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❀'s manga / #future progression(61)

Musuko Ga Osewa Ni Nattemasu!

Complete | Amagi Reno | 2009 released

8 year age gap, divorced dad with son and the kindergarten teacher. overall just a silly book where they have sex and the dad is kind of crazy. oneshot about another dad and teacher of his middle school son. this dad even more crazy about his love towards the teacher, but the teacher loves him a lot lol. then some really random short story where two guys have sex to prove their worth as butlers, but turns out it was orchestrated by one guy just so he could sleep with the other. and ending with an extra of the first story 10 years later!

Gaman Nante Oyoshinasai

Complete | KURENO Mataaki | 2018 released

high school 3rd year and 32 year old man. kinda scary age gap lol. basically older guy picks up the younger guy on the train cuz younger guy sleeping and won't wake up. seme takes uke home to sleep. seme found uke's bento and ate it cuz he was so hungry and uke said it's ok. uke made the food cuz he does a lot of housework at home for his mom and 2 younger brothers. then seme said come cook for me pls. uke was kinda unsure but agreed in the end to twice a week. so seme starts falling in love through spending time with uke 2 nights a week. and he starts off with little cheek kisses that uke thinks are platonic cuz his family does it too. but one night uke is sleeping over first time and seme kisses him for real and confesses. uke is still there next morning and says he'll keep coming. but the next time he's supposed to come his brother got a cold so he didn't and then after that seme went on a business trip. uke for some reason was waiting outside when seme returned. he explained it was a misunderstanding and he's just sick, not quitting. uke was also kinda unsure about himself cuz of the age gap. but after this they get together for real i guess? but seme is respectful and decides no sex until after graduation. then we see them fucking first time the night uke graduated lol. then the extra chapter is 2 years later when uke is in college and they're having sex and seme kinda proposes by saying live with me after graduation and i'll adopt you into my family and greet your family.

Inner Beauty

Complete | Fairytale | 2000 released
2021-04-09 09:23 marked

so the two main characters meet in this life after 10000 years ago, uke was killed before they could properly get married. seme is a celebrity actor. uke is some art student who just graduated. his gf cheats on him with with seme, but they meet and clash and switch bodies. they get to know each other through that and uke so quickly forgets his gf and falls for seme. they get into an accident together and that's why seme falls for uke back cuz he sees uke being submissive?? like saying good thing i was hurt instead of you. cuz seme had home problems and didn't feel love from people or something idk. anyway they switch back after the accident but some time later they switch again. they find out it's all cuz of this necklace uke got in australia. they go to find the necklace's pair that's in an australian museum and there's some drama with the past gf and past professor who loves uke and the seme's father, but all resolved pretty easily. they come out to the public but it's like fine with everyone lol. they all live happily ever after and uke's sister even marries seme's manager. there's an epilogue chapter showing them 2 years later still happy together and with a film about their experience and then an image showing them old together. cute and nice art. just didn't really like how fast they fell for each other. all the feelings kinda depended on their history together in past life, where uke saved seme's life even though they were in rival tribes.

Keep Holding On

Complete | Com | 2000 released

childhood friends living in same building. both like each other but nobody says anything until uke is contemplating transfering schools in middle of high school. his parents divorced so he's thinking maybe going to live with his dad and getting away from seme would be good for last year of high school. getting away from distractions lol. seme gets super mad cuz he likes uke and doesn't want him to leave. actually we don't know yet but seme has liked uke since 3rd year middle school. anyway they fight and uke says he never thought they were friends, meaning he always thought of seme as more, but ofc seme doesn't want to hear more and storms off. then some time later at a school trip they have to room together with a bunch of other guys. some other guy tries to assault uke and seme comes to the rescue lol. seme confesses and tells uke not to go, but is like i don't expect a reply. but uke holds him back and kisses seme as reply. cute!! then we see a little hint into the future where they're in uni and still together <3 and uke got drunk so seme takes him home. then in the extra stories there's the look at them in middle school and we see seme's point of view. then we see them in the present again and seme gifting uke philharmonic tickets for christmas.

