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❀'s manga / #manhua(26)

Hollow Lovers

Complete | Wang Tao | 2000 released
2021-05-25 22:18 marked

uke is super popular straight guy kinda living off of women. his latest gf dumps him and he goes to drink at a bar. there he is picked up by seme and they go to seme's house. seme wants to fuck him but uke protests and seme is a respectful guy so seme backs off. next day uke doesn't remember anything of the night before with seme and seme tells uke he can live here as long as he wants. seme is gay and always sleeps with men but only once per guy. uke has always dated girls and always rejects seme's advances by saying he's straight. this becomes kinda important later. this story is really relationship driven opposed to most other manhua which i would consider plot driven. the plot stuff is resolved super easily but the focus is mainly on their relationship development and growth. uke starts working as seme's assistant cuz seme always goes through them so fast. seme is a fashion designer but from a rich family. he keeps rejecting his dad to go back home but this is not too important and easily resolved, as is every other external problem to this couple. anyway over the course of half a year or so seme sees uke is a super good assistant. uke also starts developing feelings for seme. like his feelings of admiration turn into something more. uke is also pretending to be seme's bf in front of one designer cuz that guy likes seme. and uke realizes that he's jealous for real now when seme is close with the designer guy instead of just acting like a jealous bf. one night they kiss and have sex. seme is super serious about getting uke's consent the whole way through. they do it and the next day neither really acknowledge it. this is cuz seme thinks uke is regretting it cuz he was always straight. uke thinks seme only sleeps with guys once so that was it. well they resolve this shit and seriously get together pretty easily lol. they are good at communicating and don't drag shit out by not saying shit. there's some outside drama like uke getting kidnapped and seme saving him. then some powerful guy blackmails uke saying have sex with me or i will ruin seme's career. but uke blackmails him back by using his son's drug use. then seme's career is super successful. but media reports on some shady connection between uke and that family and seme's business falls again. seme also has to sell his mom's property left to him in order to pay employee severance and stuff but whatever, that house was like introduced at the last minute just to give seme some money outside of his dad cuz he's not talking to his dad. all the plot is really too easily resolved... so in the end seme's business is not successful at all.....................very not on trend with other manhua semes lol. the story kind of ends there but in the epilogue they go to uke's mom to tell about their relationship. much drama with the mom not accepting them at first and two chapters out of order like around chap 86. but in the end mom accepts and they grow super close and seme is reassured that uke won't leave him for a girl and they say they love each other. honestly would have given it a 4 star cuz i'm not into this whole coming out shit. but i guess the beginning was pretty good relationship progression. this author just kinda sucks at plots.

The ghost that lives in the doll

Complete | 阿闷aman | 2000 released
2021-05-30 17:15 marked

one guy is a spirit in a scary doll. other guy picks up the doll. doll guy wants to scare the other guy like he always does with the people who pick him up and then get scared and throw him out. but this new guy is so nonchalant about it and doll decides to stop scaring him lol. kind of sweet but this cover is creepy as fuck.

Thirty Years Old

Complete | S-monkey | 2000 released
2021-05-30 20:38 marked

dropped after chap 43. so the couple got together pretty quickly after meeting. still unclear why the seme was so insistent with pursuing the uke. but the uke also seemed to accept him quickly. uke had just come out of a relationship with another man who dumped him to get married and satisfy his mom. anyway so things seem to be going well but it's starting some family drama about the family hating uke for being gay. they're both sons of rich families. seme's family already disowned him for being gay or something cuz seme doesn't talk with them anymore. and i skipped to see some chapters later and his mom doesn't want to see uke anymore cuz she's mad he's gay or some shit idk. not into coming out drama ugh i came for romance... second couple is uke's older bro and his secretary. secretary has always like the older bro. older bro only recently becoming conscious of secretary.

Papa Wolf and the Puppy

Ongoing | Mawei,麻尾 | 2000 released
2021-06-04 07:00 marked

story kind of all over the place. started as animals. wolf pack picking up a golden retriever. then everyone turned human and they are part of some secret mafia or something. and boss in hiding after picking up a kid idk. and he was a kid but not an adult..... there's like a huge 20+ year age gap between them. very cute moments and love the characters, but no overarching plot? or just a lot of side shit? like 19 days so can't really give 5 stars.


Complete | Ceci , Jiyo | 2000 released

isekai story in a bl. originally written by chinese author and korean artist. but the eng trans is so shitty even though it's official lol. emperor seme and priest uke. emperor is part of some superior race and doesn't understand humans. he loves uke and treats him like he thinks his jin race would want to be treated. but uke thinks seme just hates him and is abusing him. honestly at the end i still have no idea wtf happened near the end of their lives in the past life. basically emperor has some plan to go into fake coma. uke thinks it's real and exchanges his life for emperor to wake up. seme thinks uke died and prays for him to come back. uke serves a goddess as a priest and she lets him be reborn again to when he's 10 years old. in new life he meets seme again as a kid. seme 3 years older. he heals seme and takes him home. seme starts coming around and learning from him and stuff. so in this life seme understands human emotions a lot more. but when uke realizes it's seme and not some random kid, uke is super fucking dramatic and stabs himself instead of going with seme to the palace. but later an attendant does convince uke to go to palace in exchange for some other stuff. uke agrees to try to bear emperor's child. anyway so through his month or so staying there, honestly timeline is weird, he falls in love with emperor. he comes around to realize this emperor is completely different from the past and realizes that even past emperor loved him in his own way. then they have a child together. typical chinese story with the seme is all over the fucking uke and possessive as fuck. and seme is like in competition with their child for uke's affection.

My Influencer Boyfriend

Ongoing | Gui | 2019 released
2023-01-17 21:17 marked

i had to drop at chap 7. these taiwanese shits are so cringe and sjw. tons of talk about being gay like wtf i literally don't care and dudes are so like careful about being kind and social justice-y