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❀'s manga / #manhua(26)

Let’s Fall in Love!

Complete | Tang Bu Xing | 2000 released

kinda short and underdeveloped, but a good cute story overall. uke and seme used to know each other as kids and uke saved seme from bullies. they promised to meet again in future. uke had an accident in middle school and forgot all this. now they are adults working in entertainment. uke is singer, seme actor. but one day uke gets caught kissing a man and his career is kinda over. his company dresses him up as a girl and has her act in a commercial and start an acting career now lol. seme also working in that commercial. when they first meet seme is super cold to female uke, but uke lets slip something that only uke knew, so seme suspected that it was uke. then they are acting on set and seme hitting on uke pretty hard. i feel like the story got rushed from this point on. seme says uke should use his real identity to ask for favours, cuz uke was helping another female actress ask seme to teach her. seme gives uke his phone number. after that uke just casually texts seme saying meet up and i'll return your umbrella, something seme gave to male uke. so it basically confirmed for seme that fem-uke and uke are the same person i guess. and after that there's a little scandal with the other female actress stirring up media problems. but seme holds press conference and tells everyone he loves uke. then uke gets moved by it so he decides to confess back. he arranges a date with the seme to meet. on that day he gets kidnapped by his crazy manager who loves him cuz they apparently knew each other in middle school and uke helped him from bullies too lol. uke's ex who he was caught kissing also helped this plan, but he was only there to half help uke. the ex texted seme what happened and even helped uke escape out. seme storms the building where uke is captured and saves uke, who was collapsed outside. they promise in the hospital to always be together from then on the end.......CUTE BUT TOO RUSHED. WANTED TO SEE MORE DEVELOPMENT. chapters really got shorter near the end :/

Spun Together

Complete | Er Liang Qie Fen | 2000 released
2021-05-11 04:08 marked

just dropped around chap 3 cuz boring characters and boring stereotypical plot. cute guy uke with sewing wool shop. cold seme who feels disgusted when touched except for uke's touch. idk their relationship just doesn't feel good to me. too many gags in this manhua too.... don't really like either character, but i can see this being a slice-of-life-ish plain cozy story.

I Fell in Love with My Sister's Boyfriend

Complete | Ni SanSui, Moriya | 2000 released
2021-05-11 19:23 marked

very weird the chapters after ~60 are a completely different story......................... first story is about actor seme and uke who slept together one night after meeting in bar. uke was crossdressing as a woman at the time to test if he was gay. seme brought him to hotel and uke was gonna leave and tell seme the truth of his gender, but seme was like i already know and then they fuck. both can't forget each other after that but don't meet for 3 years. they only reunite after uke's twin sister approaches seme and makes him date her. but it's so confusing why she would do this?? to hurt uke and make his feelings disappear? cuz it's revealed that she knows uke likes seme and this sister is actually kinda crazy and wants to keep uke away from seme and everyone else or something like that. anyway, whatever cuz seme was not really interested in this sister either, just used her to get closer to uke. so seme and uke do kinda talk it out and get together, but ofc uke is reluctant to betray his sister cuz he doesn't know she's a psycho yet. seme invites uke to some reality tv in the countryside that seme's filming. while there the sister suddenly shows up to cause drama. then seme suddenly decides to put it all to an end by coming out on livestream. then somehow we see them leaving the countryside house with many reporters following and wanting to know what happened. then there's an extra chapter showing them a few months later living together well and seme now has a radio show for gay people to call in and find support. that's how we get to the second couple, cuz second couple's uke is calling and trying to say he's always liked this guy. uke gets interrupted and we see the second seme. then the second story starts..... so they are childhood friends 5 years apart. older uke younger seme. both love each other but could never say. we see some drama with a superior at work liking uke making seme jealous. and some drama about seme's sex friend who looks like uke. seme was using him to replace uke but uke didn't know and got the wrong idea and was so hurt. just a whole bunch of misunderstanding and them avoiding confessing to each other.....but they finally do it after that uke replacement guy tells uke about it all. uke goes to find seme who's trying to get away and relax in the countryside. uke confesses and they spend several days together just having sex and being together at a countryside retreat lol. really nothing stands out about either of these stories and the first one was actually particularly bad. at least the artist for the second story is so much better.