Cocoon of the Heart

Complete | RosyStarling | 2000 released

the complexity and depth and seriousness in this manhua is literally like nothing i've ever seen before, and for that i have to say it's BEST, though the story was seriously disturbing to me at times due to rape, suicide attempts, and tons of self-harm and depression. there's no way this retelling does it any justice, but it's a masterpiece in its own way. i would say it veers on the side of babying mentally ill characters, always portraying them as in the right and deserving of help. but i think that's the message of this manhua. to bring attention to depression and mental illness and telling us that we need to treasure those people as well. even when people sink to their darkest moments, they can be saved. good art too, a definite plus! so basically seme hates uke cuz he thinks uke's sister and his dad were having an affair and that's why they both died in a car accident together. honestly it's never revealed clearly why they were together that day, but it seems it was not because they were romantically together. i suspect the author changed plots midway. the focus seems to initially be a hate to love relationship, but somewhere in the middle the author went into full mental illness stuff... so seme and uke have to start living in a dorm with 2 other people. seme super hostile to uke, but uke kinda dead and just taking it cuz he's so depressed and has no feelings, all drugged up too. first big event is a school trip and they are rooming together. seme gets super angry and attempts to rape uke. seme pulls back but uke is like i'm used to it and implies that he sells his body to this doctor guy. uke then says it's ok if seme wants to do it cuz he doesn't care either way? at this point seme already has some unhealthy obsession with uke that's turning from hate to desire, so he does fuck uke. then he takes off uke's wet clothes and sees uke's self harm scars all up and down both arms. uke is so upset and this is where the story turns to mental health. for some reason after this happens uke is like completely broken and he can't go to school anymore. the issue i have with this story is that so much focus is given to the mental health awareness that big plot points in the story aren't given enough attention. like things just suddenly happen and you only realize later like what that's it? it was a major plot point but they aren't going to talk about it anymore? and major events are kinda just glossed over.... after uke stops coming to school seme goes to find uke. finds out uke is somehow connected to his past as the boy who called him one time or many times as a child. confusing here and it should have been a big deal that the author just glossed. author also shows them both realizing this fact, but they never get together and actually discuss them finding out their past connection. seems weird we would not see them discuss it, but we do see them acknowledge it later so i guess they spoke about it more off screen?! just didn't feel like enough was communicated about their past reveal. anyway, while this was unravelling, seme found uke at his childhood rundown house and brought him to a new apartment that seme started renting cuz he's the son of a rich family. he brought uke there and promised to heal uke from his trauma and stuff. but honestly kind of weird cuz uke seemed relatively okay, just dead inside before. the rape thing might have set him off even more but idk. another confusing point cuz uke was not so bad but i guess he was hiding it. there's some serious drama about uke's old doctor being an ex-bf of uke's dead sister. and the doctor being obsessed with the dead sis and kidnapping uke to dress him up as her and pretending to live domestic life with him as her replacement. then seme comes to the rescue and the doctor tries to jump off the balcony but seme saves him. thank god never see him again. then we see uke opening up to seme some more after that and seme going to talk to doctors to get help for uke. once uke feels a bit better he goes to the hospital himself and starts a new round of medications. after this the next big drama is seme's family. cuz seme's mom is already kinda mental from way back due to various factors in an unhappy marriage and then the dad died and she just was upset everywhere idk. i guess it's hard to pinpoint the exact causes of mental illness. so seme brings uke to family spring break gathering and family doesn't know uke's identity so it's okay. but some time later the mom randomly shows up at their apartment. seme is out but uke sits with the mom in silence and waiting. uke knows some shit about to go down and mom saw the hickeys on uke's neck. seme comes back and uke's mom goes crazy seeing them act domestic and stabs for uke but hits seme. seme goes into hospital unconscious for like a week. during this time uke decides to just up and leave?!?!? like ofc we've seen a lot of good mental development from him during this time, but such a weird real life choice. to leave your partner after he is stabbed. but i think the author wanted to show the uke be independent and not always just relying on seme so ok makes sense in the story... so this apparently all happened during their first year of uni, though uke was a bit older and held back cuz of his sister's death and stuff for 1 year or so. seme's mother was forgiven by seme eventually cuz apparently we're supposed to forgive all mental illness shit... and now jump forward 3 years to uni graduation of seme. uke had dropped out. seme has decided to move out and stop relying on his parents for money and stuff. and with that he shows he is free to love uke and be with him cuz he is fully independent now. they had originally promised to keep the relationship a secret until after graduation anyway. in a way this was kinda fulfilling the original plan of fully being together only after graduation. so seme graduating and uke comes to see him with flowers to congratulate him. seme hugs him right away and they go back to uke's house. uke actually bought the apartment they stayed at together before. so happily ever after from now on i suppose. there was a side doctor couple that's also not well explained. probably a lot got cut if this was adapted, and it would be worth checking for an original though idk if i can stomach it. at least not right now. ok so there are some very cute extras in chinese that were not translated. read them and it was worth! very cute normal couply stuff. so sad for all the shit this couple has gone through, i hope they can be together in peace forever.

