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lenaGRonyx's manga / #could you tranlate it into english please?(14)

Moujuu School Days

Complete | Kamon Saeko | 2000 released

Was there a issue with translation or something, I didn't understand most of it.


Complete | YONEDA Kou | 2012 released

"the manga feels anticlimactic, it builds up emotions but at the same time it off panels the climax" It's that.

Tenjou no Shita ni Koi

Complete | ICHIKAWA Ichi | 2014 released

---Je suis un peu perdue, je comprends pas trop ce qu'il se passe dans ce manga ---Ahh, après les deux premiers chap, c'est plus clair ^^

Deliverance of the Counterattack

Ongoing | Haier,popeye | 2000 released

|Chapter 159 - Dropped| Too light while processing heavy plot/event, seems like the author can't make a decision and changes his mind all the time, poorly written, too much translation errors, not enough research/experience with a lot of subjects, and I waited a bit of explanation for the hermaphrodite but seems like it wasn't planned (and censored for some reason)

It's No Use Hanging On

Ongoing | Candysoda,Pompommello | 2019 released

It's My Baby!

Complete | Sailor | 2019 released

|Chapter 34 - Dropped| First "What does he mean it's his first time?? He's been cheated on multiple times and just got out of a 3 year relationship" and like always, didn't ship with the successful rich alpha. Poorly written and bad translate, so it's too annoying to keep up (and since the "level of writting", it doesn't make sense Hesoo didn't fall in love with Taeoh, he is his type by his looks, he is kind, attentionate, in good terms with his family, cares about his son, his son loves him, his son's teacher and neighbour so they see each other all the time, and an alpha so they should be alchemy). I was waiting to see Taeoh's past (I suppose he is son of a mafia boss), but I gave up.

Ni Jiu

Ongoing | changpei literature, milk mouth card | 2000 released

|Chapter 113 - Dropped| --Their newborn is an alpha female in a world without second gender, THAT is interristing--