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❀'s manga / #drama(35)

Into It

Complete | 옹심, Ongsim | 2019 released

this story was fine, but i'm left hating the uke a bit and feeling like some important shit never got resolved. so backstory is not explained well, but basically they met once in high school and spent an afternoon together and then promised to meet up again next day. but seme doesn't show up cuz he gets into an accident and uke hates him then cuz he had fallen in love with seme the day honestly. and uke really remembered seme cuz he's been a child actor forever and it was hard for him to get friends and open up. uke moved away after that day and they couldn't meet again. now like 10 years later, they are staring opposite each other in a gay film. seme knows it's uke but uke doesn't know it's seme. seme tries super hard to get close to uke but uke has a shit personality and is super cold and unwilling to listen to anyone except himself........ eventually he does open up to seme and they get together, however uke never lets seme explain why he never fucking showed up that day when they were in high school. why the fuck does the author never let uke know the explanation about seme's car accident that ruined his high school swimming career?? huge deal that uke never learns this important part of seme's honestly next arc after they're together is about uke and this nasty director he's a fan of. cuz uke never listens to anyone except himself, he refuses to believe the rumours saying this director is trash. seme tries to warn him again and again but uke just keeps siding with the director. seme eventually gets tired of this shit and breaks up with uke cuz he needs a break. then uke fucking goes out with the director again to the director's fucking home and the director secretly films a video of them where he pushes uke down. uke flees but next morning the director had leaked an edited version of the video. uke tries to fucking suicide cuz he used to be a drug and alcohol addict and still smokes and gets back into his sleeping pills seme goes to see him in the hospital and uke is all playing the victim like what are you doing here i don't deserve you just let me die and annoying. then he just leaves for some alone time but somehow the director's wife is contacted and she leaks the real version of the video and everyone finds out the director is vile and shit. seme and uke get together again cuz seme says he wants to be together even though uke keeps putting himself down. they adopt a dog and i guess happily ever after. UKE NEEDED TO SUFFER MORE AND GROW MORE AND BEG ON HIS KNEES FOR SEME TO FORGIVE HIM. UKE IS SO FUCKING ANNOYING AND DUMB. HE SERIOUSLY DOES NOT DESERVE SEME IN HIS CURRENT STATE CUZ HE NEEDS PERSONAL GROWTH.

Park Hanhoo's Manager

Complete | KIM TAC | 2000 released
2022-04-25 01:45 marked
Tags: manhwa drama

bruh only read chap 1 and already tons of drama. uke grew up in an orphanage and ostracized all his life. seme some tough dude who everyone also ignores but cuz he got in trouble with the school's gang kids......


Complete | Brothers Without a Tomorrow | 2000 released

this is really jam packed action. great concept, love the characters and art. some parts not resolved as well as i would have liked because it started to feel rushed, but i suppose any slower might have felt dragging on. basically, uke is rich and buys seme, who is in some illegal fighting ring. they both fell in love at first sight there. uke wants to use seme in a plan to hurt his father, who caused his mother's depression and suicide. it's kinda a wacky plan where he throws his own life away since he is his father's heir and what his father values, but not loves. idk honestly what is this weird rationale. along the way he starts to love seme more and more and don't know if he can continue with the plan. seme, who had originally loved his leader from his gang times, starts to realize his feelings for uke are love too. well in the end it's complicated but seme fakes uke's death and goes to jail for killing him. let out in 5 years and 3 years later finds uke again by the seaside where they last met. they get together and it's kind of bittersweet because both have become so damaged in the 8 years apart. uke is kinda paranoid anytime seme is away or slightly at risk of hurting himself. seme somehow got a limp in prison. but they still love each other and consider each other the ray of light in their sorta broken lives. some parts i didn't like were how uke lost all contact with his son. he loved his son and was great friends with his ex-wife who helped him through the plan. i guess it makes sense for the son to hate him, especially as a kid seeing his dad cheat with a man. and uke barely saw his son. and it's just too convenient at the end that somehow uke's dad dies in the years after all this went down. and i am just sad they don't have a happily ever after because they both suffered so much to be together, and you still won't give them a fairy tale ending. why the fuck did seme have to have a bad leg anyway lol like we didn't even see what happened?? so i couldn't give it a best tag even though i was anticipating it so much. i think it just got rushed at the end for some reason.