Don't Touch Me! (Zhuang ning)

Complete | ZHUANG NING | 2000 released

amazing art and well thought out story. but tbh the cat and dog uke and seme characterizations are not my fav, especially not the cat type personality and long hair. uke 24, seme 20. uke is young master of rich family, seme is hair cutter in salon owned by his dad in the countryside. long haired uke hates being touched after he got touched inappropriately by his older bro when he was 14. older bro kidnapped him for 3 days in a warehouse and touched him and shit, what happened not explained in full. so uke gets sent to live in the countryside for 6 months by his grandfather to learn about the area and prove he can live well on his own. his family just bought the whole area's land and considering redevelopment. uke upset about living in this rundown place and writes a proposal to demolish this place. but slowly he starts to warm up to this place, especially with help from the seme. the seme is super friendly to him and reminds him of a black dog from uke's childhood. slowly uke gets to be ok with seme touching him, but nobody else. there's some drama about another guy liking seme and that makes uke jealous. but that other guy is getting pursued by another guy lol and eventually those 2 get together after a traumatic kidnapping incident. but along the way there's a lot of cute stuff like the 4 of them going to live on a farm for a while to help out. them working in the modelling industry a bit and seme getting a hair stylist job there part time. the final arc is uke's crazy older bro coming back into the picture. first the bro meets seme and seme isn't aware of their horrible history, so seme gets sucked in by the bro's kindness. uke sees them together and starts to question seme's motives and stuff. seme also didn't understand their bad past, so questioned by uke was being so silent about his bro. things were kinda stiff between them. then seme finds out about uke's old proposal to demolish his neighbourhood. the older bro revealed this to separate them. seme and uke get into a fight and seme tries to reach out to the older bro to reverse this decision. at their office seme sees the older bro giving presentation on how much he wants the demolition to go ahead. just as he's going inside to object, he sees uke objecting and proposing something much better. to keep the homes but upgrading the district and stuff. so investors decide to go with that plan and the neighbourhood is saved. seme and uke meet after and talk it out. everything seems good between them. some time later they are eating with the 2 other guys to celebrate the saved neighbourhood. uke gets kidnapped again on his way home, by his brother. seme works with uke's driver/butler and the other 2 guys to find uke and save him. again the older bro took uke to the same place and is touching him. older bro just hates uke so much cuz of jealousy. bro is deaf in one ear and treated like disabled, so he mad at uke's better treatment by parents. but really he is misdirecting his anger. anyway, so uke is saved and gets his hair cut better. the older bro kinda chopped it off ugly. story just ends with 4 friends spending time on the beach with fireworks and one last kiss between seme and uke. finally uke kinda admits that he likes seme back even though all this time it's pretty obvious and they're already shared a lot of intimate touches. well that's the end and idk if there are extras on the author's weibo but too lazy to search that up. well written story and would be rated best if not for the fact i did not like uke's character much and seme is too typically a dog character. just kinda boring stereotypical characters i guess, but in a way i don't like... cuz i at some point preferred the second couple...they are also pretty stereotypical, especially the cute fiesty uke, but i liked that seme a lot more, the persistent, kind, but also cold exterior type.


Complete | Maimeng | 2000 released
2021-05-12 19:15 marked

one of the dumbest, most poor quality manhuas i've ever read. uke has some sad past about being outed as gay in high school by the guy he liked. that guy took a video of him masturbating after threatening him and it got leaked. uke tried to commit suicide after that and moved away. not as an adult that guy from high school becomes his superior but uke pretends to not know him. at this time he also meets some guy working in a convenience store. that guy reminds him a lot of an old childhood friend. they get really friendly fast and start dating no problem. then there's just dumb drama about the guy from high school threatening him again. somehow the seme is not the son of a rich family and they move to his villa after he gets into a fight with the other guy. the other guy kidnaps uke again and tries to rape him. he is saved by seme and family but uke tries to commit suicide again. then he looks at his wrist with the matching tattoo he has with seme over his past self harm scars and decides to live on. BULLSHIT DUMBFUCKERY EVERYWHERE. uke so dumb and weak and useless. his dream suddenly becomes to open a flower shop in the seaside town where seme's villa is. seme then becomes ceo of his dad's company and they live happily ever after. so stupid wtf. really generic characterizations and just a bunch of crap thrown together.

