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Funniest fandom? [Answer]
croissant 07 10,2020
ok so i know some bnha fans are a bit cuckoo, but props to those who makes memes because they are ~gold~ also mdzs and tbh just any mxtx fandom have memes that have made me wheeze and slap the table for a solid 10 minutes straight also heres just a bonus meme that made me laugh but also yell and throw my ipad across the room   1 reply
07 10,2020
There’s good and bad sides to every fandom, but some aspects of the BNHA community are very uuh However, I still really enjoy the series! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   1 reply
07 10,2020
croissant 07 10,2020
im in PE this semester too, but luckily our teacher doesnt make us turn on our cameras or anything (so i mean if you dont wanna like, exercise then you can kinda just chill cuz no one will know lol). if they do make you turn on cameras then i would just say my cameras broken, or my laptop doesnt have a camera. either way i wish you the best of luck......   reply
07 10,2020
okay so heres my thoughts: i personally watch the anime and am in the process of reading the manga, and i would say its a good watch/read! however some of the fans are definitely a bit, er, over enthusiastic about some things (cough cough, shipping, cough). if you can manage to block out some of the toxicity i highly recommend it though! im general......   reply
07 10,2020
never watched the anime because of the fandom. they scare me more and more each day.   reply
06 10,2020
Milf_hunter69 06 10,2020
uhh ask like a person who specializes in dating or something,this is a manga site?but uh idk do what you wanna do i mean as long as you're legal its fine?   reply
06 10,2020
okay, i'm actually getting more into MHA and i think the storyline is pretty bomb. it's definitely overrated, yeah. but it's still good. the fandom on the other hand, is a whole other story.   1 reply
06 10,2020
I'm so tired of seeing DekuxBakugo dj on the homepage of every single manga site, don't understand why people care so much about this ship when Deku is deadass the most boring character in the entire anime. I love Bakugo but being forced to see his naked ass on the top 5 doujinshi list every goddamn day is starting to ruin him for me.   3 reply
06 10,2020
ehh,honestly I'm not much of a fan of the anime or the fandom,honestly the fandom is a mess,and the anime is just wayy to boring for me,i watched a couple seasons before i dropped it   reply
06 10,2020
lord...honestly i enjoyed the anime, i streamed like the first 2 seasons but when i saw the fandom... the way i got flammed for saying i don’t like bakudeku and like izuocha(•‿•). i’m on anitiktok so it’s almost like impossible for me to avoid mha tiktok and they over sexualize like all the characters, its worse when they try to defend ......   2 reply
06 10,2020

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