Kore ga Koi na Wake ga Nai

Complete | SUSUKI Sonoichi | 2016 released
2022-02-09 03:14 marked

there's a fucking sequel to this but it's never been scanlated T_T this story was okay but kinda chaotic in plot. the characters redeem it i guess. uke likes this guy who rejects him and he's kinda depressed. seme one day sees uke glare and swear at him after bumping shoulders and falls in love??? apparently he's masochistic but we don't really see that apart from him just wanting to obey everything seme says and be perf for seme. they happen to meet at a goukon and seme is more interested in uke than the girls. uke leaves cuz he's creeped out and seme chases after. tells uke he wants to be treated like trash but he's not gay and uke creeped out again. seme starts popping up everywhere at school saying same stuff. one day uke sees the guy he likes having sex with his bf. uke goes to jerk off in the bathroom and cry. seme sees him from above stall doors and uke is like wtf. then seme comes in and jerks him off again or something while ppl are outside. uke is so mad and leaves. seme is pretty persistent and apologizes at uke's house. says he will do anything uke wants. at first seme rejects it but turns around and they start a sexual relationship. seme comes to do blowjobs at uke's request. then seme's ex-gf enters the scene. seme, uke, ex-gf, and rando girl who maybe likes uke go out to buy stuff for cultural festival. seme and uke do blowjob in the bathroom. outside their convo is overheard by stalking ex-gf so she knows seme likes uke. school festival happens and the ex threatens uke to break it off with seme cuz he's gay and seme just bi so uke should let seme be normal again. uke basically does just that and says cruel shit about how he is disgusted to touch a guy who has touched girls. then for some reason seme goes crazy and starts hitting on random girls and getting hit in return lol. so he's suspended from school. uke goes to visit him and they pretty much reconcile. seme thinks uke came to reject him again and doesn't want to hear it but uke tells sad story of a straight guy bff rejecting his coming out before and it having left a scar so he didn't want to repeat that with seme or something idk. anyway they're okay again lol and have sex for real. next we see the extra of them many years later and working. seme as nursery teacher and uke as apprentice lawyer. then another cute extra of seme planning to propose and uke suspecting that seme had affair lol. ofc uke accepts in the end and THE SEQUEL IS ABOUT THEM AS ADULTS AND I WANT IT SO BAD.

