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Stay At Home For Several Days

y o u . [Answer]
Queenbananya 06 12,2016
Frustrating. Unsatisfying. Life is OK, I have a good job and I'm not necessarily unhappy, I just feel like I can do better. I was happier when I was a student. I guess I'm in that weird early twenties post college stage where you haven't quite given up on your dreams, still believing there is something grand out there for you, but you've began acc......   reply
06 12,2016
I can't see myself tied to a man for the rest of my life. I lose love very easily so I probably will end up divorcing anyway. Better off single until I die.   2 reply
05 12,2016
Twisted mind. [Answer]
05 12,2016
Killing my mother? Not sure that I have.... She does have many struggles and does a lot for me, which I AM grateful for, but why kill her? I've always had one wish in my life, and it to be immortal, because the longer you live, the more time you have to experience somewhat of happiness. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶   reply
05 12,2016
y o u . [Answer]
05 12,2016
I live a normal life with minor daddy issues. I'm young, so I'm taken cared of my my parents, but strive to keep my position in advanced classes. It's tiring, and I don't get enough sleep, but I force myself to stay up. With constant homework, it's hard reading yaoi, but I always do, because it's something I enjoy so much, and will NEVER EVER let g......   2 reply
05 12,2016
No, like, I don't think so. Sorry, couldn't help myself. Seriously though I'm comfortable and not unhappy and I can't picture me being a happy wife at all. I do want to have a kid eventually, I think it's kind of nice to have a little one to look after and watch grow, but most likely I'll adopt an oldish kid. I'm 23 btw, also working adult   1 reply
05 12,2016
y o u . [Answer]
Armonia's Wind 05 12,2016
Hmmm. Well. It's somewhat hard to describe. I'm fairly happy, if that's what you're asking. My life is quite busy as well, and that can sometimes be stressful. I live with a chronic illness, so that does take its toll (and has profoundly affected my life) but I've been doing better, and I'm truly blessed in that aspect. Though the pain and fatigue ......   reply
05 12,2016
I think the most important part of marriage is finding the right person. The concept of getting married has way a lot of importance, and if that's what you want, then props to you. Getting married isn't about social responsibility, but being tied in matrimony to the person you hold closest to you in the world, be it guy or girl. If you don't have t......   1 reply
05 12,2016
Personally, I understand where you're coming from. It DOES seem like the end goal is ultimately marriage and children, so on and so forth. Would I get married? Maybe. Is marriage my only choice? No. I think I would be fine either way, and independence does have its fair share of perks. Ultimately, if you're feeling that pressure to get hitched or m......   2 reply
05 12,2016
I may not be very qualified to answer this question since I'm only almost 15, but I would like to get married and have a family eventually. The problem is if a person can find a suitable partner. I'm not even really sure how you're even supposed start dating in your adult life. I think its okay to dabble a bit in the romance section until you find ......   2 reply
05 12,2016
i won't ever ! I'm still young (18) and I'm guessing that in a few years people will be more open minded about single ppl and those couples who won't "legally" be together I see no problem with that ! plus at first, marriages exist for other reasons : peace between countries, money, for business, etc etc. I don't want more responsibilities, also I......   4 reply
05 12,2016

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