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lenaGRonyx's manga / #tss seriously? (=_=)(24)

Wolf Guy - Ookami no Monshou

Complete | tabata yoshiaki | 2007 released

J'avais écrit un truc hyper long et tout a disparu, je suis trop deg' A re-faire merde! Pauvres toutes violées ou presque violées, et certaines tout le temps, trop pas cool Middle schooler 11-14 prof 10 ans de plus vaut se faire un gamin à peine pubère Inugami puceau surprise puis finalement normal, le dragon nympho complètement pété m'a donc horrifiée plus que toute autre chose dans le manga beaucoup trop de narration, inutile a beaucoup de moment et surtout détaille telle celle d'un livre, donc TROP détaillée, étouffant Prof C-cup alors que moi je fait du D, vache à lait Perso qui ont l'air de devenir complètement cinglé dès qu'ils ont la moindre pensée négative, typique des manga seinen, hyper chiant Tout le manga était de la merde, tu commences à le lire parce que Loup + dessin trop beau, tu vois dès les 10 premières pages que c'est de la merde mais Inugami = trop hot alors tu continues quand même (attention réalisons bien qu'il a 14 ans à tout pété, ça refroidit) et au bon d'un moment même le sex appeal d'Inugami n'arrive plus à te retenir, tu n'arrêtes pas de lire seulement pour savoir la fin Et la fin est affreuse, pdt tout le manga tu te pose pratiquement jamais de questions à cause de la narration plus qu'omniprésente qui t'explique tout tout le temps en long et en large, mais pour la fin, là ils réussissent tout à coup à te créer plein de questions irrésolues à cause de problèmes qui n'apparaissent que maintenant, A LA FIN!!!!! WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!! Besoin de sequel. Envies de meurtre. Petite Anecdote de ce manga, durant toute la période où l'auteur essaye de nous convaincre qu'Inugami est mort, la seul chose à laquelle j'arrivais à penser était "Le pauvre, il est mort puceau" XD

Koe wa Shite Namida wa Mienu Nure Karasu

Complete | Unohana | 2000 released

|Chapter 2| Okay, I really loved the first page so I had to read it (thinking something like *I think it's this ridiculous thing they call 'love at first sight'* and then he's alone and yet say out loud "Kaboom" it's so funny XDDD) But sorry, the first make-out is totally illogical for me since Ugouda Rin's tough personnality, and also since Aizawa Seijji seems to try to be a little manipulative towards him, like forcing Ugouda to befriend him but yet thinking of not going too far, he seems to lie when he's saying he's gay (or rather maybe he's really gay and so it means he was lying when he said he only had few gay friends and was okay with it, so in one or other case, he was lying), I mean so he doesn't approach him toughtlessly. Still he precipitately jumps Ugouda when he has a chance? When Ugouda is weak and with a fever? When you think about his character, Ugouda will never let Aizawa even speak to him anymore, so he woudn't have done it.

Love Kids!!

Complete | kitazawa kyou | 2012 released

["Koishite Daddy" - "Love Kids!!" - chap 4-5-6 in "Koisuru Daigo-sensei"]

Iyayoiyayo mo kiss no uchi

Complete | MICHINOKU Atami | 2016 released

|Chapter 4.5| Poor Megumi, what kind of disease is that? Just a slight touch makes him "Woouaaa~". To be so sensible... I pity him.

Window to Window

Complete | Lee Aru,이아루 | 2016 released

"I gonna show you how to make normal sex" The fuck is that reason? Ginu is a fucking hot Tachi in bed: this shape, this body, all these positions (my god, tous les fantasmes des jeunes sexuellement actifs ont été représentés ici par ces deux cons XD) you don't have the time to get bored by their hot times cuz they never do the same thing XD. I wasn't sure he would play his role correctly, but fuck yeah he did great. ... I want the pairing with Dohwan to work out, but most of it is because I want to see him naked... This hot and tall body, moving like Ginu's one, rocking in the night or sweating in day light, looking his muscles contracting while the effort... My god, just imagining it, my temperature went up.

Ookami Papa wa Hitsuji Tsura shite Yatte kuru

Complete | KURUSU Haiji | 2016 released

["Ookami Papa wa Hitsuji Tsura shite Yatte kuru" - "Sensei wa Butchozura Shite Yatte Kuru"] It's sad the "feelings" where just too ridiculous for me, a little too cheezy and the plot is not really logical so it's a down for me. BUT I REAAAAALLY love the "equals" feeling that couple gives off while their hot times ^^ It should be more often like this

Serene bird

Complete | Brothers without a tomorrow | 2000 released

["Serene Bird" - "Mania"] |Chapter 56 - Dropped| C'est super mal écrit, j'en peux plus. The plot isn't really the problem, it's plainly poorly written and doesn't make any sense (events, characters, dialogue). Sometimes, it's rushed and other it's just "fuck the logic". Moreover written by someone who probably doesn't understand these addressed traumas, so makes it worse

Odoru Ecstasy

Complete | natsushita fuyu | 2015 released

|Chapter 2 - Dropped| The hell? Fuck the logic. and why? First, rape, like always, and well it's just bad (this manga).

We Only Held Hands

Ongoing | Nam eunkyung | 2000 released

|Chapter 87| It made me laugh at first, too bad the author didn't keep the mood (it's poorly written so going to serious with the mood make the comic looking lame). The main problem for me is characters building. And there's thing really getting on my nerve, frist Will's tattoo keep changing place or disappearing (not important but I NEED to say it), second characters change their look without reason and logic (the reason is the author need them to be more lovable, I saw it so it's fucking annoying), third the way characters are in love or their dynamic couple ended to be too similar (Like Terry changed too much but ok, then Will ended just like Terry.. why? They are totally not the same)