In the Private Room

Complete | Seobang,Dasjwi | 2019 released

ok this was wild and great. uke 27, seme 38. ending is always a little weak cuz the drama gets to high the come down is never that satisfying. at least this didn't end the moment they drama concluded, but the tying up loose ends was too fast and we didn't get any extras!! tbh they are a boring couple lol and not sure i like either of them, but they are perfect for each other. seme is a rich ceo. uke is part of a kpop group and wanting to get into acting and stuff. they get into a sex contract where uke "entertains" seme in return for work opportunities like getting auditions. but seme never gives him a role directly and uke doesn't wan money. the whole background to this is uke's mom is in a coma and his dad died 7 years ago. both caused by a car accident. seme was there for the accident and helped cover it up, cuz it was caused by his half-brother. it's fucking complicated. he wants revenge on his father for abandoning his mom and making someone burn up his mom's apartment. he teams up with this woman who wants his half-bro dead and they conspire to work together to achieve individual goals. anyway, this and that. lots of provoking here and there. using uke to get to seme and annoy seme. shit like that. but seme is usually there to help get uke out of things and uke slowly falls in love despite hating the contract at first. he also suspects seme likes him cuz seme kisses him and seme has said he doesn't kiss people he doesn't love. uke confesses but seme doesn't react. then he puts distance between them. but then seme lets him in when he's down about his mom's death anniversary. another proof for uke that seme loves him. then there's the climax to the whole seme's family revenge drama and it's weird. he kidnaps uke for a couple days to hide him from the drama? cuz the half-bro is plotting to ruin uke. and at this point uke is mad at seme cuz seme tried to push him away to protect him and now is kidnapping him. uke also suspects seme killed his parents, not the half-bro. so uke is really mad. but after a couple days he can't deny he still loves seme despite all that and goes a little crazy when seme's away one night. he is so relieved seme comes back and seme sees uke's not okay and releases him cuz the shit blew over anyway. idk it was so weird what happened outside while this was happening......... after that uke gets kidnapped by half-bro. but he makes it out alive with help of the woman who hates half-bro. this and that, uke gets stabbed and goes to hospital while saving seme's life. and nothing happens, he gets better lol and is happy with seme when he gets out. idk it's all weird and fast here. so much stuff crammed into 1 chapter. even though before, each chapter was really descriptive and well-written imo. i was fucking hooked. reminds me of "exotic love" kinda. love this trope i guess. anyway, then uke's group has a last concert and disbands i guess. seme becomes chairman after his father dies. half-bro is crazy and crippled now. they are happily in love. but honestly their characters were kinda flat. great story nonetheless so 5 stars, but not best.

At the End of the Road

Complete | Haribo | 2016 released

seme and uke are childhood friends living in this slum area. but one day seme disappears and uke feels betrayed. years pass and uke dies from a truck. seme is fucking devastated cuz seme actually left to become a more powerfull person to protect uke. but then uke's soul is put into the body of this kid who committed suicide in seme's class. i will call him the body i suppose. the body's twin bro hates him. twin bro is main villain in this story. he made his bro commit suicide by setting him up for a punishment he was supposed to receive. so the body got raped and filmed and everyone at school knew. then he begged the twin bro to stop but bro was fucking heartless. all cuz twin had an inferiority complex towards his brother, the body. anyway, story is about seme suspecting the body is uke. uke tries to hide it and pretend not to know what seme's talking about. but honestly they see in each other the only link to their true identity. cuz seme is now pretending to be his dead half-bro to be his rich family's heir. and uke lost his original body. in the end through fighting off the bullies the body guy experienced and fighting his twin, seme and uke get close and ofc in the end uke admits everything to seme. he's a tsundere to the end.

Hyanghyeon Text

Complete | Chepali, Im Ae-Ju | 2000 released

second couple only shows up properly in 2 extra chapters. bomb ass plot, but the mc is kinda dead and ml is slightly dead too lol. they are both really expressionless......typical of this author's art i guess... basically some ppl like mc and his brother have a power to read minds by seeing words coming from ppl. mc moved to countryside to avoid too many words. he meets seme there cuz seme is son of gang leader and came to get rid of some drugs masquerading as a coffee shipment to uke's cafe. somehow seme falls in love at first sight..... and somehow uke gets interested too and decides to move back to seoul to be with seme even though they've known each other like not even a week??? anyway, in seoul they do a whole investigation of some shit going down with seme's gang. while they get closer and then get together for real. then turns out the dude behind it all is uke's policeman friend who he's been helping. but this police dude got crazy jealous of uke's power and didn't like uke shielding seme. police wanted to frame seme for all the crimes he committed. kinda complicated. anyway, seme saves uke from nearly being shot by the police dude. they live happily ever after. that is a super condensed version of a very action packed 80 chapters. lots of action but honestly not clear wtf is going on with seme and uke's romantic relationship. don't know why or how they catch feelings. and it's weird uke doesn't clearly tell seme about his powers until the extra.... cuz before uke said it and seme didn't believe it and we just glossed over it......... idk this story just good for the gang aspect. the weird sad backstory of the characters is not well thought out, but ofc both have shitty parents and childhood trauma.....