The Story About You x Me

Complete | wangcaideju,atias | 2000 released
2021-05-12 19:47 marked

dropped after chap 21. too much slice of life and too slow going. even skipped to later chapters but still too much focus given to non-romantic shit. also the gags as typical in manhua and some 4th wall breaking are not my type. this uke mc with pink hair is too typically chinese. doing bad shit and acting cool but just an idiot, that style. basically these two guys used to be middle school classmates, but uke doesn't really remember seme. one day uke in teacher's office changing records on the computer. he's caught by the seme and the teacher. seme helps him talk his way out of it, but in return he got stuck with student duties for 300 days. and the seme prob just did this to spend more time with uke. and it's just slice of life scenes from their school life doing random chores and getting into funny situations with the teachers and other students. but i literally don't care about those other students nor their straight relationships

My Four Masters

Complete | ONEGIN,N11 | 2000 released

good art and 3 couples. surprisingly i fricken love all of them!! so main couple is about this uke who thinks he's in love with a girl. the girl is fujoshi and actually cheering for him to end with seme lol. anyway uke gets a master (seme) to teach him how to seduce girls. master actually falls for him and kinda hinders him in his goal. while on a trip to seme's private island, seme keeps seeing uke get close with the girl and is upset. seme confesses and at first uke rejects it and thinks it's weird. but he quickly comes around. honestly i think it's too fast how uke's feelings change from liking the girl to realizing he actually likes seme. but he realizes he likes seme and goes to find seme to confess his feelings back. and they get together after that pretty easily. seme is from a rich family that doesn't pay much attention, so he just wanted someone honest to always stay with him, which uke promises to do. cute, but honestly the uke's feelings changed too fast! second couple is about the uke1's other "master," a computer science graduate student, and this student's friend from undergrad, who's a rich young master. so uke2 was helping uke1 get the girl and along the way uke1 wanted to help uke2 back cuz uke2 was getting ostracized by his classmates. someone had framed him for stealing other people's computer code. seme2 had to come back to uni from his ceo position at his family's business to help out uke2. he provided proof that it was all framed and uke2 got an apology from the bitch who did it. uke2 is really oblivious to seme2's feelings. they were roommates and great friends during undergrad, but seme2 thought they were kinda dating the whole time cuz of a misunderstanding. when he realized uke2 didn't see him in that way, he said he never wanted to see uke2 again. but now seme2 is back and willing to restart their relationship, even just as friends. seme2 floods his own house to have an excuse to stay at uke2's house. they slowly get even closer and uke2 begins to realize his feelings are not just friendship cuz seme2 helps him out so much. their confession scene is so unique and lovely, they might honestly be my fav couple! so they're talking about how good each other are and how they'll both be jealous of whoever got to be with the other in the future. and they look at each other and realize what it means lol, or at least uke finally realizes, seme always knew. then seme proposes they date each other to see what they had to be jealous of. i think this line wasn't translated properly, but i get what they were trying to say. very cute, love oblivious ukes! last couple is an art teacher at the uni and the model he knows. they knew each other for a long time and the model always wanted to prove his worth to the art teacher. but prof always super cold and unwilling to say any compliments or acknowledge the model's beauty. model actually became a model just to show prof that he is indeed beautiful and that other people agree or something like this. anyway whole time we see just model appealing to super cold prof, but at the end we see that prof actually told model that he was perfect one time. and model was drunk that time so he totally forgot and thought it was a dream. after prof told model this, model went overseas to start his modelling career and prof was hurt. thought that once model got validation, he would just leave prof. but model realizes this happened and comes to confront prof just before he always gives up their relationship entirely and goes overseas again. prof confirms it and they make up and get together. their ending seems kinda forced like author couldn't think of a way to make the always super cold guy suddenly change his mind, so gave him some sad backstory reason hmm idk. anyway overall a good read despite the weird title!

