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01 08,2020
i hate myself but i am a whore for cliche tropes... y'know the playboy ones i just-- i think it's cuz i started my whole internet life on wattpad and i grew up with those stories soo yee yee-- fuck nostalgiaa!! alsoo,, i would like to read alpha/beta or alpha/alpha or omega/omega cuz i think it will be angst-filled and just rlly cute!! alsooo,, m......   reply
01 08,2020
⌖ — EMIL 08 06,2020
honestlyy i think reincarnation manga/manwha r overused but i still like em!! gimme all the isekais,,, buuut;; i think another cliche is (in yaoi) those umm,, cliches were the ukes r girly/feminine?? not like i hate it but aah theres 2 many !! thent heres also the "im only gay 4 u" thing   reply
08 06,2020
JustUltraCurious [Answer]
TINY TIMMY 08 06,2020
Don't stop feeding your cat or give it up during quarantine. People are such Jenks.   reply
08 06,2020
JustUltraCurious [Answer]
08 06,2020
don’t kick your cat.   reply
08 06,2020
JustUltraCurious [Question]
chika 08 06,2020
Are there any insider's tips to keeping a pet healthy in mind and body? Like is it up to personality whether they need solitary life or in need of a partner? What kind of future planning do people look out for like the basics in maintaining a stable budget and resources for pet cats? Had any miracle experiences happened with your cat? Do tell. (ΦωΦ)
08 06,2020
I still miss them [Experience]
Devilish Angel
10 08,2019
My brother and I rescued 2 kitties when we were in school.. We raised them as our own family members.. They were there with us till their last breath. It was really painful, when they one by one passed away.. I suffered the most, was fallen sick for 1 month after the first one.. I still miss them, even it's already 15yrs since then. Sometimes in my......   1 reply
10 08,2019
I DIID! [Experience]
05 08,2018
she was adorable and the fur was so cute and it was so fluffy .it was a gift from my cousins, like woow i could just sunk my face onto the fur. We named it Ciel meaning sky it has snow white fur and a little gray too. too bad i dont have a picture in my pc.   reply
05 08,2018
Her name was kailen [Experience]
05 08,2018
Me and my husband found a box full of kitties back when we were highschool students, i hated animals back then but he was sure adopting a cat would help with my depression... so he ordered me to get one of the cats to leave to his house, he didnt even warn his mother! She was very agressive, but as she grew up she became very playful and lovely... ......   1 reply
05 08,2018
what do you enjoy? [Question]
04 08,2018
Just curious, what would you like to read a story about. Like what plot or idea or representation would you like to read in manga.
Or on the other hand what tropes do you think are overused or cliched?
04 08,2018
All my children [Question]
03 11,2017
All my cats are former strays. Right now I have 7!
The last 3 ( Xingke, Marble & Fatboy)we rescued last July when my neighbors made such a fuzz about the kittens meowing that they unceremoniously kicked out momma cat and in her panic she left her babies behind. Later she came for them but she took them under a car in the alley where they ran the risk of getting runned over. Sadly we made the decision to take the babies away from her in order to save them from being runned over. One of the babies ended up dying and we found a good home for another but we kept the remaining 3.
The other 4 have varying degrees of stories.
Tiki ( my oldest, about 10 yrs.)-one Sunday morning my brother comes in "there's a cat under the house and I think she has kittens!" She didn't, but since we always have the door open she waltzed right in and went under the bed. We felt bad kicking her out. I think she was an indoor cat before because she wouldn't go out even with the door open and when I got her fixed the doctor said she had never had kittens even though she was about 2 yrs. old
Nikita-(6 yrs. old)- We found her under the hood of my brother's car. She snuck in when he went to play soccer at a park.
Eikichi- Some neighbor brought this cat from her neighborhood when she moved because there was a dog that would attack him. He was left outside so he made his way over to my place and didn't leave.
Shion- my mom started feeding what she thought was a very pretty female cat. Ended up being a very pretty male. He's very skittish, almost feral.
Felix- I used to feed as a stray until one day he came in limping and when I took him to the vet it was found out that he'd been shot. His paw was broken and after that he became my cat. He went MIA last March.
Others I've had and lost, Ikki (my 1st cat), Kyo( my 2nd cat), Gregorio aka Goyo(aka Haineko), Felix and Kiba
03 11,2017

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