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26 06,2017
Are you hurting anyone with your fetish? If not, you have NOTHING to be ashamed of. Your friend is a sheltered prude. That works for her, so that's good. I've been involved with BDSM clubs and conventions for thirty years. The only thing I am ashamed of is having injured a partner accidentally when I was younger. If your partner likes to be kissed,......   1 reply
26 06,2017
Leviathan 26 06,2017
Noooooooooooooooo never be ashamed for something that you love! If you truly like those things and they make you happy, then your friends should respect that and not put you down for the things you like. Also foreplay if very standard and vanilla compared to other kinks, so your friends are just weird and need to explore the internet a little but m......   1 reply
26 06,2017
26 06,2017
Don't be ashamed. We all have them. We just don't share them with everyone cuz yknow not everyone feels comfortable hearing about it. The way she said it has everything to do with her perspective, not with yours.   reply
26 06,2017
Yuki 26 06,2017
I wouldn't be ashamed and you shouldn't to. I mean, in the end, it's something that should interest only you and your partner. If my partner would like this kinda stuff I would at least try it out (more bc I alsolike taht kinda stuff lol).   reply
26 06,2017
26 06,2017
Well you see, I'm pretty open about my kinks and fetishes and stuff with some of my close friends but this one time I told one of my friends and she told me that "I should be ashamed of them, and never talk about them. I should NEVER ask a man to do things like that" Now your thinking "Bms or s and m" But it was just teasing, Foreplay, stuff like that. Should I be ashamed? If you SO asked you to do that, would you?
26 06,2017
Fetishes [Experience]
AAA 14 06,2017
I love it when a guy smells good, whether he's wearing deodorant or not. I also have a thing for dimples, and perfect teeth.   1 reply
14 06,2017
Mhmm [Experience]
09 06,2017
Yeah I guess I have few of them... The first of them all are love marks. Hickeys and bites and I lose my mind, even more if they are licked after being made. I just shivered at the mere thought of it lmao Then it may sound weird but when the seme puts his fingers in the uke's mouth, is there even a name for this? It's possibly because of my erogeno......   reply
09 06,2017
Fetishes [Experience]
Passerby-san 09 06,2017
Think of every fetish you know that's either gross or messed up in any way. I've probably gotten off to it. And if I haven't, I will.   reply
09 06,2017
Fetishes&Kinks [Experience]
08 06,2017
Fetishes: Long hair on guys,THIS► collorbones, bangs and short height, red hair and shyness for girls. I wanna lick the screen ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Kinks: Harness on ukes. Chains, maybe.   reply
08 06,2017
I have SO many kinks... regarding yaoi *psht* of course. At this point, I honestly think it's unhealthy how many I have. But, for my sake, I'll only point out a few: I LOVE foreplay. Holy. Shit. When the seme grabs dat ass ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I LOVE "chains" if you get my drift... When the seme ties up the helpless uke (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ Of cou......   1 reply
08 02,2017

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