Cocoon of the Heart

Complete | RosyStarling | 2000 released

the complexity and depth and seriousness in this manhua is literally like nothing i've ever seen before, and for that i have to say it's BEST, though the story was seriously disturbing to me at times due to rape, suicide attempts, and tons of self-harm and depression. there's no way this retelling does it any justice, but it's a masterpiece in its own way. i would say it veers on the side of babying mentally ill characters, always portraying them as in the right and deserving of help. but i think that's the message of this manhua. to bring attention to depression and mental illness and telling us that we need to treasure those people as well. even when people sink to their darkest moments, they can be saved. good art too, a definite plus! so basically seme hates uke cuz he thinks uke's sister and his dad were having an affair and that's why they both died in a car accident together. honestly it's never revealed clearly why they were together that day, but it seems it was not because they were romantically together. i suspect the author changed plots midway. the focus seems to initially be a hate to love relationship, but somewhere in the middle the author went into full mental illness stuff... so seme and uke have to start living in a dorm with 2 other people. seme super hostile to uke, but uke kinda dead and just taking it cuz he's so depressed and has no feelings, all drugged up too. first big event is a school trip and they are rooming together. seme gets super angry and attempts to rape uke. seme pulls back but uke is like i'm used to it and implies that he sells his body to this doctor guy. uke then says it's ok if seme wants to do it cuz he doesn't care either way? at this point seme already has some unhealthy obsession with uke that's turning from hate to desire, so he does fuck uke. then he takes off uke's wet clothes and sees uke's self harm scars all up and down both arms. uke is so upset and this is where the story turns to mental health. for some reason after this happens uke is like completely broken and he can't go to school anymore. the issue i have with this story is that so much focus is given to the mental health awareness that big plot points in the story aren't given enough attention. like things just suddenly happen and you only realize later like what that's it? it was a major plot point but they aren't going to talk about it anymore? and major events are kinda just glossed over.... after uke stops coming to school seme goes to find uke. finds out uke is somehow connected to his past as the boy who called him one time or many times as a child. confusing here and it should have been a big deal that the author just glossed. author also shows them both realizing this fact, but they never get together and actually discuss them finding out their past connection. seems weird we would not see them discuss it, but we do see them acknowledge it later so i guess they spoke about it more off screen?! just didn't feel like enough was communicated about their past reveal. anyway, while this was unravelling, seme found uke at his childhood rundown house and brought him to a new apartment that seme started renting cuz he's the son of a rich family. he brought uke there and promised to heal uke from his trauma and stuff. but honestly kind of weird cuz uke seemed relatively okay, just dead inside before. the rape thing might have set him off even more but idk. another confusing point cuz uke was not so bad but i guess he was hiding it. there's some serious drama about uke's old doctor being an ex-bf of uke's dead sister. and the doctor being obsessed with the dead sis and kidnapping uke to dress him up as her and pretending to live domestic life with him as her replacement. then seme comes to the rescue and the doctor tries to jump off the balcony but seme saves him. thank god never see him again. then we see uke opening up to seme some more after that and seme going to talk to doctors to get help for uke. once uke feels a bit better he goes to the hospital himself and starts a new round of medications. after this the next big drama is seme's family. cuz seme's mom is already kinda mental from way back due to various factors in an unhappy marriage and then the dad died and she just was upset everywhere idk. i guess it's hard to pinpoint the exact causes of mental illness. so seme brings uke to family spring break gathering and family doesn't know uke's identity so it's okay. but some time later the mom randomly shows up at their apartment. seme is out but uke sits with the mom in silence and waiting. uke knows some shit about to go down and mom saw the hickeys on uke's neck. seme comes back and uke's mom goes crazy seeing them act domestic and stabs for uke but hits seme. seme goes into hospital unconscious for like a week. during this time uke decides to just up and leave?!?!? like ofc we've seen a lot of good mental development from him during this time, but such a weird real life choice. to leave your partner after he is stabbed. but i think the author wanted to show the uke be independent and not always just relying on seme so ok makes sense in the story... so this apparently all happened during their first year of uni, though uke was a bit older and held back cuz of his sister's death and stuff for 1 year or so. seme's mother was forgiven by seme eventually cuz apparently we're supposed to forgive all mental illness shit... and now jump forward 3 years to uni graduation of seme. uke had dropped out. seme has decided to move out and stop relying on his parents for money and stuff. and with that he shows he is free to love uke and be with him cuz he is fully independent now. they had originally promised to keep the relationship a secret until after graduation anyway. in a way this was kinda fulfilling the original plan of fully being together only after graduation. so seme graduating and uke comes to see him with flowers to congratulate him. seme hugs him right away and they go back to uke's house. uke actually bought the apartment they stayed at together before. so happily ever after from now on i suppose. there was a side doctor couple that's also not well explained. probably a lot got cut if this was adapted, and it would be worth checking for an original though idk if i can stomach it. at least not right now. ok so there are some very cute extras in chinese that were not translated. read them and it was worth! very cute normal couply stuff. so sad for all the shit this couple has gone through, i hope they can be together in peace forever.

