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Stupidest Thing Everdone

mixer [Experience]
Replica 02 06,2020
My mom started to teach me how to bake a cake. In the middle of it i started daydreaming and my hair got tangled with mixer and the dough was all over my hair.   reply
02 06,2020
skinned finger [Experience]
02 06,2020
as a dumbass kid I stuck my middle finger in a running treadmill. The skin was ripped down to the bone and I still remember howling with my finger in iced water.   reply
02 06,2020
we dumb asl [Experience]
HARP♥ 04 05,2020
held my breath while going into a community pool bc i forgot i wasn’t under water yet.   reply
04 05,2020
02 05,2020
So when I was younger about 7 years old, I would usually go to our bathroom and pee obviously. Until one time I saw on a corner near the bathroom with a little bit of water in it. Their were these tiny wiggly thingies in it and to my curiosity I asked myself "How about I take care of these" me, a child, expecting that it would grow into some kind o......   1 reply
02 05,2020
28 04,2020
One of the many stupid things I had done as a child was this... So my siblings and I would love to play ‘House’ together outside in the garden and we (especially moi) were very creative about it. It was on a summer afternoon after having a barbecue, and I was collecting some ‘ingredients’ to ‘cook’ with (I was playing). So I would pick......   reply
28 04,2020
Well it's not the most stupidest thing I've done but my brother's done... When my brother was like 8, I guess he wanted to make a YouTube video or something, so he started recording in the living room where me and my 3 year old sister where hanging out at. My brother was like 5 meters away from my sister and said "Peanut head (name calling) your......   reply
28 04,2020
God 28 04,2020
i saw one of those videos where they cut cardboard to make something cool so i grabbed some cardboard and a box cutter it was going fine then i was just like uhh it was like ripping paper but only the right side and then i looked down and that cut was so close to the vein on my risk i was scared not because of the cut it was because of the bleedin......   reply
28 04,2020
Stupid a and really dangerous thing I did ig...good times tho haha If you don’t wanna read the long ass story I wrote, long story short, I almost drowned because I thought I could swim to my sister in a deep pool. Luckily this kid saved me cuz I grabbed onto the back of his shirt lol Anyways so this happened probably when I was...5?? It was at......   reply
28 04,2020
19 04,2020
Too many...but probably when I told my teacher I got drunk in front of the whole class because I wanted to be cool and she was going to call the police so I cried the whole day and I still haven't told my parents. They forgot to in the end and I never actually got drunk, not to mention here you are allowed to drink with your parents permission in y......   reply
19 04,2020
I love animals and when I was little I went to my farm. I found a dog that’s was infested with ticks and fleas of course I didn’t know what that was and I just had thought it was a different type of dog with friends. My dad told me to not touch it I didn’t but late at night I went out to look for it and I found it . I grabbed it and I took it......   1 reply
19 04,2020

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