Zetsubou ni Nake

Complete | Shinou Ryo | 2000 released
2023-07-13 05:51 marked

my bro this is a new unforgettable manga. the drama, the intrigue, the characters, the art, the uncensored dicks...... i am speechless after reading, only wishing for more. i don't think i can accurately summarize all that happened. basically uke rapes seme one drunken night after the new hire welcome party. seme is so hurt because just earlier at the party, uke had shielded seme from nasty hazing by seniors. so he feels betrayed and vows for revenge. seme sets up this whole plot to smear uke's name and ruin his career and life. also wants to hurt the man he knows uke likes. uke falls for it and then gets let go from his company and almost killed..... but then seme saves him cuz seme still can't forget his feelings for uke. by this point uke is liking seme too and was betrayed by seme setting him up, but he's made peace with it. that angers seme more i think. there's a bit last drama between them and the ceo of their company. uke almost dies again but the man he used to like steps in and saves them both. this is definitely a story to reread someday. now knowing the conclusion, i feel like paying closer attention to the dialogue and details in earlier chapters will add more depth/understanding to the story. in the end, they basically accept their love for each other. seme has a harder time coming around cuz of the emotional turmoil he's been through. wish there was an extra to wrap things up!


Complete | TAN | 2000 released
2023-07-20 03:41 marked

whole story is about some litigation case to bring down this evil dude abusing his artist pupils........ seme used to be part of that i think? uke hates seme, but decides to help him bring down the evil dude so seme will listen to him and that makes uke feel superior........ already tired in chapter 20, don't want to read another 80 chapters about evil rape and abuse shit.....

Isshou Tsuzukerarenai Shigoto

Ongoing | Yamada Yugi | 2007 released
2023-07-27 05:54 marked

took a long time but it's finally complete..... very slow burn. not even sure what romance is happening sometimes cuz the lawyer cases actually get explained really well. and it really feels like you're seeing their life and them getting closer through typical daily life events as lawyers. anyway, it's basically a young lawyer working for his idol lawyer. mentored by him. but then he gets close to his mentor's partner at the firm and ends up with seme. there's a bunch of backstory and lawyer cases happening. i think seme might be 10 or so years older than uke.

α Demo Ω Demo Nai Boku-tachi wa

Ongoing | TOKORO Kemeko | 2019 released
2023-07-31 22:41 marked

seme is alpha and uke is omega, but currently both are pretending to be betas. uke was a call boy and got beat up for being an omega. seme saves him but uke lost his memories. uke says things like he's a beta and shows distress when bringing up heats and being an omega, so seme decides to go with it and pretend he's a beta. seme gives him sleeping pills during his heats so uke passes them without knowing. things start crumbling when another call boy from uke's past recognizes him. seme talks to the guy and he is understanding, wanting the best for uke, so he pretends uke is a beta too. they are living happily together and uke even confesses to seme and ofc seme accepts but seme has reservations cuz he knows they are kinda living in a pretend world full of made up lies. but then seme's half-bro comes to ask seme to sign some papers after their father's death and meets uke. he kinda tells uke he's a omega and used to be a prostitute. uke starts getting some memories and freaking out. he runs to his friend's house. seme decides to leave uke cuz now all his lies have been discovered. he plays the bad guy to let uke have a clean start and not dwell on why he was living as a beta. well after that 2 years pass and uke is not a speaker advocating for omega rights. he starts talking to people and finding out seme actually did a lot to take care of him and was not evil like seme said about himself. uke goes to try to find seme but he's not at his family home or old workplace. now it gets kinda fakey how he finds seme just by randomly discovering some pottery and feeling it's familiar and going on a quest to find the potter which is seme ofc. the ending is too fakey but i do like it overall. once they reunite uke's heat starts and they have sex. and they ofc easily want to be together again. last scene we see them getting married with all the people that have helped and supported them. it's pretty cute!