Keisenjou no Cantata

Complete | Hayane Dentou,HAYANE Dentou | 2020 released

too artsy deep for me. usually enjoy this author's arty deep stuff, but this is bordering on bullshit level in pursuit of so called art. okay not that harsh. but did not truly enjoy either couple and structure of story is confusing. chapter 1 3 5 are couple 1. chapter 2 4 are couple 2. and both show up in extra. also they are connected in that seme from couple 1 draws manga and couple 2 are fans of the manga and produce fan works from it. couple 1: they meet in uni and are kinda friends somehow special to each other, senpai uke and kouhai seme. seme always asks uke for lunch and uke obliges. uke always wears gloves so ppl think he's weird but seme doesn't ask about it. one day uke decides to show why he wears gloves, it's cuz he has burns on his palms. seme then confesses. uke is shocked and kinda rejects him even though he also loves seme cuz he also has problem on back of hand. he pinches himself when he's nervous and has scars on back of hand. uke thinks seme won't like him for that so he rejects the confession but still wants to be friends. seme is cold afterwards but uke keeps talking to him like normal. eventually seme kinda comes around and acts like nothing happened as well. some years pass like this, being normal friends. but uke never sleeps over at seme's house. seme thinks it's cuz uke avoiding him, but uke actually thinks he can't hold himself back... and one day he ends up showing the back of his hand too and confesses. seme accepts him, can't remember who started it this time though and they date. i do not like this poor disabled traumatized uke shit. couple 2: they are online friends who bonded over shared love for seme1's manga. seme produces fanfiction, uke produces doujinshi. one day uke shares online that he's at the wrong stop. seme realizes that's his stop and recommends a manga cafe for uke. then next morning uke just happens to sit next to seme at a cafe eating breakfast. seme sees uke drawing and realizes it's uke and speaks to him. they start being great friends. seme has liked uke since their first meeting. but uke slowly realizes his feelings, especially when he sees seme with a girl. then one day they're going home from a comicon event thing and uke kinda asks seme if he's got plans with a girl. then seme is like no i don't cuz i already have someone i like and that's you ahhhh and they're holding hands while seme says this. uke realizes their stop is here and takes seme over to his house. they kiss and get together too.

Koi o Shita Sora no Majika

Complete | ROKUJOU Poko | 2013 released

liked it about as much as expected for a teacher student relationship. student sad over liking another guy and not being able to confess so stopped coming to school. teacher goes to see what's up and student talks about his struggles. then somehow student has fallen in love and next time in school he confesses to the teacher. and teacher agrees to it real quick and they're like dating in school. then student is like let's break up....... so confused why. but then he graduates and teacher goes to his house to find him. student's dad slaps him and then he goes home and finds student outside his house. they kiss and wtf is the point of this drama. then we see a little of them and side couple nurse and student few years later. that part is cute.

Sayonara, Osananajimi

Ongoing | Nemoto saki | 2019 released
2021-12-22 20:36 marked

seme suddenly confesses to uke as uke is joking about them dating. then afterwards seme starts avoiding uke. uke realizes he doesn't want to be without seme, so goes to see him. takes seme to the beach and confesses and they kiss in the sand. then uke takes seme home and they have sex. seme was like r u sure and uke is like yeah that's what i came prepared to do. i'm scared but it's ok with u. then we see them 10 years into the future still together as working adults and looking the fucking same. this author sucks.

Tu Quoque

Complete | Namut | 2019 released

they exchanged rings in the second season, but we don't actually see that happen. anyway dropped this cuz it's just too slow and slice of life for me. these two were classmates in first grade or something and now rooming together in uni. first they have some pranks on each other which is really annoying instead of cute or whatever. seme quickly becomes attracted to uke and starts being super close. uke realizes that he likes seme too and doesn't want anyone to be close like seme. and then they finally get together after just holding hands and both understand each other's feelings are reciprocated. FUCKING HATE UKE AND HOW HE LOOKS. HE'S GOT FATASS DUMBASS LIPS GROSS ASS MF. then season 2 is them after graduating uni and now working. just happens to work in same building but different companies.