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Theyre fucking in public spaces 24/7   1 reply
24 01,2024
No condoms in this soup   1 reply
24 01,2024
Gonna be honest I thought we’re cooking like bl couples. Literally.   1 reply
24 01,2024
don't forget the best part! the bottom has HUGE amounts of debt because a family member of his is ill (bonus points if said family member raised him)   1 reply
24 01,2024
why'd nobody say amputation? nobody tryna be amputeed hajime? shocking truly   3 reply
24 01,2024
Homophobic gay ml mhm delicious   reply
24 01,2024
a little bit of piss...   1 reply
24 01,2024
You gotta season it with random everyday objects going in places where the sun don't shine   1 reply
24 01,2024
Let's make it a series that runs for 10 years with still no end in sight or the main couple getting together, but they have had sex many, many times   reply
24 01,2024
gotta have a good power imbalance, so add some dubcon   reply
24 01,2024

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