A cat's world

Complete | 工文工文 | 2000 released

real fricken slow relationship but not really in a good way. feels like this story got censored or something so they delayed the confession again and again and even then it was barely a confession... there was also only 1 kiss and then everything else was censored. also the whole ending arc was about the uke's grandfather's old flame, so wtf... took a star off cuz the shounen ai was too little ai. basically uke one day turns into cat and finds out he's a cat demon. he gets picked up by seme, who is also a demon, but hiding his identity. seme is son of powerful demon family and ran away to human world. some demon relations team finds him and makes him go back and he has sad parting with uke. during the time when uke was figuring out his cat demon powers, they got pretty close. after that a year passes and seme comes back cuz he has to look for his sister and other demons who escaped to the human world. they find her pretty fast and at this point human demon world travel is allowed now. so they all go back to demon world together. uke also wants to find his mother cuz his father is human and they separated when uke was baby. in demon world uke meets his mom but she does not reveal her identity. only later when they all go back to human world, she also comes cuz she's finally escaped out. she never wanted to leave them but her dad, uke's grandfather, hates humans and didn't approve of her marriage. so uke pretty easily accepts his mom back into his life and his dad is happy to see her too lol and everything seems cool. but then the grandfather sends cat minion demons to get the mom back. he kidnaps uke's human friend to lure uke there and eventually lure the mom too. this whole final arc is so dumb and barely any romance. honestly barely anything of importance happens in uke and seme's relationship this whole story... but i find this is pretty characteristic of chinese manhua. just telling life story and the romance is interwoven. so uke and friend in demon world now. everyone else follows to save them. uke found refuge in a spirit old woman's flower patch protected by some spirit barrier. everyone else follows inside cuz old woman won't let him leave until she regains memories. then the grandpa chasing them meets the old woman and old woman's memories start to spark. basically they used to love each other but cuz the woman was human and would die early, she decided to split up with grandpa to spare him the pain of seeing her die. but wtf poor reasoning is that... anyway in the end her spirit flower garden is broken into by some random forest demons who actually were doing it for her or something? and she regains all memories and dies after that. guess it didn't matter who caused it but she would pass after regaining memories. that was pretty sad but this whole last big has no fucking romance between the seme and uke... whatever the end after that and uke's parents host a second wedding.

Love me in the Wilderness

Complete | Wang tao | 2019 released
2021-05-24 19:09 marked

both come from powerful families. when young, they saw each other at uke's house cuz seme's father had come with seme to beg uke's father for money. uke fell in love i guess or was super moved by the seme. he asked his father to lend seme's father money. and despite uke's father hesitating at first he agreed and lent the money. after that they never saw each other again. uke's father's business slowly fell apart and he became poor. uke's sister married the business partner of seme's father. after she and business partner somehow died, company was left to uke. seme super mad cuz he is actually running this company right now. he keeps going after uke to make uke sign the company over to him, like the company shares. along the way he sees how uke kind of doesn't care if he dies and seme starts to care for uke. seme doesn't want to hurt uke during the process of getting the company back anymore but keeps him captive until he signs. uke runs away and meets with another guy cuz uke's goal has been to ruin the company and the other guy wants the same or something. anyway after that seme remembers his history with uke and goes to get uke from the other guy. they were on a ship but seme had a tracker on uke's phone. the other guy was almost raping uke as seme came in to save him. after that they go to some island and they get really close. seme says he no longer has bad intentions towards uke at all now that he remembers their past and how uke had asked his father to help seme's father. anyway but after that some people from the company are still after uke so uke runs away. the guy who uke tried to collab with before now stabs uke but seme comes to save him in time and uke confesses his love. seme has some time to think about their relationship while uke is in surgery and later in the icu. when uke can take visitors seme goes to visit him and they kind of promise to always be together. then some extras showing them moving in together. overall not bad but i feel like a lot of stuff was not well explained or maybe cuz i skimmed parts.... i wish they didn't tell the story in the order that they did, with their past placed in the middle of the story. the beginning is too sudden of a jump into their rivalry and it feels like i have no idea what's going on. once you get past that it's kind of nice, but was hard to start.