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Make A Fudanshi Friend

13 10,2020
Id say test them little by little if they seem against it dont, atleast not until you can live on your own and fend for yourself.   1 reply
13 10,2020
13 10,2020
If i were you, i wouldn't say anything. If your still wanna say, just find a good chance, if they're talk about LGBTQ+ you can subtly tell them ( w joking tone ) maybe they'll notice your actions and time by time will accept you. Actually idk either cuz my mom was a bi so i don't know your situation much   1 reply
13 10,2020
13 10,2020
Aaah! Im sorry I can't really help you out there, but I would try coming out to them when your out of their house. They can't really do anything to you/ tell you what to do when your not under their house anymore. But you should still be free to be yourself and if you do have any open-minded friends then I would open little by little to them ^^ I g......   1 reply
13 10,2020
Coming out advice [Question]
13 10,2020
I think I'm gay and it's hard to come out to my parents since 1, they're asian and 2, they don't accept their children, me, to be a part of lgbtq+. Although they are fine with the lgbtq+ community, they just can't accept if it's their children being one. I'm still scared to show my gay side since I mainly act like a man they want and expect me to be and it's taking a huge toll in my self-confidence. None of my friends know about me being one and it's just as scary to come out to them as well. Do any of you have any advice?
13 10,2020
Not yet but I will soon   reply
13 10,2020
Lmao I laughed so hard at this question   reply
13 10,2020
I'll prolly have one if it's like this   reply
13 10,2020
Wait, you guys don't mental breakdown everyday?   reply
13 10,2020
So much school work   1 reply
13 10,2020
Yes :D I was on Google searching (image search) for the webtoon or whatever this belongs too (pls tell me before I fully repent) But I realized a bit later, that I was still on my school account. The school got it so they can see your search history and shit. So I'm just praying that I magically get turned into a brick :)   4 reply
13 10,2020

Search thing


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