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Phobia [Answer]
29 04,2020
Mine is Cleithrophobia. I don't like being trapped or cornered. I'm fine in small spaces as long as I know there's a way out but not when I'm unable to leave. I think it started when I was young. I did something wrong then my mom cornered me in our c.r. to spill it out but I was too scared (she was so scary that time, it scared the sh*t out of me!)......   reply
29 04,2020
Phobia [Answer]
God 29 04,2020
i have a phobia of being late because my father would get mad cause he would have to drive me to school and he gets very annoyed/ angry   reply
29 04,2020
Phobia [Answer]
29 04,2020
Dromophobia. Was hit by a car when I was 11. Now I wait until the road is absolutely jammed with car so I know I wont be hit by a fast approaching car or when cars are miles away before I even dare cross the road.   1 reply
29 04,2020
Phobia [Answer]
29 04,2020
I've got carpophobia, the fear of veins/wrists. it makes me feel super disgusted and cringe when I see my own or another persons wrists. I can't think of wrists being cut open and even when looking at jesus on the cross makes me want to cut my arms off even now while I'm writing this I've grown really conscious of my wrists and have the same urge.   3 reply
29 04,2020
Phobia [Answer]
Minmi 29 04,2020
My phobia is so stupid lol I didn't even know there was a name for it until recently. I have omphalophobia which is the fear of belly buttons. Idk why I just hate to touch mine or see other touching theirs. I am not actually afraid but I am so disgusted I feel sick. I also have arachnophobia and nyctophobia (yeah I am afraid of the dark like a kid......   2 reply
29 04,2020
Phobia [Answer]
HARP♥ 29 04,2020
literally had to search up the name for this fear. Pediophoba is my phobia, it’s where u fear dolls. i don’t care if it’s barbie or anything but i DESPISE antique dolls. I don’t know if it’s common or i’m just weird, but i’ve had this fear for FOREVER. my mom tried to get me to collect antique dolls when i was younger as a hobby but......   8 reply
29 04,2020
Phobia [Answer]
29 04,2020
I've trypophobia. Since forever. It has always been instinctive. As a child I would destroy or flee things with repetitive holes. As an adult it just disgust me profoundly and I can't stay near something with holes in it. I need to get out of there fast. I don't why I fear holes. Just always been there. I also fear butterflies. I don't know why bu......   5 reply
29 04,2020
Phobia [Answer]
29 04,2020
I think i have some. It's thunder and clown I really hate it whne it's rain and then theres thunder I only cover my ears and waiting . The clown it's ike childhood trauma and it's till so scary. I think i have another one I don't know this count as phobia or not but I'm scared to see a real dick, that's why I hink I'm not gonna have sex forever   1 reply
29 04,2020
Phobia [Answer]
29 04,2020
0 I'm a big boy.ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~   reply
29 04,2020
Phobia [Answer]
Kiseki Seishin 29 04,2020
I have Mottephobia, which is the fear of moths Funny because they are basically harmless to humans I dunno why I fear them but somehow I'm shivering and disgusted when they are close by. My friend once "google image" it and show it to me to tease me. I literally bawled my eyes out with just the picture of it But I'm fine with butterflies tho   reply
29 04,2020

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