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Stupidest Thing Everdone

Clumsy or Stupid [Experience]
brina 29 07,2020
I am known in my family for falling up stairs constantly. The same flight of stairs in are house but that does not mean I don't fall up stairs outside of my house. My first day of college I fell up a flight of stairs that was only 5 steps up and dropped my new computer. Thank god it didn't die or I would have been shit out of luck. I think I just ......   reply
29 07,2020
omfg I'm so dumb [Answer]
29 07,2020
some j fade if they aren’t done properly (esp DIY stick and poke) like within a few weeks or months maybe. if not:‘stick-and-poke’-tattoo-at-home but rubbing salt onto it does not sound safe   reply
29 07,2020
omfg I'm so dumb [Answer]
29 07,2020
Do you know what type of ink your friend used? I can give advice but first PLEASE DON'T HURT YOUR SKIN TRYING STUFF OUT   1 reply
29 07,2020
omfg I'm so dumb [Answer]
DimDim Ditzo 29 07,2020
Yo could get another tattoo to cover it up or lazor removal but it would leave a scar on the skin... idk You could also just cut the whole chunk of skin but that's unsanitary and you might die of blood loss or sepsis so.. .good luck?   reply
29 07,2020
omfg I'm so dumb [Answer]
29 07,2020
Heard rubbing it with salt works but makes your skin raw and hurts like hell. You can try using lemon juice (fresh or store bought are both Ok, but make sure it's all natural without added sugar). Apply 4 times a day and expose your tatt to sunlight if possible. Helps fade your tatt, but this process can take at least 1-2 weeks, depending on the......   1 reply
29 07,2020
omfg I'm so dumb [Question]
29 07,2020
please tell me there's a way to get off stick n poke tattoos cuz I just had a moment of weakness and let my friend do one on me.... it looks so fucking bad lmao.. anyway, seriously, if anyone knows how to get these off, please please please let me know cuz I might die if I have to look at this for the rest of my life.... I'm face palming at myself so hard rn, why do I do shit like this....
29 07,2020
indecisive [Experience]
28 07,2020
super embarassing. i want to die when this comes back to my mind. i was like 12 or so and went snowboarding, but i didnt know whether to turn left or right and i couldn't stop so i ended up pushing an old man (he was like 60 LMFAO) and we both tumbled into a tree. i blacked out unfortunately so ion really remember much but i am SO SORRY from the bo......   reply
28 07,2020
15 07,2020
When i was a kid, i like this hair tie and i tied it around my wrist because i thought it was pretty. It was quite tight. Then i sleep with it without knowing that it could get in the way of your blood circulation. When i woke up in the morning, my hand were all blue and bloated, and i cant feel anything on that hand. Thank god it went back to norm......   reply
15 07,2020
i apologised when a teacher hit me by opening a door, he was confused and everyone else that saw was too.   3 reply
02 06,2020
kurodesu 02 06,2020
I heard my friends talk about hentai.. so i asked them about it but they just laugh it off.. and then i tried to search about it but i dont know how to spell hentai at that time.. so, i spelled it like this.. 'handtie'.. luckily, understand what im trying to search.. how i miss my innocence mind.. i wish i didnt know about this kind of th......   reply
02 06,2020

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