1 year or so. seme's mother was forgiven by seme eventually cuz apparently we're supposed to forgive all mental illness shit... and now jump forward 3 years to uni graduation of seme. uke had dropped out. seme has decided to move out and stop relying on his parents for money and stuff. and with that he shows he is free to love uke and be with him cuz he is fully independent now. they had originally promised to keep the relationship a secret until after graduation anyway. in a way this was kinda fulfilling the original plan of fully being together only after graduation. so seme graduating and uke comes to see him with flowers to congratulate him. seme hugs him right away and they go back to uke's house. uke actually bought the apartment they stayed at together before. so happily ever after from now on i suppose. there was a side doctor couple that's also not well explained. probably a lot got cut if this was adapted, and it would be worth checking for an original though idk if i can stomach it. at least not right now. ok so there are some very cute extras in chinese that were not translated. read them and it was worth! very cute normal couply stuff. so sad for all the shit this couple has gone through, i hope they can be together in peace forever.

One Take

Complete | 김쿠키, 애플파이,찰밥 | 2000 released
2021-09-22 17:06 marked

actors. uke had a scandal in the past where he was falsely accused of sexually assaulting a woman. but actually he was just helping the girl after she came out of sleeping with men to get jobs. but he never revealed the truth to keep her dignity. seme somehow starts liking him after seeing one of his old performances and decides to uncover the truth for him and clear his name. sets up a whole tv show and gets the real culprit involved. my complaint is this whole manhwa has too little romance. i loved the whole drama with the scandal and seme manipulation of the incident, but it's soooo unromantic and feels like their feelings come out of nowhere. uke falls in love with seme just cuz he's a fanboy of seme. and then uke thinks seme is too scary and manipulative and fake. but somehow turns around is decides it's okay again. the romance is so bad here but the story is not bad at all lol.

Yonin no Nibiiro

Complete | Akabeko,akabeko | 2018 released
2021-06-27 06:30 marked

might read cuz akabeko, but it's so messed up.


Complete | Ariki Eiko | 2000 released
2021-12-08 16:28 marked
Tags: drama

complete, but sounds way too dramatic...........

Jibun Katte.

Complete | Hinako (ひなこ) | 2000 released
2020-02-25 07:09 marked

this cover always throws me off cuz it looks awful compared to the story inside i mean this story is kind of good in the psychological and drama aspect, but i don't really like the seme and how they resolved things to start the relationship. so uke always intervenes when he finds out seme got a gf. one time he doesn't and seme is kinda surprised. turns out uke didn't know, so that's why. but when he finds out, he rushes over to seme and asks if they fucked. seme is like yeah we did and uke is real mad about it. after that uke kinda avoids seme and seme doesn't say anything either. honestly their relationship is weird and i am just not feeling their love for each other. then one time seme sees what he thinks is uke kissing another guy. after that he misunderstands about uke having a bf and uke plays along, saying he's fighting with his bf to get seme's sympathy. and in the end seme somehow comes to the realization that he's always talking about uke? and thinking about him. and uke kinda threatens seme's gf so she breaks up with him. and he comes back right after the breakup to kiss uke and get together with him and they try to have sex but uke's too tight. then last chapter just showing them having sex for the first time. but overall i am just not understanding how seme came to like uke and don't really like how he went through girls and jumped to uke so fast.............idk weird

Break it

Ongoing | Komeko | 2019 released
2022-03-31 16:51 marked

FUCKING INCONCLUSIVE SHOUNEN-AI SHIT. at least there was a bit of murder mystery.......... 10 year age gap though, and seme is a cop so he should know better.............. just a story of seme picking up uke who is a high schooler with absent parents. uke's been fighting neighbourhood delinquents cuz he's not got much to do and seme tells him to stop and come help at his family farm instead. so uke does on the condition seme doesn't arrest him for fighting and stuff. seme is a cop and has a case of a missing girl going on. then they're preparing for a village festival that seme and his family help to put on every year. it's like 2 months after they first met. at the festival seme kinda kisses uke's neck or something and uke is like woah wut. then sirens ring and seme has to go check it out. the missing girl's been found dead and buried. then uke who's been left alone there is kidnapped and taken to some abandoned warehouse. it's seme's childhood friend and cop buddy who did it. apparently he's been in love with seme since high school and killed seme's past lover in high school 10 years ago. seme always thought that guy left town to escape debt. seme finds them and brings down this dude pretty easily. he's almost gonna kill the guy with his knife, but uke stops him and says i still wanna be with you. after that things go back to normal and uke's still hanging around seme's house. story ends with seme saying uke is free to go wherever he wants after high school, but seme will always be in this village and willing to receive uke.

Sono Kuchibiru ni Yoru no Tsuyu

Complete | fukai youki | 2006 released
2022-04-04 16:27 marked

this is pretty dark with rape going both ways between them, so tagged drama. back in middle school seme transferred into uke's class. uke kinda took him under his wing cuz uke was like looked up to by other kids and found they had similar family situations going on with parents divorcing. so seme got closer with the other kids through uke and took them to uke's secret spot, which they all knew about but nobody went out of respect for uke. seme didn't realize uke only wanted to share the spot with him and felt betrayed by this. so some time later uke took those other kids and made them strip seme and stick some pens up his ass. then uke raped seme and seme never came back to school. like 15 years later uke is a bus driver and seme gets on his bus. seme starts riding his bus all the time and the one day rides to the final stop. rapes him there saying it's revenge for what seme did before. so this raping relationship keeps going for a while, always happening at night at the last stop. it's slowly revealed to us readers that uke doesn't really hate it that much cuz he is still in love with uke. he just wishes this sex was between lovers and he secretly does things like kissing seme's neck to make it feel that way. and he gets moved when seme shows care for him like making sure he doesn't fall over but knows it doesn't mean anything. one night uke gets fed up with himself and all this after hearing seme is only going to be around for 3 more weeks. he was just here for a business trip and once he goes back, he's getting married to his boss's daughter. when uke hears time is almost running out, he tries to kill himself and seme by not stopping the bus going around a cliffside. seme realizes and pulls up on the lever and sees the terrible state uke is in. when they drive back to the station, uke says that seme really shouldn't meet up with him anymore. seme is leaving but then realizes uke still hasn't driven away and goes back to see uke passed out with blood coming out of his mouth. turned out he has a stomach ulcer from stress and seme called him an ambulance and stayed with him through surgery and all that. he comes to the hospital to visit uke once uke is almost discharged and brings him flowers. he apologizes for what he did and comments on how uke never apologized for what he did 15 years ago. uke says he never felt bad about it like he did something wrong cuz he's in love with seme. and then uke goes into kiss seme and leaves. some time later uke is back to work and seme gets on his bus again. uke is very surprised and seme says he's been demoted and transferred here forever since he cancelled the marriage and his boss was mad lol. uke helps seme settle in and they have sex and it's honestly sweet. i don't know how this author did it but i feel like they have a great relationship?????? despite it being all rape all the time until this last scene lmao

Doubt (nishimura Shuuko)

Complete | Nishimura Shuuko | 2008 released
2022-06-19 22:11 marked

so seme and uke used to be lovers and work together to find tungsten, a rare metal. on an expedition to find tungsten, a cave collapses and somehow only uke makes it out. seme is gone. 5 years later uke still can't get over seme but is not working in the same mountain on another expedition. there's a guy in the team who looks exactly like seme but the guy says he's not seme. and there's something suspicious about this trip cuz there's supposed to be 4 people but 5 showed up all claiming to be invited to work. anyway, intrigue here and there and then uke finally persuades seme to have sex with him. while doing it, all of seme's memories come back. actually he had been having some flashbacks and dreaming about uke ever since they met again. from then on seme vows to protect uke from the spy. there's some action at the end where the spy captures uke cuz uke knows how to get down the mountain and tries to run off with their info. but seme catches up in another car and dangling off a cliff uke saves seme. and i guess all ends and it's great, seme and uke together. honestly so much plot from this author, i loved it.